Compilation of notes to myself

Whenever I need to remember something (usually something I need or want to do) I usually write it on my hand if there isn't a piece of paper handy. As you can imagine, these notes are pretty random, and may even seem entertaining to an outside I decided to compile a running list. The note as written is in bold text. The explanation is in italics. Yes, this is how my brain works, and also somewhat explains why I know so much "random-ass shit" as my friends call it.
zeta look up what a lowercase zeta looks like
mail: Kara, Em, Ryan! mail the things you need to mail to Kara and Emmett, finish Ryan's letter and send him his package
No. look up the origin of No. as an abbreviation for "number"
360 find out why there are 360 degrees in a circle
$: rent, curl pay rent and curling lesson fee
elbow articulation find a picture of the articulation of the elbow joint
Home Depot find the nearest Home Depot
web- song put the song that's stuck in my head on the Songs That Get Stuck In My Head page
temp find out the current water temperature near Woods Hole
storystart the story I came up with at lunch
journalfinish my journal entry
web workupdate webpages
e-mail Phil find out about apartments on the Upper Cape since I'm leaving the Fay's
pin list get the list of pins made by the Brown Band
Mac buy a few books on Macs...because although I know how to use them, I've recently been appointed the lab's "computer person" and all we have are Macs
breaker/roller find out the different kinds of waves and why they're that way
neap-etym find out the etymology of the word "neap"
bary- etym (pressure? bari/bary...) find out the etymology of the prefix "bary-"
cold H20 -> P find out why cold water makes people have to pee
moon on "wrong" side find out the term for when the moon is on various sides of the earth (between the sun and earth, and "behind" the earth)
info- concerts find out information about the concerts I'm going to this weekend
Zoolander rent Zoolander

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