
I like to write because it lets me preserve thoughts so I can move onto others. I was editor-in-chief of my school literary magazine in high school, and also president of the Poet's Society. I don't write for anything in particular anymore...just for my own pleasure (except in the case of stuff for classes...that has a final purpose.) Here you can find two categories of writing that I have done.

This poem is not mine but it inspired me, since I am a woman of science. Letter from Caroline Herschel (1750-1848)


I used to have over 80 poems...but all of that was erased off my home computer when someone reformatted our hard drive. I cried for a long time, and was understandably pissed. That was fall 1997, if I recall. I have written *some* poetry since then, but I am not as prolific as I was in high school.

*NEW*Sonnet of Transience- There's this blackboard here at the labs, on a hill, where people can write whatever they want. This is what I wrote.

Morning - Mmm. I love mornings at Marshfield. I also like seeing my best friends when I haven't for a while.

Honey - I would love to know what you think of this. It's got a lot of my favorite things in it (except the ocean...)

Deepest Blue - This has nothing to do with chess...

Challenger - I just wrote this really fast. It's not typical. It gives me the same feeling as the subject matter, so I suppose art imitates life.

November - Some of my best poetry is written in math class...no idea why. ;-)

November sonnet - I liked November's imagery so much, I decided to write a somewhat similar sonnet.

IRC - This is about chatting with people on the computer, and how it affects people.

Shark and Seal - I want to make this into a childrens' story...except I think it's too violent.

Sleep - Mmmm...sleep. This is more about snuggling, but still...mmmm.

Sonnet for the Drunk - I wrote this for a guy online who calles himself Fat Man. He had an awful hangover...and felt it deserved poetry.

Sonnet of Sleep - Ah, sleep yet again. This time, though, the condiions are different.

Thunderstorm - I wrote this in about 10 minutes. I needed another submission for a poetry class I was trying to get into.

Sonnet to a Linguist - I have a weak spot for guys who have wonderful vocabulary, and care about words.

Short Fiction

This has become my favorite thing to write recently, although I find myself with a lot of unfinished works.

Know - Most of this was written for my 12th grade English class. I added some stuff to it, but truthfully I'm not sure if I should have. If it is meant to be longer, it is unfinished. I classify it as somewhat cheesy, due to excessive flirting within it.

The Linguists - I wrote this when someone asked me to...in fact, some people reading this might even know who I'm talking about. The story makes it blatantly obvious. I think it is unfinished, but it is tolerable where it is right now. (News Flash: the person who this story is about read it and insulted it. Some people...)

The Smooth Rock - My friend Jonathan asked me to tell him a story when we were chatting online. I kept it because it was cute. Here it is.

Ratty - This is more like creative non-fiction. I wrote it in the cafeteria (The "Ratty").

Ratty, part 2 - The exciting (ok...maybe mediocre and a good way to waste a few minutes...) sequel to "Ratty"

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