Lunar: Middleground IRC RPG Session Three
Session Start: Sat Jun 22 19:59:13 1996

Cast Of Characters:

Hahn as "Gamemaster, Forbalus, Chief, Vile Demon, Anor, Ilsi, 
	   and Cave Lizard 1"
Iceberg as "Iceberg"
Dragonmaster Blake as "Ebony The Flying Cat"
Dragonmaster Lou as "Lou"  (Hahn as ~Lou)
Vecna as "Eomar"  (Hahn as ~Eomar)
Ronfar as "Davis"
Miko as "Miko"
Nall as "Bulix"
Kenshiro as "Thesian"
True Blue as "Cave Lizards, Spitterbats, Vile Peons, and Citizen"

Intermission courtesy of the "Banana Pirates"

---The group is bandaging wounds from the last battle.  The torch Lou 
lit is still shining brightly.---

~Lou: "Wow! Now *that* was an adventure! I guess I shouldn't 
  have lit that torch, though."
Iceberg: "My blue robe is now with some blue blood..."
* Ebony licks a cut across his side.
* Miko is nursing her injured shoulder.
Thesian: "Quick check.  Anybody need healing?"   
~Eomar: "We should continue. We can't stay here any longer 
  than we need to."
Thesian: "I agree, Eomar.  Let's get moving"
Iceberg: "Let's go for that holy diamond.  We're late..."
Bulix: "Holy diam..? Oh yeah."
* Thesian nudges Iceberg. "I don't suppose you've got any magic that 
  can point out those diamonds, do you?"
Iceberg: "My magic sense doesn't give me any feeling about the 
  diamonds...But I'll continue trying...

---The passage winds down at a steep downward angle.  The torch is 
providing sufficient light. Now you can all see the beauty of the 
reflective, black walls.---

* Thesian begins to walk further down the passage.
* Iceberg continues walking in the back part...
* Ebony walks over to Miko. "Miko..?"
Miko: "Ebony? Yes?"
Ebony: "You know about me, but I don't know about you."
* Miko looks confused. "Ebony? I know nothing about you. I have never 
  seen anything like you before..."
Ebony: "You know I've lived my whole life in the circus.  That has 
  been my life."
* Miko looks at Ebony, but she doesn't answer him.
Ebony: "You don't want to tell me, Miko?"
Miko: "Ebony.. It's just that... I don't know what to tell you..."
Ebony: "Where are you from?"
* "Ebony, Davis knows where I am from better than I do. I would never 
  find my own way home." Miko continues to follow the others.
Ebony: "Are you lost?"
* Miko looks uncomfortable as a result of Ebony's questioning. 

---The ceiling gets lower as the passage continues.  The ceiling has a 
sharp decline and now is about 8 feet high.  All titans must now leave 
the party.---

*Bulix grumbles and leaves. "Geez.." 
* Miko checks the low ceiling for disgusting things...
Iceberg: "Well, only spiders..."
* Thesian listens carefully for suspicious sounds.
* Bulix looks around, grumbling. "I hate this place.."

---The walls become more featured and wavy.  They also shine 

Ebony: "It's beautiful..."
Iceberg: "Lou, light the walls a little nearer..."
* Ebony looks around in wonder.
~Lou: "Wow. I can't believe this place."

---A very distinct glimmer comes from a wall about 50 yards away 
on the left side.  Ebony sees a large chunk of clear, dark, sparkling 
stone embedded inside the cave wall.  The stone is completely inside 
the wall, about 5 feet in or so.  The stone almost mocks you from its 
embedded position.---

* Thesian spots the light and heads toward it.
Ebony: "Hey, look. Is that a diamond?"  
Iceberg: "Let's go to that Diamond!!"
Ebony: "Hey, come see, Miko!"
* Miko heads toward the sparkling stone, eyes wide with wonder.
~Eomar: "Thesian, quite a find, eh?"
* Thesian stares. "Wow, look at the size of that thing."
* Ebony touches a paw to the diamond.  "This seems familiar..."
Miko: "Davis... What is it?  Have you ever seen anything like this?"  
Davis: "Miko, Not sure.  I can't really tell."
* Miko looks at Ebony. "Ebony? Do *you* know?"
Ebony: "I dunno."
* Miko peers deep inside the stone.
* Davis tries to get a close look at it.
Iceberg: "May we lift the stone?"
Thesian: "Bulix, Do ya think you could budge it?"
Bulix: "Me? With it stuck like that? I dunno."
* Bulix kicks the wall next to the stone and shrugs. "Solid.."
Davis: "I doubt there is much that can get us though this..."
Bulix: "Well.. Do we.. keep.. looking?"
Thesian: "Well, there's got to be more where that one came from.  
  Let's keep moving."
Ebony: "There's probably more, not stuck."
* Thesian pulls at the stone halfheartedly, then shrugs and keeps 
* Ebony flutters up and lands on Miko's uninjured shoulder.

---The passage beckons...  It becomes slightly darker, even with the 
torch.  The decline continues to go down. Continue?---  

* Thesian peers down into the darkness, then heads that way 
* Bulix follows.
* Iceberg continues the way down.  "Better we could keep aware of the 

---The passage quickly turns into a dead end, but by the torch's 
light, you can see several, smaller sparkling stones inside the walls, 
all of them just as embedded.---

~Lou: "Wow..."
Iceberg: "How many can we pick up?"
~Eomar: "I've never heard of anything that can cut stone like 
  this, though."
Bulix: "Great..."
Davis: "Man, there isn't going to be any way to get those... This 
  really bites the big one."
* Ebony is distracted from Miko, hops to the ground and searches 
  the wall.
* Davis checks out the place for anything that could be a switch 
  or something.

---The torch reveals a small crawlway on the ground at the 
dead end.  The crawlway appears jagged and small...  It appears very 
tight and painful, as formations of stone stick out from the inside 

Iceberg: "Maybe we need now to crawl..."
* Ebony pauses and looks down the crawlway. "I see a diamond.  There's 
  a diamond in there, and its not stuck in the wall."

---All eyes peer toward Lou, the smallest humanoid of the group.---

* Thesian shrugs. "I think it's up to Lou and Ebony."
Iceberg: "Lou, I think it's your turn to earn some experience..."
Davis: "Me, too."
~Lou: "I... uh... Is there really, cat?!"
Ebony: "My NAME is Ebony."
Bulix: "Couldn't we.... send in Ebony? Ebony.. do you think you 
  could get it?"
Ebony: "I don't think I could pull it out by myself."
* ~Lou crouches down on the ground. "Wow. I want that diamond. Fear 
  not, people. I can handle this."
~Eomar: "Thesian, this kid's sure rarin' to go, isn't he?"
* Thesian nods. "Yeah Eomar. I like his style -- He knows what he 
Iceberg: "So, what are we waitin'?"
* ~Lou slides himself along into the crawlway.
* Ebony pauses for a second, starts to follow Lou, a lot more easily.
* Thesian looks around. "Better make sure we cover his back..."
Iceberg: "If now appear some monsters I'll freeze myself..."
* Miko looks at Davis. "Davis, this is so exciting. Thanks for 
  bringing me along."
* Davis looks at Miko. "Thanks."

---His voice is heard echoing... "Whoa! That thing's right! There's a 
big rock sticking out from the ground!"  You hear grunts as Lou 
apparently pulls on something.------

Ebony: "That thing?!?"
* Ebony gives Lou a scratch to his butt.
Iceberg: "Now it's Lou's turn to freak the ca.. Ebony up..." 
* Ebony exits the crawlway and lets Lou handle it himself.
~Lou: "I need some help. Someone has to dig away this dirt." 
* Miko volunteers. "Can I do anything?"
Iceberg: "May I go in, Lou?"
Ebony: "No one else can fit past him.  He's blocking the passage."
Thesian: "Lou, can you move it?"
~Lou: "Grrr... I think I can, but I just need to dig away 
  a little... ugh... dirt underneath it. Ugh... No matter how hard I 
  pull, it keeps on getting buried."
Iceberg: "Go on, Lou! Is that difficult?"
* Ebony peeks back in. "Oh? Do you need help from 'that thing'?"
~Lou: "Ughh... ahhh... gr... Um... Sure! Ebony... I'd... 
  appreciate your help, please."
* Ebony sighs and heads back in, squeezes by Lou.  "Be nicer in 
  the future."
* Miko leans down and looks into the passage to see what's going on.
* Ebony starts digging at the stone's base.
~Lou: "I... I think it's working!"
* Ebony grumbles, "This is hard."
~Lou: "Thanks, Ebony! I think... I... almost... have... it..."
Iceberg: "HoorraY!!! Get the diamond from Tyffany's and return to the 
* Ebony waits for Lou to pull it free and hit his head on the ceiling.

---You hear a loud pop of released suction.  The ground sinks as Lou 
and Ebony fall!---

Ebony: "Hey!  Ahhh....!"
* Ebony is too surprised to use his wings.  Ebony is gone.
Bulix: "Holy..!"
Iceberg: "¿Que pasa?"
* Miko looks into the passage... "Ebony..?"

---There is now a large hole!  Inside the crawlway, Lou, Ebony, and 
the diamond are GONE!---

Thesian: "What the? Cat? Lou? Are you all right in there? Hello?"
* Iceberg looks inside the hole and shouts, "Ebony!! Lou!!"
Cave Lizard 1: "Hmm... I sure wish I could help..."
* Bulix whirls around, temporarily struck dumb, as his brain can't 
  handle all this at once.
Thesian: "Cave lizard!"
* Thesian fumbles for his sword.
* Iceberg prepares the Ice spell...


	The party is surprised!
	The back row and front row are switched!
	Enemy group: 3 Cave Lizards in front, 3 Spitter Bats in back.
	Spitter Bat A spits at Miko!  Miko is hit for 1 dmg.
	Spitter Bat B spits at Iceberg!  Iceberg is hit for 1.
	Spitter Bat C spits at Bulix!  Bulix's defense absorbs the blow.
	Thesian moves into the front row...
	Davis moves into the front row.
	Miko lashes out with her saber...
	Cave Lizard A is sliced for 8 damage.
	Iceberg holds his cane up in the air...

Iceberg: "*hielo Ast Xaroth*" (Frost Dagger in elven magic language)

	A sharp silver of ice is driven into Spitter Bat A.
	Spitter Bat A suffers 22 damage. Defeated.
	Bulix charges CL B with a punch... 10 damage.
	2nd attack...Critcal hit! CL B sufffers 32 damage. Defeated.
	3rd attack... CL C suffers 9 damage.
	Reinforcements have arrived.  Cave Lizards D and E and 
	Spitter Bats D and E have joined the battle.

Iceberg: "AHH!! That's not fair!!!" 

	Thesian slashes... Cave Lizard A suffers 9 damage.
	Spitter Bat B spits at Davis... 

Spitter Bat: "Puh Too!"

	Davis suffers 1.

Davis: "Spitter Bat! You take that back!!!"

	Spitter Bat C spits at Thesian... Thesian suffers 1.
	Davis stabs outward...
	Critical Hit! CL A suffers 22 damage. Killed.
	Second attack.. CL C suffers 7.
	Cave Lizard C bites Iceberg... Iceberg suffers 2.

Iceberg: "Ouch!! I'll bite it!!!"
Cave Lizard: "Hissssssss!"

	Cave Lizard D charges Davis... Davis suffers 2.
	Cave Lizard E bounds after Thesian... Thesian suffers 1 damage.
	Miko moves around, then makes a decisive attack after CL C...
	CL C suffers 8..
	Iceberg charges a Spitter Bat...The attack misses.

Spitter Bat: "Ha Ha!"

	The enemies back away... There are 3 lizards and 4 bats left. 
	They appear to be taking a predatory stance.
	Bulix prepares to charge Cave Lizard E... CL E suffers 10 damage.
	Second attack... 11 damage.
	Third attack... 12 damage. CL E is killed.

* Cave Lizard realizes he is dead... "Ouch!"

 	Spitter Bat B spits at Bulix... The attack misses.
	Spitter Bat C spits at Davis... The attack missed.
	Spitter Bat D spits at Miko... Miko suffers 2.
	Thesian brandishes his saber...
	Reinforcements have arrived.
	Ebony and Lou have joined the party.

Iceberg: "This is cooler than myself..."
* Ebony calls out, "Miko!"
* Bulix nods breifly to Ebony and Lou. "Glad you could make it."

	Thesian dashes forward...
	A small black figure flies in front of Thesian.
	Ebony attacks with huge, stone talons...
	Critical Hit! Cave Lizard B suffers 14 damage. Dead.

Cave Lizard: "Arrrrrrrrrghissssssssss!"

	Second attack...  Hit! Cave Lizard C suffers 4 damage.
	Thesian recovers, and charges Cave Lizard D.

Cave Lizard: "Oh, Sssssssssssssshit."

 	Cave Lizard D suffers 9.
	Davis stabs out... Critcal Hit! Cave Lizard D suffers 28. 

Davis: "See what you get when messing with me?  "

	Second attack... Spitter Bat B suffers 8.
	Miko rushes with her saber in hand... Spitter Bat B suffers 8.
	Iceberg concentrates on Spitter Bat C...

Iceberg: "*warth hielo!!!*"

	Spitter Bat C is hit with a dagger of ice. 21 damage. Defeated.
 	Bulix charges Spitter Bat E... 12 damage. Pow! Pow!
	2nd attack... 10 damage.  Killed.
	3rd attack... SB D suffers 14.
	Spitter Bat B flees in panic... ...and escapes.
	Spitter Bat D files away... ...and escapes.
 	Victory!  The party has won. Each player receives 8 XP. 
	The party earns 16 silver and 80 MEXP.

~Lou: "Whew. I'm glad I got to you guys in time!  What on earth 
* Ebony is sporting some stone claws and teeth, which vanish as they 
  are no longer needed.
* Miko runs to Ebony. "Ebony, I was really worried about you. Hey... 
  What were those things you were wearing on your paws..?"
Ebony: "I found them!"  
~Lou: "I got the diamond!  You guys missed the COOLEST underground 
  cave thing!"
Thesian: "Great job Lou!"
~Lou: Well, the future Dragonmaster has to be as skilled as me!  Wow. 
  I can't wait to see this stone in the sunlight!
Ebony: I found a big statue of a dragon, and there was a statue that 
  looked like me with it.
Miko: Ebony, did you really see a statue of a dragon? How did you know 
  it was a dragon? What do dragons look like? Are they real?
Iceberg: What dragon? What colour?
Ebony: It was a statue made out of black rock, and... there was a 
  statue of... me with it... or, at least something like me.

---A nice calm seems to come over the cavern.---

* Bulix grumbles. "Anyway, let's get back to it."
* Ebony mutters, "Miko, I was worried when I heard you all fighting."
Miko: "Ebony, I was more worried about you!"
~Lou: "Hey, Ebony, what's this weird black ring you gave me?  It's 
  really cool looking."
Ebony: "I dunno.  The voice told me to take it."
Iceberg: "I feel some magical power inside the ring.  Take care..."
Thesian: "Voice?  What voice?"
~Lou: "Yeah, what was that voice you were babbling about? No one 
  else was in that place."
Ebony: "THE voice... I think it was the dragon..."
~Lou: "That dragon sure was cool. If it didn't take getting 
  the wind knocked out of me to get down there, I'd go again."
Iceberg: "Maybe a temple for the Old dead Black Dragon..."
~Lou: "I wanna go see it again! Hey, wait... That hole's gone!"
Ebony: "Gone?!?"
* Ebony hops and looks where the hole was.
Ebony: "But... I wanted to talk to the dragon again..."
Bulix: "Hole don't just.. I hate this place."
Iceberg: "This couldn't be a hallucination..."
~Lou: "Yeah, there was a small hole leading back here, but I 
  don't see it now."
* Bulix looks around, and mutters "I hate this place," one last time, 
  then turns to the others. "Can we get out of here before more of those
  blasted bat-things show up?"
Davis: Bulix, Uhh, good idea.  Let's go before things get worse.
Iceberg: Right idea, Bulix... Let's go to Ilsi's and get some rest 
  and herbs!
* Thesian nods. "Yes, we'd better get going."
* Ebony looks sad at the prospect of leaving without seeing the 
  dragon again.
~Lou: "Hey, Ebony, what are those rocks you're wearing?
  They look cool!"
Ebony: "The little statue gave them to me."
* Ebony's weapons disappear as they are not needed.  Ebony is still 
  wearing the collar though.
Ebony: Neat huh?
~Lou: "What do you mean, 'Gave them to you'?"
* Ebony flutters over and lands on Miko's shoulder.
~Lou: "So, should I carry the rock?"
Ebony: "No need."
~Lou: "Ahh... so I suppose 'you' want to carry our diamond so 
  it can match your stuff, right?"
Ebony: "We need the diamond to use the teleport spell. I don't care 
  who carries it."
Thesian: "Now that we've got that rock, we can get into the tower, 
Iceberg: "Holy diamond could heal us all... take the hint?" 
* Ebony says, with a sigh, "Let's go..."
* Miko is happy that Ebony is safe and begins to walk back in the 
  opposite direction at Ebony's request.
~Lou: "Well, do you want the diamond or not? I suppose you did help 
  me get it..."
Iceberg: "Get out of here now! I fear more holes to appear in 
Davis: "I say we should leave before things get worse."
Iceberg: "I don't wanna fall in any ghost hole..."
* Bulix starts pacing. "Come on, people.."
~Lou: "Just a minute! We're having an ADVENTURE! tee hee..."
Iceberg: "The adventure is in the tower and my dear Vane too..."
* Thesian shrugs. "The kid worked so hard to get it, I say we let 
  him carry it."
* Miko doesn't understand the obsession with carrying the rock and 
Bulix: "Who cares who carries it? Let's go."
~Lou: "Well, here, you take it. Somehow I think it... belongs to you."
Ebony: "Give it to Miko. I can't carry things. I don't have 
  hands. Miko, you hold it for me?"
* Miko says to Ebony, "I'll carry it if you want me to."
* ~Lou approaches Ebony with the diamond. "Here."
* Bulix sighs in exasperation. "Can't we leave?"

---The diamond glows brighter as Lou gets nearer.---

~Lou: "Whoa!"
Davis: "Cool."
Miko: "Wow.  Ebony?  Did you do that?"
Ebony: "I dunno."
Iceberg: "Althena's power is near!  Real power from Althena will 
help us leave safe..."
* Thesian mutters, "Magic."
~Lou: "Wow. What happens if you touch it? I wonder if it'll turn white..
* ~Lou walks closer.
* Ebony leans over and touches the diamond.

---A bright light bathes the chamber.---

* Davis closes his eyes in reflex.
Bulix: "Wha...?"
* Thesian stares in awe, his hand absently drifts to his chest.
Ebony: "This is special..."

---The light surrounds you all.  It brings peace and tranquility to 
your bodies and minds.---

* Iceberg feels peace from the light.
* Miko notices her wounds have healed over. "This is impossible! What 
  kind of place is this? Davis?"
* Davis reopens his eyes.  Davis relaxes.

---Something from the stone is entering Ebony...---

Ebony: Yes... Of course... I can see it...
* Ebony is granted the ability to do Earth magic by the gem.
Iceberg: "We need an Althena's priest right now..."
Davis: "Iceberg, why?"
Iceberg: "Because a real priest could talk with Althena about miracles.."
Davis: "Iceberg, Oh, yeah."
* Ebony looks thoughtful.
* Davis is impressed.  Actually, in awe.
* Bulix starts up the passage. "Come on, people..."

---The cave suddenly seems not so frightening.. as if it's satisfied 
in some way. The light calms down and Ebony releases the diamond.  
The cave walls shimmer...---

* Iceberg is praying to Althena in peace and faith.
Thesian: "This place...that all seems somehow -- familiar.
* Thesian shakes his head softly."
~Eomar: "Thesian, I can't believe what happened, either, but we should 
* Thesian turns to Eomar. "Yes, it was incredible. I can't help but 
  wonder what else we might have found in there, but we have other 
  tasks to accomplish."
Iceberg: "But without monsters, though..."
Ebony: "There is nothing more for us here.  We can go."
* Miko continues walking at Ebony's request. "Ebony? What happened? 
  Did you do that or was that the 'Power of Althena?'"
Davis: "Miko, or both?"
Ebony: "It wasn't me, Miko... I don't think at least... But why was 
  there a statue of one like me with the dragon?"
Iceberg: "A statue of Nall?"
Ebony: "Who's Nall?"
Iceberg: "Nall could be one of your kind..."
Ebony: "I'd like to talk to Nall, too."
* Thesian seems to come to his senses. "Well, no sense hanging around 
  this place here any longer. Shall we go?"
Bulix: Yeah. Come on, people.
* Davis goes ahead and follows Bulix.
* Ebony and Miko are following the gang.

---The passage leads upwards, back toward the surface.  The entire cave 
seems slightly brighter...---

* Ebony looks back down the passage with a little sadness.
Miko: "Ebony, I wish I could have seen it, too.  I don't even know 
what a dragon looks like..."
Ebony: "Maybe after we save the world, I can bring you back here and 
show you, Miko."
*Miko smiles at Ebony. "Thank you, Ebony!"
* Bulix stops, leans against the wall and sighs.
Iceberg: "Ebony, we'll return here someday when my anti-bat spray 
would be made...  Maybe Nall will show us one day..."
* Bulix gives up, and starts down the passage. "Are you coming 
or not?"
* Thesian looks up and follows Bulix.
* Iceberg continues to the shrine...
Ebony: "Can we PLEASE drop that stinky torch now?"
~Lou: "Um... Sure! Smelly, isn't it?"

---The walk out of the cave is somewhat peaceful. It's not as dark and 
there doesn't seem to be any life.  It is a long walk, though.---

* Bulix grumbles to himself the whole way...
* Ebony returns to being cheery, hums to himself.

---Ebony, with his keen sight, makes out the stairs up ahead.---

Ebony: "Hey, there's the stairs.  Is the sun up?  I don't wanna be 
Iceberg: "That damn melting sun..."
* Ebony stays with Miko but peers up the stairs.
* Davis wonders if it is daytime or nighttime outside.

---You are all at the foot of the stairs.  The shrine seems a bit 
darker than it did when you came in.------

* Ebony takes off from Miko's shoulder and goes into the shrine.

---The large wooden doors of the shrine which lead outside are closed.  
The shrine appears relatively the same, though.--- 

Ebony: "Hey, the door's shut."
Thesian: "Didn't we leave those doors open?"
* Iceberg knocks the doors... "Antimatter could work here?"
* Davis suggests not to do it.
Bulix: "Couldn't we just open them instead, Iceberg? "
Iceberg: "But, if they're shut... maybe it's an ambush..."
* Thesian puts his hand to the door.
Ebony: "The sun will be up soon.  We had better get somewhere."
Miko: "We have to get out of here... Maybe we can just climb out a 
* Ebony heads over and looks out a window.
* Miko also looks for a window...

---It appears to be almost dusk.  There are people moving about the 

Davis: "Looks safe then... if safe is an approiate word here..."  
Ebony: "Oh, you guys are thinking too much again."
Iceberg: "Go to the windows... then.."
* Ebony flutters out the window.

---The windows have thick glass.---

* Ebony goes THUD.
Ebony: "Ouch!"
* Ebony lands on the still, rubbing his head...
Ebony: "Just open the darn door!"
* Thesian pushes hard on the door.
Iceberg: "We need some strong people now!" 
Bulix: "Can't you open it?"
* Thesian tugs at the door. "Can't this thing open?"

---The door opens.---

* Miko gasps. "S... Something's out there!"
Ebony: "Huh?  Miko?" 
* Ebony looks out the window.
* Iceberg sees out the door...
* Miko looks nervous. "Ebony? Can't you feel it?"
* Miko runs to the door.
Ebony: "Yes... Miko!"
* Ebony flies after Miko.
Iceberg: "Who is outside?"
* Bulix looks outside, trying to figure out what everyone's so excited 
* Miko looks about curiously while standing on the front steps. "I 
  feel... something... but I don't see anything... Ebony? Don't you 
  feel it, too? Can you see anything from up there?"
* Ebony exits the shrine and lands on Miko's shoulder, looks around.

---Four small being tackle Miko, slamming her to the ground and 
putting four small daggers to her throat.---

Ebony: "Miko!"
Iceberg: "Hey!! You dwarves!!!"
Bulix: "What the..?"
* Ebony growls.
* Thesian starts. "What the hell?? Get away from her!!!"
* Davis says, "Get away from her NOW!"
* Miko gasps and lies perfectly still.

---A voice speaks calmly. "Don't try anything stupid or heroic. She 
means nothing to me."  The beings are small, black horned 

* Davis is holding back.
* Ebony looks around for the source of the voice.
Iceberg: "Who are you, jerk?"

---The owner of the voice is not seen.  "I knew you were here as soon
as I arrived.  Ok, so I wasn't supposed to come until tomorrow, but 
what the hell?"--- 

Iceberg: "You'll not live that long!!"
* Thesian looks around, trying to find the source of the voice.
Ebony: "Brave guy attacking a girl and hiding!"
Iceberg: "Where are you? Coward!! Cowered in fear!!!"
* Miko eyes are wide and terror-stricken, but she doesn't move.
Vile Peons: "This girl looks tasty!"
* Ebony prepares himself to attack the guys holding Miko.

---"I heard about you when I came here. I've decided you don't need to 
leave here alive."  A large, dominating figure steps forward, in a long 
black robe, armor, and a cane.---  

* Ebony pauses. "Uh oh."
* Bulix whirls towards the big black thing. "Holy.."
Iceberg: "AHHH!! A black Wizard!!  A renegade!!"
* Ebony is suddely less brave "Y-you l-let Miko go!"

---The figure stares straight at Davis.---

* Davis cringes.
Forbalus: "'Get away from her NOW?' I like the fire in your eyes, 
  human.  Now, I will give you people credit."
* Ebony growls at the strange man.
* Iceberg is feeling a power inside this man...
* Thesian eyes the man warily, wondering what to do.
Forbalus: "I do consider you a threat to this month's collection, so I 
  will take care of you accordingly."
Vile Peons: "The collection!  Collect! Collect! Collect!"
Forbalus: "My servants are well-trained, and I'll tell you now not to 
  do anything stupid."
Vile Peons: "Train?  Choo Choo!"
Iceberg: "You made the first stupidity!"

---The figure raises an arm and two, larger creatures flank him.  The 
two creatures are tall, furry demons with metal claws attached to 
their hands.---

Forbalus: "Now, I know I should probably have you all killed right 
here, right now, but... I have to admit I have never encountered 
creatures from your world before."
Vile Peons: "That's cause their world sucks!"

---The two demons look at each other.---

* Bulix glances over towards Miko, then back to the big guy.
* Miko's mind appears to be racing... She looks *very* frightened!
* Ebony walks as close as he dares to Miko, says softly, "It'll be 
okay, Miko."
* Vile Peons swing at Ebony.
Vile Demon: "Come on, Forbalus! Let us slice and dice 'em!"
* Thesian draws in a breath sharply. "Forbalus..."
Forbalus: "No. They must entertain me before they die."
* Bulix cracks his knuckles. "Entertain you?"
* Ebony hops back. "How entertaining would it be to be blind, jerk!?!"
Vile Peon: "Flying cat looks yummy!"
Iceberg: "Althena's shine with us, Demon!!"
Forbalus: "You'll have to excuse Jim and Bob. They can be very... 
violent at times."

---Jim and Bob begin poking each other with things.---

* Miko's voice shakes. "D... D.. Davis? What's happening?" She 
cringes as the four small daggers poke her in the neck.
Vile Peons: "Poke Poke!"
* Davis thinks this really sucks.
Vile Peons: "Poke Poke!"
Iceberg: "Well, one shot, two birds, this Forbalus must die now for us 
and the town!!!"
* Ebony mutters, "Don't be stupid, pointy ears.  Can't you feel his 
Forbalus: "Yes. Tonight you die in a festival."
Bulix: "Oh geez.."
Iceberg: "Festival?"  Iceberg thinks this is no Goddess festival...
Forbalus: "A festival in honor of our power over you weak, soft 
creatures.  You care about this miserable little town, yes? The Queen 
told me you all cared about things like that."
Iceberg: "What will you do to catch us?" 
Davis: "Iceberg, I doubt you'd want to know."
Iceberg: "Our Goddess will be our strength!"
Forbalus: "Do not speak."  Forbalus raises a hand.
* Bulix whacks Iceberg with his hand and hisses, "What are you trying 
to do, make him mad and have him kill Miko?"
Iceberg: "Sorry, I surrender..."
* Ebony could escape, wings and all, but he's not going to leave his 
Iceberg: "Thanks, Ebony, you really care about us."
* Vile Peon bites on Miko's ear.
Vile Peon: "She tastes good, Boss!"
* Ebony leaps forward and gives the one that bit Miko a scrach on the 
nose. "Taste that!"
* Ebony hops back out of range
Vile Peon: "Arrrgh!"
* Vile Peons (All 4) start nibbling on Miko.
Vile Peons: "Yum."
Ebony: "Hey Fourballs, tell your pets not to hurt Miko!"
* Vile Peons are nibbling on Miko's ears and nose.
Vile Peons: "Hmmmmmmm.  Good."
* Miko tries to subtley squirm away from the tiny creatures' daggers in 
the midst of the chaos.
* Vile Peons stop Miko.  

* Forbalus stares at Davis again. "You, there.  You care about this girl?
* Forbalus's eyes penetrate Davis. "Well, do you?! You seem to... care 
  about this girl more than yourself. You threatened me."
Davis: "What does it mean to you?  I don't let anything mess with my 
Forbalus: "Friends... Yes, he will do."
* Davis knows this sucks.
Iceberg: "Piety!!  Please!"

----A unit of eight soldiers appears behind Forbalus. Forbalus 
intensifies his stare on Davis.---

Forbalus: "We're taking the male, too. Try anything, and they both die. 
  Come forward, man."
Miko: "Davis! Run!"
* Davis wonders if he should do something stupid. (I think not.)
* Thesian watches helplessly.
Iceberg: "What should we do?"
* Ebony growls at Iceberg, "Nothing!"
Forbalus: "If you come, the girl WILL live  Run into that mine and 
  she will die instantly..."
* Davis doesn't do something stupid.
Forbalus: "Come, you two will be united."
* Davis is going to have to do it. 
Miko: "Davis, no!  He'll kill you, too!"
* Vile Peon slaps Miko and sits on her mouth.
* Ebony attacks the one that hit Miko.
* VilePeon swings back at Ebony.
Ebony: "Show you, stinking, frigging, butthead!"
* Ebony gives a few scratches with his kitty claws.
* Vile Peons (2 of them) leap on Ebony!
Ebony: "Get off me!"
VilePeons: "Ahhhh... No!"
* Ebony wiggles but, being a cat, isn't really strong enough to throw 
  them off.  
Ebony: "Hey, you back there! Help me, you!"
* Ebony gives a Vile Peon a face full of acid.
VilePeons: "Ouch!"
* Vile Peons start to nibble on Ebony's wing.
Ebony: "Someone back there help poor Ebony... huh?"
Iceberg: "Ebony, come with me if you want..."
* Vile Peon jumps on Ebony (3 total).
* Vile Peon (the one without a face) sticks his dagger in Ebony's 
Vile Peon: "Poke!"
* Bulix walks over and kicks one of the peons. "Off the cat!"
* Vile Peons swarm Bulix.
* Iceberg picks up little Ebony from Peons, hittin' them with the 
* Bulix prepares to kick the living daylights out of those Vile Peons 
if he has to.
Ebony: "Thanks, you guys."
Iceberg: "You're welcome!"
* Bulix backs away from them. "Sure.."
Ebony: "But Miko..."

---The eight peons get evil looks in their eyes as they prepare some 

Forbalus: "Good. Now all of my forces are here. You are all secured 
prisoners, but I will not execute you."

---Davis and Miko are each tied up tightly with rope.---

* Iceberg stares with rage in the eyes the situation.
* Miko looks at Davis. "Davis, I'm sorry..."
Vile Peons: "Boss, can we play with the boy, too?"
* Forbalus ignores his dim-witted peons.  "I want to see what you 
  people are made of, so I will give you a chance to save your 
  pathetic lives."
Iceberg: "Whenever and whatever!"
Forbalus: "Take the two prisoners. String them up onto those poles 
  over in the center of the town.  You will all stay right here until 
  the preparations are made."

---Vile Peons attach Davis to a pole and tie him up to the top of 
it.  Miko is tied up to a pole on the opposite side of the town 
square.  It is now nightfall.   Miko and Davis can see each other, 
but are about 100 yards apart.  More peons flood the area.  Miko and 
Davis are extremely uncomfortable.---

* Miko stares helplessly at the gathering creatures below...
Iceberg: "Davis! Miko! Feel calm! We'll save you!"
* Ebony sounds desperate.  "Miko!"
* Miko attempts to squirm free from her bondage.
Bulix: "After we do whatever, Ebony, we'll get them down.. somehow."
Iceberg: "If we work together, we'll save Miko and Davis..."
Forbalus: "Ahh.. I can see you're all nice and worked up now. Bob! Jim! 
  Where are the animals?"

---You hear loud, animal roars approaching... --- 

Forbalus: "You will now join in our tournament fight.  If you win all 
  of my challenges, I will consider returning your allies and leaving 
  this town alone."
* Thesian is staring at Forbalus, sizing him up.
* Iceberg doubts of Forbalus' words, but *shrugs*...
Ebony: "Grrrrrrrrr...  We'll kick anyone's butt that you send!"
Thesian: "Name your terms, Forbalus."
Forbalus: "I have under my control three lions from the south 
Ebony: "Bring them on, Fourballs, and if you lie to us, 
  I will get you!"

---Peons appear holding huge, mutated lions in chain leashes.---

Bulix: "Holy shit..."
* Miko gasps at the horrible sight of the mutated creatures and looks 
  to Davis across the town square.
Forbalus: "We will hold a battle in town square. You must choose 
  which of your three champions will fight my lions."

Iceberg: "AHH!! We're now Christians..."
* Ebony seems less confident now.

---The lions seems like they may overtake the peons...---

Vile Peons: "Help?"
Vile Peon: "Ouch, you damned lion!"

* Bulix turns to the group. "Three of us.. but who?"
* Ebony senses he isn't the champion type.
* Iceberg wants to fight... "Magic could be useful... but I will 
  need protection..."
* Thesian turns to Bulix. "I'll go."
* Ebony sighs. "I wanna help Miko, but I'm not that strong."
* Bulix nods. "I'll come, if no one ..."
* Ebony mutters, "You guys fight.  I'll see what I can do."
* Vile Peons jump up and down and scream, "Lunchtime for Lion! 
  Lunchtime for Lion! Lunchtime for Lion!  Lunchtime for Lion!"
Vile Peons: "Fluffy Stuffy!"
Forbalus: "Cat, who among you will be your champions?"
Iceberg: "He has called him cat... Uh oh..."
* Bulix wants to go, if he can..
* Thesian nods. "Bulix, if you want to go, then may luck be with you."
Bulix: Thanks, Thesian.. I just hope this works out..
Iceberg: "Well, I'll go!"
* Ebony makes a strategic descision. Bulix for strength, Iceberg for 
  magic, Eomar for healing.
Ebony: "Bulix, Eomar, and Iceberg are gonna wipe the floor with your 
* Vile Peons jump up and down and scream, "Cat Soufle, Cat Soufle, 
  Cat Soufle!"
* Miko squirms uncomfortably...

Forbalus: "Iceberg, Bulix, Eomar... Hmm...."
* Ebony hovers.  "But you had better not lie! If we win, you let 
  our friends go!"
Forbalus: "Very well. Go to the arena! Ha ha ha ha ha!"
* Ebony mutters, "You guys watch yourselves," and sneaks off while 
  everyone is paying attention to the "3 champions".
* Iceberg descends levitating on the arena... 
* Bulix walks in..
* Thesian watches the contenders, and hopes the best for them.
* Davis really hopes that we win.
* Ebony is on the roof of the shrine.
* Vile Peons grab Ebony's tail!
Vile Peons: "We're everywhere!"
* Ebony swipes the Vile Peon's hand, and flies off.
* Vile Peon jumps up and down and then falls off the roof.

--- Miko and Davis watch nervously...---


	The lions snarl as their leashes are broken...
	Bulix starts out with a few rapid punches...
	Lion A snarls in pain. 12 damage.
	2nd attack... 12 damage.
	3rd attack... 10 damage.


*** Spampirat has joined #lunarRPG.
*** Vampirat has joined #lunarRPG.
*** Kwispirat has joined #lunarRPG.
Spampirat: Can I interrupt?
Kwispirat: Hi! Got any bananas?
Vampirat: Banana Pirates rule the IR-Seas!!!!
Spampirat: What is an RPG??
Kwispirat: Yeah!
Spampirat: I need bananas!
Vampirat: Ar, ar, ar!
* Vampirat attacks with me banana sword!
*** Kwispirat was kicked by Ebony.
Spampirat: AR!!!!!!  MY BANANAS ARE UNDER ATTACK!  Arrrrrrr!
*** Spampirat was kicked by Ebony.
Hahn: You show 'em, Ebony!
*** Vampirat was kicked by Bulix.
*** Vampirat has joined #lunarRPG.
* Vampirat farts in Bulix's mouth!
Spampirat: 2nd attack at that!
Vampirat: I showed him that!
*** Lou has joined #lunarRPG.
Davis: Lou!!!!!!!
Lou: Hi, all!
Hahn: Lou! Help us kick the evil ones!
Lou: Fine.  Fill me in after that.
* Vampirat farts on Hahn, too!
Vampirat: Ar, ar, ar!
Hahn: They can't face all of us!
Kwispirat: I yearn for a baNANA!!
* Hahn joins the battle.
Kwispirat: BANANAS!!!
*** Vampirat was kicked by Iceberg.
*** Vampirat has joined #LunarRPG.
*** Vampirat was kicked by Iceberg.
*** Vampirat has joined #LunarRPG.
*** Vampirat was kicked by Iceberg.
Vile Pions: Kick Ban!
* Spampirat begs for bananas.
Spampirat: BANANAS!!!!!!!!
Davis: Kickban!!!
Vile Peons: Ban! Ban!
Kwispirat: Arrr... Ararar... What's a rpg?
Vile Peons: Ban! Ban!
Kwispirat: Ahoy, anyone here?
Davis: Grand Central station, can I help you?
* Hahn rains astral light on the infidels!
* Lou calls forth the power of HOLY LIGHT!
* Thesian breaths a sigh of relief.
Iceberg: Well, now the lions...

********************End of Intermission***************************

---Bulix finished his attacks against Lion A.---

* Ebony flutters up behind Miko's pole.  He attaches himself to the 
  back of Miko's post with his claws, says quietly, "Miko..."
* Miko looks about for Ebony...
* Ebony climbs around the post so Miko can see him. "Don't talk loud.  
  Fourballs might see me."
* Miko twists to see Ebony. "Ebony, what's going on? Did he say 
Ebony: "He said if they beat the lions, he'll let us all go and leave 
  the town alone."
* Vile Peons try to jump onto Ebony!
Ebony: "Um... Vile guys, I'm at the top of the post with Miko."
* Vile Peons fall and hit the ground.
Vile Peons: "Ouch!"

	Frontier Lion A charges and gnashes at Bulix!
	Bulix is bitten. 7 damage.
	Frontier Lion B attacks Iceberg!  Iceberg suffers 12 damage.

Iceberg: "AHH! Lion! Ouch!! Oh My Goddess!!"

	Frontier Lion C bites and slashes Eomar! Eomar suffers 14 damage.
	Eomar closes his eyes and mumbles some words to himself...
	Iceberg is surrounded in a pale light and recovers 5 HP.

Iceberg: "Thanks, Goddess Althena!!"

	Iceberg stares at Frontier Lion A. 
	A black beam of energy fires from his cane...

Iceberg: "*Negruea on leos*"

	The lion's pattern is torn from existence... 23 damage. 
	Lion A is killed.
 	Bulix rages with his fists at Lion C. 10 damage.
	2nd attack... 14 damage.
	3rd attack... Critical Hit! 32 damage. 
	Lion C's scream wails and echoes throughout the town. 
	He falls over and dies.

* Miko is talking to Ebony, but nobody notices...
Vile Peons: "Except the Peons!  Master! Master!  The Kitty! The Kitty!"
Ebony: "Miko, I would let you go, but he might be telling the 
  truth... But just in case..."
* Miko whispers to Ebony, "Ebony, I know... Thank you... This scares 
  me... What does he mean... The collection..?"
Ebony: "I think he means when he takes money and stuff from the 
Vile Peons: "Collect! Collect! Collect!"
* Ebony scratches at Miko's bonds, weakening them.
Ebony: "Miko, I'll be back."
Vile Peons: "MASTER!  The KITTY!"
* Lou sharpens his sword while sitting out.

	Frontier Lion B gallops after Bulix...
	Bulix is tackled and clawed... 6 damage.
	Determination fills Eomar's brow. 
	He closes his eyes and points at Iceberg...
	Iceberg is surrounded in a pale light, and recovers 5 HP.

Iceberg: "Thanks, Eomar."
* Ebony flutters over to Davis.  "Hi."
* Ebony weakens Davis bonds.
* Davis whispers to Ebony, "Thanks for helping. You got a plan or 
* Ebony mutters "There. The ropes are weaker in case Fourballs 
  doesn't keep his end.
Vile Peons: "MASTER! The KITTY!"
Ebony: "The 'Kitty' isn't doing anything."
* Vile Peons try to attack the damned cat.
Vile Peons: "Master! Look at the Kitty!"
* Ebony mutters, "You little freaks!"
Vile Peons: "Can't reach! Can't reach!"
* Davis is holding unto the ropes. (He really doesn't want to fall.)
* Lou lightly whacks Vile Peons around a bit with the side of his 
  sheathed saber.

	 Iceberg mumbles some words and taps his cane on the ground...

Iceberg: "*Hielo contra leos*"

 	A sharp spear of ice falls from the air and stabs Lion B. 
	22 damage.
 	Bulix gets up, then rages after Lion B, screaming and punching..
	 13 damage
	2nd attack... 10 damage. 
	The mutilated creature slumps over and dies.  Victory! 

Lou: "Woo hoo!!!"
Iceberg: "Horray!!!"
Bulix: "Heh."
* Ebony sticks his tounge out at the Vile Freaks.
* Thesian breathes a sigh of relief.
Vile Peons: "Arrrrrrrgh!  Nooooooooooooooooo!  Master!  They won!"
Iceberg: "Vic-tory!!!"
* Bulix stops, breathing heavily. "There.."
Lou: "All right, team!"

* Forbalus' gaze shows his increased interest. "Ah... so it is true. 
  You people from the side of light can wield Althena's Power. Ice... 
  Darkness... It is all cheap trickery."
* Ebony flutters over to Forbalus. "Well, we win.  Let our friends go."
Iceberg: "Well, Forbalus, we have defeated your pets, now your part..."
Vile Peons: "Wanna eat kitty!  Wanna eat kitty!"
Lou: "Looks like the Vile Peons have earned their name. Huh, Ebony?"
Forbalus: "I do not wish to be a poor sport. I commend you on your 
  victory.  Congratulations. You humans have earned the right to enter 
  the second round of the game."
Lou: "Second round??? Damn!!! Forbalus is double crossing us!"
VilePeons: "Second Round! Round Two! Ding!"
Iceberg: "Second?"
Vile Peons: "Ding!"
* Davis wispers to Ebony, "What now?"
Bulix: "Second.. Round.. Geez.."
Lou: "This is not cool.... Who's in it this time? I'm in if you'll 
  take me"
* Thesian looks up. "I'll go."
Iceberg: "I am available..."
* Forbalus looks at Lou, Ebony, and Thesian.  He raises a hand.  
  Bob and Jim flank him.
Vile Peons: "Bob and Jim!  Bob and Jim!"
Ebony: "Hey, What's going on here?"
Forbalus: "Cat, choose two, different champions to face my two 
  champions in the second round. Your friends depend on you."

---Bob and Jim scrape their claws together and grin evilly.---

* Ebony turns.
* Thesian steps forward.
* Lou volunteers
Ebony: "Well, it looks like the Wagonmaster and Thesian."
Forbalus: "It is decided. Thesian and Lou will battle Bob and Jim."
Vile Peons: Wagon! Wagon! Wagon! Hey, can we break the Wagonmaster's 
  wheels? Huh? Huh? Can we?

---Bob and Jim enter the arena and enter a fighting stance.----

* Vile Peons cheer, "Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! 
  Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob!"
* Thesian enters the arena and draws his sword.
* Lou draws his sword as well.
Vile Peons: "Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob!"
* Ebony flutters back to comfort Miko.
Lou: "Thesian, shall we gang up on one at at a time or go at them 
Thesian: "Lou, sure, I'll take the one on the right." 
Vile Peons: "Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob! Bu! Ob!"
* Iceberg is praying for the valiant fighters... "Goddess Althena,
  hear my command..." 


	Bob and Jim brandish their steel claws...
	Team skill 'Twin Claw'!  
	Bob and Jim dash in perpendicular formation and rake across 
	Lou on both sides... Lou suffers 23 damage

Lou: "Ouch!"
Vile Peons: "Yeaaaaaaa, Jim." (Sarcastic and Subdued)
* Thesian mutters "Twin attack, huh? We'll see about that..."
Iceberg: Eomar, do something!!! 
* Bulix puts his hand on Iceberg's shoulder to get his attention, 
  then removes it. "It's up to them now. We can't help them."
Lou: You with me, Thes?  Let's get these punks!

	Thesian ducks under Jim's claw, runs behind him, then spins 
	around, using his elbow to knock away the steel claw...
	Jim's Attack Power is reduced by 10.

Lou: "Go, Thes!"
Iceberg: "Bulix, I feel unuseful here, you know..."
Bulix: "So, do I, Iceberg.. So do I.."

	Lou holds his sword to his side, closes his eyes, 
	and mutters some words to himself...
	A small bolt of flame leaps from Lou to Jim... 18 damage.

Lou: "Thes, I got Jim.  you want him or Bob?"
Vile Peons: "Buh! Ob! Buh! Ob!"
Thesian: "We'll concentrate on Jim first."
Lou: "Gotcha, Thes."

	Bob charges after Thesian, and slashes him with a steel claw...
	Thesian suffers 14 damage.

* Lou wishes he studied healing magic instead of fire magic...

	Jim rushes Lou and punches... Lou suffers 2 damage.

Lou: "Ow! Thes, you wouldn't happen to have any herbs or Litany 
  spells would you?"
* Ebony perches once again on Miko's post.
Ebony: "Miko, How are you holding up?"
* Miko smiles timidly at Ebony.
Ebony: "We'll win, Miko...  We have to."
Vile Peons: "The Kitty!  The Kitty!"

	Thesian slashes outward... Jim suffers 12 damage.
	Lou charges Jim, saber in hand.  14 damage. 
	Second attack... 11 damage. 
	Jim is sliced in two, falls over, and dies.

Lou:  "Yes! One down, one to go Thes!"
Iceberg: "Sliced!!! Good shot!!!"
Lou: "Thanks, Ice.  Still not done here yet.  Keep praying to the 
  Goddess for me!"
Vile Peons: "Buh! Ob! Buh! Ob!"
Lou: "Ice, if you wanna help, shut the Vile Peons up!"
* Vile Peons represent about 500 creatures.
Lou: "So what?  Just stuff snowballs in their mouths with your Ice 
  Magic or something!"
Vile Peons: "Buh! Ob! Buh! Ob!"
* Iceberg freezes up 500 Vile Peons' mouths... "Hehehe..."
Lou: "Thanks, Ice!"
VilePeons: "Mmmmmmmm!"
* Thesian places his hands around something under his cloak, 
  closes his eyes, and begins to softly hum an ancient melody. The 
  object can now be seen by everyone -- It is a pendant, now glowing 
  a bright bluish-white in color.
Lou: "You okay, Thes?"
Vile Peons: "Mmmmmmmmm!"

	Bob, seeing his comrade dead, rushes at Thesian again...
	Thesian suffers 11 damage.
	The winds seem to be picking up...

* Thesian is still humming.

	You all hear a strange, faint rumbling coming from the sky...
	Lou rushes Bob and slashes... 15 damage
	Second attack... 14 damage.
	The strange rumbling gets louder...

* Miko looks nervously up into the sky...

	The clouds above glow a bright blue!

Lou: "Something tells me Thes has a nice surprise for you, Bob."
* Thesian finishes the song and lifts his arms upward. The pendant 
  flares brilliantly bluish-white.
* Davis wonders how Bob will feel after this.
* Ebony watches the goings on with interest.

	A huge stream of electricity is called from the sky!

* Bulix "Wows".
Vile Peons: "Mmmmmmmmm!"

	Lou and Thesian are both blown back as a huge bolt of 
	lightning is shot straight on Bob...
	This powerful bolt electrocutes Bob. 21 damage. 
	Bob's sizzling corpse lays dead.

Vile Peons: "Buh! Ob! Buh... ... Ob?"
* Ebony wonders just what kind of level 1 skill that is.
Iceberg: "Good Skill, sí señor!"
Lou: "Where the heck did you learn how to do that, Thes?  You been 
  powering up your magic without me?"
* Thesian falls back exhausted. His pendant is no longer glowing.
Lou: "You okay, Thesian?"
* Thesian looks at everyone. "I know it's all a little crazy, but 
  I'll explain later."
* Bulix nods to Thesian.

	The heavens calm down and the clouds become silent. Victory!

Thesian: "I'm hurt pretty bad."
Lou: "I'm not feeling that hot myself.  Hey, Who here has those 
  Litanies again?  Both Thes and I aren't feeling so hot..."
* Bulix mutters "I hope Forbalus doesn't want a round three.."
* Ebony flutters back to Fonrbalas or whatever his name is. "There, 
  Fourballs.  Let our friends go!"
Forbalus: "Most impressive. How is it that you all have Althena's 
  favor?  Does she not give only some of you power?"
Lou: "I don't know.  I grew up in the next town from Dragonmaster 
Alex... I met him on his quest as a kid, maybe that's how I got it?"
Forbalus: "How can order be maintained when all of you have this... 
Ebony: "Tough cookies. We won."
* Lou whispers to the rest of the party "I don't trust this guy 
though...  He gives me the creeps..."
Forbalus: "I am no longer amused with you people. You have destroyed 
my most valuable lieutenants.  This game has gone on longer than I 
have forseen."
Lou: "Oh Goddess! I knew it! Quick, let's get some healing magic on 
all of us who are hurt!
Forbalus: "The victory will not be yours.  There were 6 of you 
  originally. 5 of you have fought in my tournament. The remaining one 
  will fight for the female.  After my greatest champion defeats the 
creature, I will kill the male."
Ebony: "You aren't killing anyone!"
* Miko looks nervously from Ebony to Davis.
* Ebony growls.
* Davis nods to Ebony in a way in which he wants Ebony to come over.
* Davis whispers to Ebony, "I really need a plan."
Lou: "Ebony, You can do it...  I know you can.  Remember..."
* Ebony blinks.  "What?"
Lou: "You can do it.  Remember, you flying cats aren't all you seem 
to be...  I remember Nall 12 years ago."
Iceberg: "Ebony, your worst nightmare's become true..." 
Bulix: "Good luck, Ebony..."
Thesian: "Good luck, Ebony.  We all believe in you."
Lou: "I'd loan you my sword if I could, Ebony..."
Forbalus: "My greatest champion awaits you, you creature. Step 
* Ebony flutters forward, thinking he's probably going to die...
Forbalus: "I hope you now know that my greatest champion is myself. 
  Knowing that, step forward and challenge me."
Iceberg: "Good Luck, Ebony.  May our Goddess protect us!"
* Ebony mutters to Lou, "I'll distract him. You guys save Miko and 
* Lou whispers back "Gotcha!  

---The guards around the two poles numbers double.---

Forbalus: "The prisoners will be secure until I win."
Lou: "Just our luck... If only Alex were here...  He'd know what 
  to do..."
* Bulix cracks his knuckles, sighs, and watches, feeling helpless.
Iceberg: "Well, all combat?"
Citizen: "Don't let him hurt you too bad."
* Forbalus looks as Ebony confidently flutters forward.
Lou: "Go, Ebony!  I believe in you Ebony!"
Bulix: "Ebony... good luck."
Iceberg: "Spit him!!  You're a drago... er.. flying cat!!!!"
* Forbalus looks up at his two prisoners. "You know, female, this 
  little one does not seem very confident.  Perhaps he doesn't care 
  about what he is about to die for.  What do you think, male, that 
  you are strapped helpless when the female is about to die? Does 
  it make you feel pain?"
* Forbalus looks between Davis and Ebony. "Answer me, male. Does it 
  hurt you that you are helpless to defend her?  And how does it make 
  you feel, female, that your life depends on this small, 
  insignificant creature?"
* Miko stares at Forbalus in silent defiance.
Forbalus: "It is so funny how you humans are so separated from the 
  monsters here. You care about each other more than anything.  You 
  would rather love your allies than hate your enemies.  Why is that?"
Lou: "That is our greatest strengh Forbalus.  We know that if we stick 
  together nothing can stop us!"
Davis: "Because power is greater in love than hate."
* Thesian looks confidently at Forbalus. "In love lies our greatest 
Lou: "Love has conquered worse opposition than you.  It was love that 
  brought about the defeat of your Queen. Alex's love for Luna!"
Forbalus: "Enough. I will no longer pretend that we are simply two 
  opposing forces. This struggle has gained new importance for me.  
  I now see why the Queen failed us... She didn't know about it until 
  it was too late."
* Miko stares at Ebony, a mixture of concern and hope in her eyes...
Forbalus: "I have decided! The monster will not defend you. I want 
to see this 'power' you humans have. I want to see the bond between 
you that the Queen could not break... The male will defend the female."

---Peons quickly release the rope surrounding Davis.---

Forbalus: "If you truly have a power between you, then I will 
  observe it for myself. Show me how strong you can be when you fight 
  for another. Hmmm hmmm hmmm ha ha ha ha!"

---The peons lead Davis into the center of the arena.---

Iceberg: "Go on!! Davis!!! Show it that power!!!"
* Davis is more than prepared for this.
Lou: "You can do it Dave!"
Thesian: "Go Davis!"
Lou: "Davis, is there any way I can help?  Perhaps loan you my sword 
or armor or anything?"
Davis: "Lou, If it'll make it, you can toss the weapon."
Lou: "Here you go, Davis!"
* Davis perpares to catch.
* Lou tosses Davis his saber for the battle.
Iceberg: "Ebony, Give him Althena's ring!  Quick!"
* Forbalus draws out a large, hollow glass cane. "Look into the eyes 
  of the only thing greater than you, boy. You have no idea what 
  you're up against.  I will succeed where my queen failed. I will 
  destroy this miserable power you rely on."
Lou: "It'll never be destroyed, Forbalus.  When will you Viles 
  learn that?"
* Thesian watches the upcoming combat with anticipation.
Lou: "Come on, Davis!  You can get that Xenobia wannabe!"
* Forbalus enters the center of the arena.  "You have stalled 
  enough, human. Fight me now."


	Forbalus, draws his cane and prepares to strike, 
	but Davis is much too fast for him.
	Davis lashes forth with super human speed, 
	swiping with this saber simultanously.
	Forbalus is sliced for 16 damage.
	Forbalus quickly draws his cane above his head.

Lou: "Look out Davis!"

	A small spiral of air is gathered in front of him. 
	It spins faster and faster until it a thin, 
	pressurized disc of air.
	Forbalus points his cane at Davis and the air flies at Davis, 
	blowing him over.  Davis suffers 11 damage.

Lou: "Ouch..."

	Forbalus swings his cane in a wide arc, smashing Davis 
	on the side of his head.  7 damage.

Lou: "Ouch!"
Iceberg: "All magic in Vane is with you Davis!!"
Lou: "All of Saith is with you, and our sister city Burg!"

	Davis quickly gets up, then holds his hands over his mouth, 
	muttering some soft words.
	Davis points his palms outward at Forbalus and a small flame 
	leaps from Davis's hands over to Forbalus's large form...
	Forbalus suffers 14 damage.

Lou: "Keep it up, Davis!  You got him right where you want him!"
Forbalus: "How does it make you feel, human?!" he says while gasping for 
breath, "that you risk your life only to defend another?!  Is the girl 
that important to you?!"
Davis: "It feels like I'm worth something, and that I'm actually doing 
something, which is the greatest feeling in the world!"
Iceberg: "He feels so good that is going to kick your ass, buddy!!!"

	Forbalus begins some demonic chanting... 
	Another cyclone of air is spun and pressurized, 
	then flies into Davis. 10 damage.

* Lou winces at the look of that. "Don't worry Davis! You can 
  outlast him!"
* Davis isn't feeling real good, but doesn't care.
Iceberg: "Goddess Althena help him in his true love as you have 
  known it!"
Lou: "Goddess Althena, I know you can help Davis win, I beg of you 
  to help"

 	Davis gets up from the blow, then points at Forbalus, 
	casting another flame at him.  Forbalus suffers 16 damage.
* Forbalus points his cane at Davis, and cackles an evil laugh.  "See 
  where your love and attachment has gotten you now?!  Because of your 
  foolish caring, you will now die. The power of humanity is a 
  weakness.  If you had not cared about the girl, you would be 
  alive now!"
Davis: "Wrong, I would be nothing.  Like you!"

	The air spiral spins faster...

Forbalus: "With this spell, I seal your doom..."

	Forbalus says the final word, and Davis screams and 
	leaps straight at his head!
	Davis flashes past at blinding speed!
	Davis is not seen until he reappears behind the foe.
	Forbalus turns around. He tries to raise a hand to Davis...
	Then Forbalus's head silently falls from his body and 
	lands on the ground in front of him. 
	Forbalus's form falls to his knees, 
	then collapses on his front.  Victory!

---The peons instantly scream and scatter in all directons.---

* Davis breaths hard after that greuling battle.
* Miko tries to struggle free.
Iceberg: "What a combat!!"
Lou: "All right, Davis!!!!"
* Thesian cheers. "Way to go, Davis!"
* Miko shouts, "Davis!!"
* Davis really needs to be healed...
* Thesian groans, holding his side. "You're telling me..."
Lou: "I know that feeling, Davis."
Iceberg: "A kiss from Miko will heal all wounds..."
* Miko stuggles against the ropes that bind her.
* Davis is about to pass out from the wounds but still goes to assist 

---The peons make a mad dash for the city limits.  A few curious 
eyes peer out from the houses' windows...  Miko is gently carried 
to the ground.---
* Miko is freed of the ropes and hugs Davis. "Davis! I thought you 
were going to die!"
Davis: "So did I, but I knew I would win... I had to.  Like I said... 
No one messes with my friends!"
Lou: "Good attitude to have, Davis."
* Davis feels like rest is good right now......zzzzzZZZ
---IIsi emerges, running into the town square.---

* Miko looks from Ilsi to Forbalus and then begins surveying Davis' 
Ilsi: "Did I just see what I think I saw?  My God, is it true?  
  Is... that... him?  I don't believe it. He... really came? 
  A day early? And you... ... with the... and..."
Anor: "They drove the bad people away, Mommy!"

---A small group of villagers approaches, led by the Chief.---

Chief: "If I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it!  Those followers... 
  they... they just ran off.  They could have easily destroyed this town 
  with their numbers.  I.. thought... I was sure... they would instantly 
  destroy the town once Forbalus was defeated."
Lou: "I guess without Forbalus, they're just a bunch of cowards."
Chief: "Perhaps their belief, their trust, their love in each other 
  is not as strong as that which is between you people.  I now see I was 
  a fool all along.  Being a human, I assumed that they would have as 
  much belief in their leader as the people here have in me."
Lou: "Common mistake..."
Chief: "But I see they do not carry the power you... we... we all 
  carry.  The bond we tie between us truly is too strong for him, 
  or their fallen queen to ever break."

---The Chief approaches Miko.---

Chief: "You, girl. It was you who made this possible. Your presence 
  and your love gave us hope.  I noticed it when I first saw you. 
  You seemed to always carry around a certain sense of.. hope.
  You would never give up or give in. You inspired these people to 
  show their true courage.  It's so strange... It's not like any other 
  feeling I've had... the hope in you is so strong... I cannot even 
  fathom it."
Miko: "Th.. Thank you..."
* Miko is still visably shaken from the ordeal. She stays close to 
Miko: "What did I do?"  
Lou: "Well, you gave Davis a reason to kick For's scrawny butt!"
* Miko seems uncomfortable...
Lou: "You okay, Miko?"
* Miko smiles weakly at Lou and nods.
Lou: "Okay, Miko."
Iceberg: "Who has here the green eyes?"
Davis "Not me."
Lou: "Not me either...  I don't think Dyne had green eyes, 
though...  maybe only Alex needed to have 'em."
Chief: "Well, I don't want to waste any more of your time with the 
  matters of this little town. It looks the lot of you are rather 
  hurt and tired!"
Ilsi: "I prepared my shipment of herbs to give to Forbalus tomorrow, 
  but it looks like I get to keep it now!  Any of you may come to my 
  house if you need attention."
Anor: "You guys can stay in my house now. You're not jerks, I guess."
Lou: T"hanks, Anor.  Hehe."
* Ilsi walks toward her house, inviting all of you.
Lou: "Shall we go team?" 
* Thesian trudges wearily after her.
* Miko looks to Ebony and he lowers himself back onto her shoulder. 
She prepares to follow Ilsi home.
* Lou follows.  He could use some rest.

---Once inside, Ilsi prepares moist herbs and ointments for 

Lou: "Thanks, Ilsi." 
* Iceberg is happy that we are together again. "May I have some tea?"

---Ebony is asleep... :)---

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