Lunar: A Story Forgotten 2 Session 7 Log Session Start: Sat Sep 29 20:47:31 2001 ============================================================================ Cast of Characters: Dragonmaster Lou as Gamemaster, Woman, Mysteal, Cera, Iria Yamato, Report, Hick Guards, Alcippe DNW as Kodah Lucca as Samantha Nadia Hemady as Yuuwaku Nicole Peters as Varemi, Dr. O Rune Lai as Jan (Dragonmaster Lou as ~Jan) Scott Kroush as Galen Seath as Marcus Storen as Chrissy, Dante (Dragonmaster Lou as ~Dante) Tim Peters as Ambush 6000 ============================================================================ ===GAME ON!=== --Last time, you were defeated in combat by the Blue Ninja, Cera... Even Yuuwaku had to collapse in a flurry of cherry blossoms as he took the final blow...-- --Slowly you come to in a pretty dank and dreary dungeon... You notice someone is missing...-- * Galen looks around. * Jan sits up with a groan. "What happened?" Marcus: "Are we missing somebody?" Galen: "it would appear so." * Chrissy tries to get her bearings, but those little dragon kitties flying around her head are sure persistent. *_* * Kodah moans slightly, and tries to gather the remainder of his wits. * Samantha grahs and curls up into a little ball. ;-; --As you clear your heads of cobwebs, you notice that Selene is not with you...-- Jan: "Dammit." Chrissy: "Next time remind me not to make checks I can't cash... oww." * Ambush 6000 softly emits static white noise. Galen: "They've got Selene... just perfect. :p" Marcus: "It doesn't surprise me." Samantha: "Grah... what about Selene...?" X-x * Yuuwaku suddenly sits straight up... and then grabs his head as monumental headache sets in. :P --There is a heavy metal door that is keeping you in the cell...-- Galen: "The Church has her.." * Chrissy shakes her head, and blinks at the dungeon. "... Well this isn't good." * Kodah leans against the wall, shaking off the last of the cobwebs. Yuuwaku: "..." Yuuwaku: "Why are we still alive?" Kodah: "I imagine we'll find out eventually." * Varemi grumbles as she completely sits up. "Mmmpph." * Galen shakes his head. "No idea, but I can guess." * Yuuwaku sighs. Yuuwaku: "What's your guess?" Marcus: "Torture?" * Samantha fully sits up, "... Maybe they want to make us suffer more... Grah. This is messed up..." Kodah: "Or they want information." Varemi: "Or decide what to do with each person..." Galen: "They'll probably either torture us, or put us up against some sort of gladiatorial challenge." Yuuwaku: "If they want information, then there might be some point to keeping us here." * Varemi laughs a bit, not to loudly. "I don't know about the latter.." Kodah: "In any case, unless we can figure a way out, this conjecture is moot." Yuuwaku: "If they want to torture us, they're foolish." Marcus: "You know, sadism is so pointless." * Samantha glances around the room for any cracks. * Chrissy gets to her feet once, checking to make sure she's all in one piece and reaching under her coat to check if Dante's still there. Jan: "Gladiatorial combat is rather pointless as well." Jan: "I think if they wanted to hurt us they would have done so already." Varemi: "I'd say that would be the most pointless, but obviously it isn't up to me." * Yuuwaku gingerly stands up and begins to cast about for some method of escape. * Kodah stands and begins to examine the surroundings. --There appears to be no way to jimmy the door open from the inside...-- * Varemi looks to see what's holding them in... --There is a very heavy steel door keeping you inside the solid granite cell...-- * Varemi boredly considers gravity magic, but doesn't say anything... * Yuuwaku notes that the bush is still there... meaning his bag is safe. * Galen goes into a deep sorcerer meditation. --Varemi also appears to have had her wounds (AKA HP) treated...-- * Marcus looks at the door lock, "Hmm, I don't think shooting this lock would do any good." Samantha: "... How weird that I still have my sword. Maybe they really do want us to fight things. Lame." * Chrissy looks relieved, but not by much. * Yuuwaku blinks at the sword still at his belt. Yuuwaku: "They are even stupider than I thought." Marcus: "Or they think we are of no consequence." Chrissy: "I'm not arguing... We have to find a way out of this joint..." Marcus: "Look how easily we were defeated." * Jan nods. * Yuuwaku goes over and taps the bush a couple times. Yuuwaku: "Hey? Can you get us out of this cell bush?" ^_^; * Kodah takes a look at the area outside the cell. Samantha: "We could always do the classic 'Oh look my comrade is puking his guts out please help us' routine. " * Chrissy begins examining the door and the walls for perhaps any kind of mechanical locking mechanism. ^^ --There is a long, empty corridor outside the cell, at least as far as anyone can see with the limited field of vision allowed by the barred window on the steel door.-- --Any mechanism on the door appears to be on the outside.-- * Kodah tries to get a better look at the mechanism. Chrissy: "Hmm..." * Chrissy looks out the door to see if anyone is around. * Galen opens his eyes. --The mechanism appears to be a solidly build steel bar with a very large chain and padlock on it to give it extra security.-- * Yuuwaku sits down on the ground and begins to meditate. Galen: "I'm afraid that even an explosion spell can't break through it." Varemi: "... Hmm." * Kodah thinks, considering options. Samantha: "Is there any way we could get outside help...?" Galen: "well, I can try to project my astral form." Samantha: "Please try that." Jan: "And how would we do that?" Galen: "Jan, I can." * Samantha shakes her head, "Just laying out options here..." Galen: "I'm learned in the ways of the astral plane." * Chrissy tries rattling the small bars with her hand, testingly. * Varemi folds her arms and looks a little annoyed... then stands up. Marcus: "What can your astral form do about this situation?" --You hear the sounds of a struggle coming from the far end of the corridor, far out of the limited view from the barred window...-- Jan: "I meant the outside help, Galen, but your astral projection." * Samantha 's head snaps up, "... Hmmm?" Kodah: "Shh..." Chrissy: "Hey, you hear that?" Marcus: "Damn, if I could only see them." * Kodah strains to listen. * Ambush 6000 is still dead silent. * Galen listens. --You can hear a woman's voice yelling, the sound appearing to be moving closer to your cell...-- * Yuuwaku eyes open and he smiles. Woman: "Why do you look so down!? Never give up, never surrender!" Kodah: "Someone's coming." Kodah: "?" * Chrissy peeps out again. "They better not be torturing her..." Woman: "Get back, everyone, I'm going to blow the door from the outside!" Jan: "Gah..." * Jan moves back. * Galen stands back. Samantha: "Uh... sure thing." O_o * Marcus rushes to the back. * Samantha scrambles back. * Kodah stands away from the door. * Varemi casually saunters to the corner of the cell. * Chrissy hops back. "Don't haveta tell me twice!" * Yuuwaku quickly hops to his feet and moves as far away from the door as he can, dragging the bush with him. Galen: "Okay... do it." --After a loud BOOM, the door swings open, its locking mechanisms destroyed by a very large wad of explosives...-- Yuuwaku: @_@ Samantha: @_@ "Gaaah..." Yuuwaku: "Hurting... ears... itai...." * Kodah turns to look at the group's rescuer. Varemi: . o O (I could have done that.) Jan: O_o * Marcus shakes his head an looks up. * Galen turns to the mystere-ous woman rescuer. --The woman walks into the room... She is wearing this weird dark blue leather outfit, similar to what Xena would wear, with a mask on her face and a whip at her hip...-- Marcus: "Who are you?" * Yuuwaku gets sparklies in his eyes. Samantha: "Uh... hello strange masked rescuer." ^^; Kodah: . o O (Ooooookay...) * Chrissy coughs once, looking at their rescuer. Yuuwaku: "Kakkoii!!!!!" * Jan blinks. Woman: "My name is... Mysteal! And I fight for looooooooooove and justice!" * Varemi idly glances at her hair color. Marcus: "Oh brother . . ." --Mysteal has light blue hair.-- * Samantha narrows her eyes and tries hard not to laugh, "Mysteal?" ;) Varemi: "You certainly do." *dimly* Kodah: "... right" * Galen facepalms. "Oh great..." Yuuwaku: "Wooooowwwww." %D Kodah: "Can we go now?" Marcus: "Why do I feel like this has been done before?" Varemi: "Just get us out of here." ^^; * Chrissy blinks several times. "Good, bad, she's the one with the C4..." ^^; Mysteal: "Quickly, we have to get out of here..." Galen: "We have to get Selene out of here first." * Mysteal motions the group to follow her as she runs down the corridor... * Samantha pushes herself to her feet, "Done deal. I'm so out of here." ^^ * Kodah shrugs, and steps out of the cell. Jan: ".... Yeah." * Chrissy runs out of the cell. * Jan follows. * Yuuwaku clasps his hands together and does a little shimmy. Mysteal is the best! * Galen follows Mysteal. * Varemi unfolds her arms and gets ready to dash in a girly manner. =b * Marcus follows. * Kodah follows quietly, but quickly. Mysteal: "Selene isn't in here... She's in Azado." Samantha: "Azado? Why?" Varemi: "..." * Samantha runs to Mysteal the mighty. * Yuuwaku picks up the bush and heads after the group. Varemi: "What will they do to her? Or is she safe...?" Galen: "Good question..." Yuuwaku: "I knew you'd come and rescue us Miss Teal." :D Mysteal: "They're going to execute her tomorrow morning on the top floor of the Azado Tower." Galen: "Why Azado?" Yuuwaku: O_o Varemi: "Peh." Chrissy: "Execute! No way!" Galen: "Then we have to get there NOW!" Yuuwaku: "We've gotta get there quick!" Samantha: O_o "What? We've got to stop them!" Varemi: "Let's go stop them. She's our only hope." Varemi: "Or something." * Mysteal nods. --You eventually reach a dead-end in the corridor...-- Marcus: "Let's just go." Chrissy: "I made a promise, and I don't like to break promises... Let's hustle outta here." Jan: "Where do we go from here?" Kodah: "..." * Varemi is uhm... still ready to dash...? People? Mysteal? * Mysteal chants some magic words, opening a secret passage leading further underground... Mysteal: "This way... There is a secret exit out of the city by way of the sewers..." * Yuuwaku pokes Kodah in the ribs, "Hey, we'd rescue you too, y'know. Even if the fate of the world didn't depend on you." ;p Galen: "Okay." Varemi: "You coming with us?" Kodah: "Oof." * Varemi says this as she goes to the exit and crawls on the ground a bit. Mysteal: "Someone has to show you the way out of the sewers..." * Kodah raises an eyebrow. Samantha: "So... Mysteal... What do you do other then rescue dead beat people like us? Beat up drunkards, shout a lot? Fight people over copyright infringements? " * Chrissy checks the sewer passageway for any guards. * Galen crawls through the exit and follows the rest of the party. Yuuwaku: "Copyright infringements are important to protect, Samantha-san." Samantha: "I agree." ^^ --There are no guards in the sewer passageway.-- Chrissy: "All clear, guys..." Marcus: "Are you showing us the way Mysteal?" Galen: "I'll bet these sewers haven't been used in ages." * Yuuwaku looks around and slips into the sewers. Mysteal: *to Samantha* "I have... hobbies." :) Yuuwaku: "I hope not." * Mysteal nods at Marcus. --As soon as everyone has entered the passage, Mysteal chants some more words closing the entrance behind you.-- Samantha: ^_- "S'good thing to know." Marcus: "Then let's hurry." Yuuwaku: "We shouldn't just stand here though..." Yuuwaku: "We have to get somewhere safe first." Mysteal: "This way!" * Jan tries not to breath in too deeply of the sewers. Yuuwaku: "That's a lesson we should've learned from last time." -_-; Galen: "We have to get out of here and rescue Selene." * Kodah follows, what else is there to do? * Galen follows Mysteal. --The sewers smell dank and dreary, but not of raw sewage, fortunately. These are the ancient sewers that are no longer used as part of Meribia's sanitation system.-- Samantha: "Wow... old time sewers..." Chrissy: .oO( Why is Teal wearing that get-up anyway? Maybe all Dragons are eccentric. ^^; ) Kodah: . o O (Running through a sewer... again. Bah.) * Mysteal dashes around a corner and turns up a path leading uphill slightly... * Chrissy follows Mysteal's lead into the sewers. "This place must have been dormant for a helluva long time... Hope they haven't been sealed off." * Galen follows Mysteal. "I hope this leads us close to Azado." * Samantha tries her best to follow the party. --The water in the drainage canal next to you gets rougher, as if something is swimming in it...-- Samantha: "Uh, Galen. We are no where NEAR Azado." ^^; Marcus: "I want to ask a question. What's with the outfit Teal?" Mysteal: "This should take us just outside the city limits..." * Chrissy eyes the canal. Mysteal: "Teal? I know not of this Teal you speak..." * Samantha blinks, "These sewers go that long?" O_o Galen: "Good... then Azado will be a stone's throw away." Mysteal: "It'll probably take you until nightfall to reach Azado from the city limits..." Marcus: "Just what I thought." . o O(What a nut.) * Yuuwaku eyes the water and places a hand on his his sword hilt. Chrissy: "Uhh... that water doesn't look too good..." * Yuuwaku's tummy rumbles ominously... Kodah: "..." Yuuwaku: "When was the last time we ate?" Samantha: "...A long time ago..." * Galen throws Yuu his canteen. "Here... drink this. We need to keep moving." --Suddenly, a pack of sewer monsters leaps out from the water and attacks you!-- * Varemi sighs and narrows her eyes embitteredly. =b Samantha: "Grah!" ===COMBAT!=== Kodah: "... great." * Samantha draws he sword. * Galen stops and takes to the back row. * Yuuwaku takes a gulp of the water before the sewer monsters jump out. * Ambush 6000 is still dormant. * Varemi poises for attack. "This is so ridiculous. Just everything." Yuuwaku: "Ahh!" Jan: "Great..." Samantha: "Yuu." * Kodah slips into a combat position in front of the party, pulling his weapon from that nowhere space again. * Mysteal draws her whip. Galen: "Sam, this isn't Mexico." * Chrissy reels backwards, as a sewer monster latches onto her face before she beats it off. "I like my lunch without the fight in it!" Kodah: "Hmm... four Mutant Turtles in front, four Sewer Urchins in back." * Yuuwaku tosses the canteen back to Galen and draws his sword as he gracefully slips into the front row. * Galen throws his canteen back in his pack and begins a spell. Yuuwaku: "Anyone fought these before?" Samantha: "No..." Kodah: "Seen them, never fought them." Varemi: "Can someone use any sort of fire on either of those..." -_-; Galen: "Yuu, Sam, give me time for 2 spells, then try your Wide Slashes." Yuuwaku: "Wait a minute... aren't water animals prone to lightning attack?" Varemi: "Yes, Yuu." Samantha: "I believe so, Yuu." Varemi: "Very much so." Yuuwaku: "Ooh." ;) Galen: "Varemi, give me time. I have just the thing." * Samantha nods, "Okay, Galen." Yuuwaku: "Well..." Varemi: "Yeah sure..." Yuuwaku: "I'm gonna try something a little different first." * Kodah eyes the enemies carefully, scanning for an opening. * Varemi wishes she had more of an opportunity for her own magic... * Varemi attempts to freeze the sewer creatures. * Yuuwaku slides into position with his sword parallel to the ground and his feet spread shoulder-width apart, preparing for an attack. Galen: "Come to think of it... screw the barrier spell. Sam, Yuu, give me time to get this one spell off, then try your Wide Slashes." * Jan slips out a shuriken. * Samantha nods, "Okay, Galen. I'll just attack for now." * Yuuwaku nods to Galen. Yuuwaku: "Right!" * Varemi then shakes her head... * Varemi piffs a piece of hair out of her pale face and changes her mind about something. Kodah: "I will attack until healing is required." Galen: "Okay, Kodah... that works for me." Mysteal attacks Mutant Turtle A with her whip! * Yuuwaku sheaths his sword and places his hands together, concentrating on the formation of magical lightning energy. :O Mysteal: "You need a spanking!" * Chrissy recovers her balance, and prepares to send these turtles back to the pet shop of hell. :o Varemi: . o O (She has a whip....) Varemi: . o O (......) * Kodah raises an eyebrow at Mysteal. Varemi: . o O (So disturbing.) * Yuuwaku squeals with delight at Mysteal! ^_^ First attack... Critical hit! 172 damage... Marcus: "Spanking? Oh brother." Kodah: "You need a 'what'?" Yuuwaku: "Ganbatte Mysteal-saaaannnn!!!!!" Varemi: "I think that's more than a spanking, personally." * Galen would laugh if he wasn't concentrating on his spell. Second attack... Critical hit! 182 damage! Mutant Turtle A has been shell-shocked! * Yuuwaku sweatdrops and goes back to spell casting. * Chrissy urks and sweatdrops at Teal. "... I didn't know she was into that stuff..." Varemi: "Why not?" Third attack on Mutant Turtle B... Critical hit! 165 damage! Yuuwaku casts Thunder Bolt on Mutant Turtle B! * Yuuwaku spreads his heads out and lets loose magical lightning bolts of death! :O Mutant Turtle has critical weakness to Thunder attacks... 54 damage. Yuuwaku: "Wai!!" =^.^= Kodah attacks Mutant Turtle B... * Kodah dashes forward, stabbing his staff into on of the shell holes, trying to bypass the armor. First attack... 12 damage... Second attack... 13 damage. * Kodah returns to the formation. Yuuwaku: "Samantha." Galen: "Urchins. I think Mysteal and the others can take the turtles." * Samantha thinks, "We'll see what's standing!" * Yuuwaku nods to Galen. Samantha: "I say the Urchins!" Yuuwaku: "Since our attacks are line attacks, we'll hit more of them if there are more of them." ^_^ Galen: "I have a linear explosion spell I'm dying to try out." Jan casts Sharp Shot on Mutant Turtle B! * Yuuwaku draws his sword and prepares to defend from the inevitable counter attacks. :| * Jan hurls his shuriken at the turtle! Mutant Turtle B is skewered by the shuriken for 40 damage. Samantha attacks Mutant Turtle B! First attack... Critical hit! 87 damage! * Samantha rushes forward, trying to cut off one of the turtles skinny necks! Second attack on Mutant Turtle C... 29 damage. * Samantha cuts deep, then strikes out on the opposite side, before rushing back to the group! Varemi casts Heavy Weight on Sewer Urchin A! * Varemi closes her eyes and holds her hands out, fingers fanned, at the first urchin. Sewer Urchin A is compressed under an intense weight for 56 damage. * Varemi's runes sparkle and the urchins are crushed. Mutant Turtle C attacks Yuuwaku! Yuuwaku: "Iyaa!!!" * Yuuwaku tries to block with his sword. Chrissy: "Yuuwaku, incoming!" * Varemi watches with a bit of pity. Varemi: =b Yuuwaku is hit for 14 damage. Varemi: "I guess that could have hit harder..." Mutant Turtle D casts Water Gun on Marcus! * Yuuwaku falls to his knees, coughing up blood.... still apparently in quite a bit of pain from the *last* battle. Marcus is hosed by an intense blast of water for 27 damage. Samantha: "Yuu..." * Marcus feels very wet. Varemi: "... Oh... wait... no, that was pretty bad considering..." * Varemi stops talking to herself. ;b * Kodah puts his staff behind him, and gets ready to start healing. * Yuuwaku uses his sword to steady himself, still kneeling, and weakly tosses his head back to get the bangs out of his eyes. * Varemi looks over at Kodah... Sewer Urchin A shoots a spine at Chrissy! Marcus: "Watch out." * Marcus keeps dripping. * Chrissy tries to dodge the spine... Kodah: "Varemi, if you can heal Yuu or Marcus I can cover the other." Varemi: "Okay." Varemi: "I'll cover uhm..." *looks at the two of them* "... are you faster than me, Kodah?" Critical hit! Chrissy is hit for 41 damage. Galen: "Damn..." Varemi: "I guess it doesn't matter... " * Samantha grks as Chrissy gets spined. O_o Yuuwaku: "Chrissy..." * Chrissy is hit in the side reeling back to the floor. "Sh*t...!" * Varemi aughs. O_o; Sewer Urchin B launches a spine at Marcus... Yuuwaku: "Mysteal. Can Mysteal heal us?" Yuuwaku: "Oh no." -_-; * Marcus braces for the impact. Galen: "Marcus!" Marcus is hit for 9 damage. Kodah: "I can be faster than you. Just stay focused and be ready." * Chrissy uses her hands to pull herself up. "You'll pay for that..." * Yuuwaku turns away, not wanting to see Marcus hurt more. * Marcus pulls the spine out of his leg, "Dammit." Sewer Urchin C launches a spine at Galen... Galen: O_o; * Galen gets the feeling he's done for. * Varemi blinks at Kodah for a second and then nods. I guess I'll heal... Marcus? Unless someone else winds up needing it more....? Galen is hit for 17 damage. Varemi: "Chrissy. That looked bad. Are you all right?" Kodah: "I believe your magic is more potent then mine. If you can heal Chrissy I will handle Marcus" Sewer Urchin D shoots a spine at Kodah. * Varemi then notices Galen. "Hmm... this is a little bit bad." Chrissy: "I've had worse..." Varemi: "What about Yuuwaku?" *looks over at the bleeding bishi* * Kodah tries knock the spine aside with his staff! Kodah is hit for 1 damage. * Kodah growls, and resumes his spell preparation. * Yuuwaku coughs dramatically for effect. Galen: "Who has herbs?" Kodah: "I do." * Chrissy bites her lip after she says this. * Yuuwaku raises a hand tentatively. Galen casts Concentrate! Yuuwaku: "I think that... you me and Samantha... should definitely still attack..." * Galen finishes his incantation. "Lords of darkness of all four realms... on thine bonds do I now swear. Grant to me now all the power that thou doth possess." He is then surrounded by an aura of power as his spells are enhanced. "Concentrate!" Galen: "Yes." Samantha: "Okay Yuu..." Galen's Wisdom up 12! Galen: "Someone use an Herb on me. Kodah, heal Marcus. Varemi, heal Yuu. And Marcus needs an Herb too." Chrissy attacks Mutant Turtle C! Varemi: "But..." Chrissy: "Now... it's my turn!" Galen: "I think Yuu, Sam and I can take out the Urchins." Kodah: "Chrissy needs assistance too." Varemi: "Kodah has a point about Chrissy. " First attack... 33 damage... Varemi: "She can take a lot. But..." Second attack... Critical hit! 95 damage! * Chrissy runs at the ninja turtle executing several no-nonsense chops at the creature, finishing up with a spinning roundhouse kick. Galen: "That was a powerful attack..." Third attack... Critical hit! 95 damage! Kodah: "Varemi, heal Chrissy, I will heal Marcus, those who can, use Herbs on Galen and Yuu." Galen: "But one thing we have to do is take out those urchins. We can't take that much more damage of those kinds." Marcus casts Arc Shot on the Mutant Turtles! Varemi: "...." Galen: "Let Sam, Yuu, and I use our attacks on the urchins. We can possibly take them out in that one round." * Varemi stops listening to people and gets ready to heal Chrissy. Yuuwaku: "Don't worry about healing me." -_-; Mutant Turtle C is hit for 20 damage. D for 20. ===ROUND 2=== * Chrissy catches her breath, looking quite incensed, perhaps from the pain or the fact C is still standing after that. * Kodah tenses, and bright light fills his eye sockets. This light shoots straight out to either side of him, then splits to form two circular halves, forming a standing ring around his body. This ring begins to spin around him, faster and faster, until it forms a sphere of intense energy around Kodah's body. * Varemi looks a little bit angry. "You're down as low as you are not because they're strong but because you weren't -healed-. Let's not let that happen a second time, huh?" * Yuuwaku looks at Galen with awe. * Galen creates a bright red aura of explosive power around himself as he begins his spell. His cloak flaps around wildly in the power of the spell, as does his hair. * Jan pulls out another shuriken and lines up a shot. Mysteal attacks Mutant Turtle C! Mysteal: "Discipline feels good! Hah!" Galen: "Sam, Yuu, attack the urchins with your Wide Slashes." First attack... Critical hit! 173 damage! Samantha: "Done!" Mutant Turtle C is soup! * Yuuwaku takes a deep breath, and pulls himself up, taking the stance he formerly held with legs spread apart and sword at ready. Second attack on Mutant Turtle D... Critical hit! 180 damage! Galen: "Now, anyone who can... heal." Third attack... Critical hit! 186 damage! Mutant Turtle D is a pizza topping! * Mysteal leaps back into position. Galen: "Thanks, Mysteal." Galen: .oO(Or should I just say... Teal.) * Mysteal nods and smiles... Kodah casts Heal Litany on Marcus! * Chrissy holds her side. "I'd laugh at that, but it hurts right about now..." ^^; * Kodah claps his hands, then opens them again. A gentle ribbon of wind curls up around Marcus and erases any wounds that it touches. Marcus regains 39 HP. Marcus: "Thanks." Yuuwaku casts Wide Slash on the Sewer Urchins! * Yuuwaku waves a bit, then shakes his head, setting his mouth in a grim line and runs to the side of the urchins, then across with his sword to the side so that he slices at all of them as he passes by! Sewer Urchin A is hit for 22 damage. B for 18. C for 18. D for 25. Samantha casts Wide Slash on the Sewer Urchins! * Samantha draws her sword, its blade glowing brightly. She makes on quick diagonal slash, then another, leaving an elongated X of light in front of her. She then stabs into the center of the X and the light shrieks forward into the enemy formation! Yuuwaku: "Not quite... as good... as I had hoped..." Galen: "Well, let's hope my explosion spell does better." Galen: "And Sam's slash." Sewer Urchin A is hit for 31 damage. B 32. C 37. D 34. Galen: "Good shot, Samantha." Samantha: "Thanks!" ^_^ Varemi casts Crocus Wind on Chrissy! * Varemi closes her eyes and lifts her gloved fists to her chin... Her runes glow a haunted violet and pulse as she focuses her mind to penetrate Chrissy's subconscience. Chrissy suddenly envisions herself in a field of crocuses, their fragrant aroma permeating her body as she heals... Yuuwaku: "Is anyone healing me?" ¬_¬ Chrissy recovers 56 HP. * Chrissy looks at Varemi, as she feels a chill come over her, followed by her wounds healing. "Varemi... What... was that?" * Varemi drops her fists down to her sides and re-opens her eyes. Kodah: "As soon as I can Yuu." Varemi: "... A spell." Yuuwaku: "Do you have any attack magic Kodah?" Chrissy: "Well whatever it was, I feel like a million bucks now." Jan casts Sharp Shot on Sewer Urchin A! * Jan strikes the turtle in the tender spot between the plates of its shell. Kodah: "Does it matter? Healing is more necessary at the moment." * Varemi smiles very slightly and then surveys the situation now with who's healed and not. Sewer Urchin A is skewered by the shuriken for 52 damage. Sewer Urchin A fires a spine at Varemi! Marcus: "Here we go again." Galen: "Look out, Varemi... these things pack a wallop." Varemi is hit for 1 damage. Varemi: "..." Yuuwaku: "If you do, you should attack and I can use an Herb on myself." Yuuwaku: "Well.... more people might be hurt..." Sewer Urchin B launches a spine at Varemi... Varemi: "..." Varemi is hit for 1 damage... Kodah: "I think I'd be best used now for healing. Attacking can come later." * Varemi looks at the spine come for her and picks it out. =b Yuuwaku: "Or they could just keep attacking Varemi..." * Chrissy nips up, looking over to Varemi. "... I think she can take care of herself." ^^; * Yuuwaku idly wonders if there's any way to get it so that ALL the enemies ALWAYS attack Varemi... Sewer Urchin C fires a spine at Jan! Galen: "Watch it, Jan." Jan is hit for 15 damage. * Jan grimaces. Sewer Urchin D fires a spine at Samantha! Samantha is hit for 3 damage. * Yuuwaku sniffles. * Kodah continues his concentration, preparing another spell. Yuuwaku: . o O (It's going to take forever to get these bloodstains out. -_-; ) * Galen eyes the urchins as the aura of power around him intensifies. * Samantha grks, "...." Galen casts Exodus on the Sewer Urchins! * Galen floats up into the air, chanting his spell. "Buurei... buurei... dead. Obey thine oath of blood and come forth from the land of Abadon. Fires of Gehenna, become an inferno and consume everything around." Galen then fires off a blast that encompasses the urchins row. "EXODUS!" * Varemi looks over at Yuuwaku. Then at everyone else who looks a bit bad. Varemi: "This is so ironic..." Sewer Urchin A is hit for 42 damage. B 43. C 49. D 42. * Yuuwaku stands in a puddle of his own blood. :D * Varemi then notices the damage done. Varemi: "Hmm." Marcus uses an Herb on Galen. 50 HP restored. * Jan thinks Yuuwaku is very odd to look so happy about that. Galen: "Thanks, Marcus." Kodah: "Varemi, can you heal Yuu if I heal Samantha?" Varemi: "Sure..." Samantha: "I'm not that badly hurt...don't worry..." Chrissy casts Piston Punch on Sewer Urchin A! * Chrissy rubs both her wrists once, the motion accompanied by a very audible *click* from something under her heavy gloves. "How about a little fuel injection?" Yuuwaku: "No, I'll heal myself..." >_ * Chrissy dashes at Urchin A, throwing a flurry of jabs, uppercuts, and backhand punches with mechanical speed and precision, a thin trail of steam escaping her hands after every hit. "Piston Punch!" Yuuwaku: "Varemi would be better off attacking." Varemi: "No I wouldn't." Yuuwaku: "Magic?" First attack... 30 damage... * Varemi gestures vaguely at the other heavy hitters. "I do about as much as you." Second attack... 32 damage... Galen: "Yuu, I'm going to try my lightning spell on these things now..." Galen: "Maybe that'll work better than explosion spell." Third attack... 31 damage! Sewer Urchin A is sushi! Yuuwaku: "Okay Galen..." Yuuwaku: "I think it would." Fourth attack on Sewer Urchin B... Critical hit! 98 damage! ===ROUND 3=== Varemi: "Besides, my magic is ill-suited to things that are water element." Galen: "I have a few spells like that, Varemi." * Chrissy sends the second reeling into a nearby wall, brushing her hands off... * Varemi eyes Galen. Varemi: "Yes, I'm sure you do. I'm not much of a mage compared to you are." Galen: "Absolutely useless against water elemental, that is. Venom, and Crimson Blaze for one." Varemi: "Kodah..." Varemi: "You're healing Samantha..?" Kodah: "Correct, can you please heal Yuu?" * Varemi looks over at Yuuwaku. Varemi: "I will." Kodah: "All right then." Yuuwaku: "I doubt it's necessary... if we all attacked, we could probably kill these..." Samantha: "I'm okay guys..." Yuuwaku: "Kodah should just heal me and Varemi should attack." * Varemi blinks... * Varemi pauses. "...." Chrissy: "Get Yuuwaku some attention here folks... I've got it under control!" * Galen's casting hand begins to crackle with crimson electricity. Kodah: "Varemi, heal Yuu. I will heal Jan." Jan: "I can take care of myself Kodah." Jan: "Heal someone else who needs it." Varemi: "Hnnf." Kodah: "As you wish then." Yuuwaku: "Don't heal anyone, kill something." >_ Varemi: "..." Varemi: "I'm amazed you can still speak." =b * Kodah lets go of the energy within him, and the sphere of power bursts explosively, sending shock waves and debris flying in all directions! * Jan chuckles darkly. "If we're lucky, I may be killing something too." Marcus: "We can't kill much if we're dead." * Yuuwaku ponders stabbing himself in order to end this futile argument... then realizes he doesn't have the energy. :P * Kodah slips back into a combat posture. Mysteal attacks Sewer Urchin B! * Chrissy blinks as Kodah does that explosive debris thing again. "Showboat much?" ^^; Mysteal: "Ooooooh, you're a baaaaaaaaaad boy!" * Galen gets ready to unleash his lightning bolt. Varemi: "..." First attack... Critical hit! 165 damage! Sewer Urchin B is a Japanese delicacy! * Galen whispers to Marcus. "Am I the only one that thinks that's Teal?" * Varemi shakes her head and uses more of her healing muck. "Sorry, Yuu." * Chrissy loose some of her focus as Teal plays dominatrix diva dress up. x-x Second attack on Sewer Urchin C... Critical hit! 180 damage. * Marcus whispers back, "It IS Teal." Third attack... Critical hit! 193 damage! Sewer Urchin C looks like it's been split by an Iron Chef! Yuuwaku attacks Sewer Urchin D. First attack... Critical hit! 60 damage. Second attack... 19 damage. * Yuuwaku dashes forward and slashes with the desperation of a dead man. Kodah attacks Sewer Urchin D! * Kodah charges again, stabbing deep into the opening aperture of the Urchin, then whipping his whole body over backwards to slam it against the ground! First attack... 11 damage. Second attack... 12 damage. * Kodah returns to the ground. Varemi casts Crocus Wind on Yuuwaku! * Varemi charges her runes and enters Yuuwaku's subcounsious mind.... happy spell! Varemi: "... There." * Yuuwaku sighs happily... oh the healing pleasure... Yuuwaku finds himself in a field of crocuses, their sweet aroma permeating his body as he heals... Yuuwaku recovers 58 HP. Yuuwaku: "Ahh... what a relief...." Yuuwaku: "But I'm still hungry." :( * Samantha grins at Yuu weirdly. ^^; * Yuuwaku eyes the urchins. Jan casts Health Drain on Sewer Urchin D! * Jan raises a hand before him, drawing forth a powerful light from his enemy." Life... Blood... Come to me." * Yuuwaku gapes at Jan's spell. Chrissy: "Yuuwaku, who knows where these've been?" :o Sewer Urchin B loses 37 HP... Jan recovers 37 HP. Varemi: "..." Varemi: "They've been in the sewer." Kodah: "In the sewer I would guess." Yuuwaku: "Put them in enough vinegar and it won't matter Chrissy." ^_^ Samantha attacks Sewer Urchin D! * Samantha slams her sword hard into the urchin's shell, trying to crush it! First attack... Critical hit! 82 damage! Sewer Urchin D has been sliced neatly in two! VICTORY! Yuuwaku: "Yaya!" 64 XP, 240 MXP, 2400 S acquired. Galen: "Way to go, Sam." * Varemi blinks and puts her hands behind her back. * Kodah takes a deep breath, and returns his weapon to the nothing from which he drew it. Samantha: ^_- "Niceee..." * Yuuwaku pulls the now rather bloody cloth from his waist sash thingy and wipes his sword down before sheathing it. * Marcus puts his gun back in his coat. Yuuwaku: "..." * Galen makes the lighting bolt disappear. Yuuwaku: "I guess we don't have time to stop and eat." * Ambush 6000 continues to emit white noise. Kodah: "Is everyone all right?" Yuuwaku: "We should keep moving... and quickly..." * Jan tries to clean the bits of blood still on his jacket off of him. Marcus: "Eat what?" * Chrissy grins. "Yes... how about next time we go for pizza." Galen: "Fine... for the most part." Galen has reached level 5! * Yuuwaku gestures to the urchins before picking up the bush again and trundling along with it. Jan has reached level 5! Yuuwaku: "Err... which way Mysteal?" ^_^;; Marcus: "Ick." Mysteal: "This way, quickly!" * Mysteal dashes. * Kodah follows. Marcus has reached level 5! * Galen follows Mysteal. * Marcus follows. * Chrissy continues down the passage, wary of any more sushi with a 'tude showing up. ^^ * Jan runs after her. Samantha has reached level 5! * Samantha follows behind everyone else. Yuuwaku has reached level 5! --Soon, you come to another dead end...-- * Mysteal chants a few more words, and an opening leading to daylight appears... * Mysteal runs towards the daylight... * Kodah watches this with interest. * Galen heads through the opening. * Jan squints his eyes at the sudden daylight. * Kodah follows warily, trying to let his eyes adjust. * Samantha rubs her eyes. --When you come to the surface, you'll find yourselves about midway between Meribia and Tony's forest...-- * Chrissy shields her eyes some as she exits the tunnel with everyone. "Eeg... forgot my sunglasses." She adjusts for a second, looking around. Marcus: "Its good to see the sun again." * Varemi follows out, head bowed, her hair billowing behind her. Jan: "Yeah..." * Yuuwaku sighs a little wistfully and blinks his eyes. * Mysteal chants some more words to close the opening once everyone has escaped... Samantha: "No kidding. Thank you, Mysteal." Kodah: "So which way to Azado?" --The opening vanishes under the ground as it closes...-- Galen: "South east from here. Head to vane and go south from there." Mysteal: "You're welcome... Azado is south east of here, past Vane... If you start moving now, you should reach it just after nightfall, allowing for you to covertly enter the tower to save your friend." Galen: "Thanks, Mysteal." Chrissy: "That sounds like a plan to me..." * Yuuwaku sighs, "I'm sorry everyone... I should have asked to be healed before we entered those sewers..." :| Mysteal: "You're welcome... However, I cannot assist you any longer... I must move elsewhere, for great justice!" * Varemi looks over at Yuuwaku. "Don't worry about it. I should have thought." Kodah: "It all worked out in the end. No sense dwelling on it." * Jan blinks. Varemi: "I'm not used to healing other people..." Jan: "Okay... uh... thanks." * Mysteal cracks her whip, creating a cloud of dust... When the dust clears, she vanishes... Marcus: "Say hi to Teal for us." Chrissy: "Right... busy woman I take it... eheh." ^^; Samantha: "Uh... thanks." ^^; Samantha: "... Damn, Teal has some ISSUES." Galen: "Let's go." * Jan nods. Varemi: "Everyone has issues." Yuuwaku: "I don't know. I don't see anything wrong with it." * Galen starts out toward Azado. "No time to worry about that. We've got business in Azado." * Chrissy shrugs. "Maybe she does this at parties..." Marcus: "Maybe all dragons are insane." Kodah: "We need to hurry. Our captors may have an inkling as to where we may be going." * Samantha nods, "Let's move out!" * Yuuwaku sighs. * Jan starts walking. Marcus: "Then we shall be walking into a trap, Kodah." * Yuuwaku hefts the bush a bit on his hip and keeps walking. Kodah: "Traps will greet us now wherever we go Marcus." Yuuwaku: "Teal might have something prepared though." * Chrissy starts moving in the general direction of Vane, and beyond it hopefully Azado. Kodah: "Let's hope so." * Jan still wonders why they were left alive. --As you walk towards the forest, and Azado, you can smell the faint aroma of roses in the air.-- Chrissy: "I still don't get why they let us off so easy... Did they really just want Selene?" Yuuwaku: "They want Varemi too, so they were probably going to come back and deal with us later." Galen: "I wonder what is so special about her." Yuuwaku: "They obviously don't have the sense to just kill people who are fighting against them." Kodah: "Or we are doing exactly what they want." Kodah: "But such conjecture is pointless." Samantha: "Let's just hurry as fast as we can." Chrissy: "... don't make my head hurt again here..." *sniffs at the air* * Yuuwaku looks around for rose bushes. Galen: "No time to stop and smell the roses, folks." * Yuuwaku shrugs and picks up the pace. --There aren't any rose bushes in the area... However, the smell is so faint that they probably are distant anyway...-- * Kodah walks along, looking about warily. --Soon, you arrive near the entrance to Tony's forest...-- Marcus: "This forest is starting to get on my nerves." * Yuuwaku hugs the bush, burying his face in the mechanical leaves and whimpers a little. --As you approach the entrance of the forest, you hear a familiar female voice laughing...-- Varemi: "..." * Jan listens. Galen: "Oh no... not again." Cera: "You're not getting away that easily!" Kodah: "..." * Yuuwaku's ears twitch and he cocks his head to the side. * Cera leaps down from the trees again... Jan: "......." Kodah: "... bugger." Yuuwaku: O_O Marcus: "Dammit." * Cera draws forth a few shuriken... Jan: "Somehow this just gets worse and worse." Galen: "Cera, you're more of a pain in the ass than my damn sister." Samantha: "Goddess damn, woman!" * Kodah looks for an exit. * Yuuwaku looks at the bush... looks at Cera... * Varemi mutters... Cera: "If I hadn't been under orders to take you alive... Oh well, now it's time to correct that error..." Chrissy: "Not you again!" * Yuuwaku thinks about throwing it... ¬_¬ --There doesn't appear to be anywhere to run that's outside of Cera's range...-- * Cera hurls the shurikens at the party! Samantha: "Graagh!" * Chrissy tries to duck! Yuuwaku: "IYA DA!!!!" >_ Jan: "Gah!" * Varemi thinks about dodging them. Galen: O_o; * Samantha tries to deflect them off her sword! * Kodah tries to dodge, with great futility. * Yuuwaku holds the bush up as a shield. --Suddenly, you see a blazing gray streak fly in front of you... The shurikens all bounce harmlessly off that streak!-- * Galen tries to set up a basic magical barrier. * Jan blinks. Kodah: "..?" Marcus: "What?" Samantha: "...?" Galen: "WTF?" * Chrissy looks up from her crouch. "What the..?" --The streak comes to a halt... As it does, you discover its true identity... the bounty hunter known as Iria Yamato!-- Kodah: "..." Yuuwaku: "IRIA-SAN!!!!!!" :D Jan: "......." Samantha: "... Wow. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder... I need a good hard drink." -_-; Galen: "Now ain't you a sight for sore eyes." Kodah: "I suggest we go. Now." Yuuwaku: "Otasukarimashita!!" :D Varemi: "It's always weird." Varemi: "This isn't anything special." Iria: "Hmph... There is nothing I hate more than a sneak..." Samantha: ^^; "Let's go watch the upcoming battle FAR FAR away... yes...." ^^; * Varemi looks at Kodah, nods, considers leaving... wonders then if it is possible. * Samantha begins to inch away from the conflict. Cera: "Who ARE you?" Jan: "Good idea, Samantha..." Galen: "Good idea, Samantha." * Jan inches after her. * Varemi notices Samantha and mimics her. Chrissy: "One weirdo after another today." * Galen starts after Sam and Jan. Iria: "I am called... Iria Yamato... and that is all you need to know..." Varemi: "I'm weirder." * Marcus slowly backs away. * Kodah backs away, still on guard. * Yuuwaku stupidly stands there watching with stars in his eyes... Cera: "Infidel... Fortunately, there aren't any orders regarding taking YOU alive..." ===NBC COMBAT! BLUE NINJA CERA VS. IRIA YAMATO!=== * Chrissy stands up and retreats. "Got it... Have fun making that girl black and blue!" * Kodah zips back on screen, grabs Yuu by the scruff, and hauls him off. Cera attacks! * Marcus hops back and pulls Yuu along with everybody else. * Samantha runs away. Iria easily parries all of the Blue Ninja's attacks... Iria: *icy cold tone in her voice* "You'll have to do MUCH better than that, I'm afraid..." Galen: "Looks like Iria's about to lay the smack down on that bitch." Cera casts Blue Master's Precision! Cera: "Power of the Blue Master, lend me your assistance!" Cera temporarily games infinite Hit%! * Yuuwaku is dragged off, oblivious to everything. Iria: "Interesting... Of course, you're not the only one that can cast sacred spells like that..." Iria casts Dragon Quake! The entire ground quakes severely as hundreds of earthen dragons burst forth from the ground and turn to pummel Cera! Cera suffers 9999 damage and is defeated. * Kodah continues retreating, not caring about the pyrotechnics. * Chrissy is running away, but looking over a shoulder, idly wondering if she had a video camera with her. Cera: "Impossible... How... could..." * Jan's amazement barely registers in his mind since he's trying to get away right now. It'll hit him later. Iria: "Let's just say it's a little something I picked up on my travels..." * Iria draws one of her twin katanas, measuring up Cera as she prepares to decapitate the Blue Ninja... Cera: "Not... like... this..." * Cera, using what little strength she has remaining, pulls out a smoke grenade, using it to vanish and escape! * Iria curses... * Varemi is uhm... following the group. But doubting that she should. * Yuuwaku stares in complete and utter shock. * Samantha stops, "Hold up..." Varemi: . o O (Shouldn't we go and uhh... talk to that girl...) Samantha: "Cera's gone!" * Yuuwaku struggles, trying to run back to Iria. Iria: "Hmph... I should have known better... I must be growing soft..." * Marcus lets Yuu go. * Jan comes to a halt, somewhat further ahead than most of the party. * Iria runs towards the group to see if they are okay... Samantha: "... Thank you for helping us, Miss Ira." * Kodah stops, and looks back finally at Iria. Chrissy: "Talk about heads rolling..." Yuuwaku: "Iria-san!!!" Kodah: "..." Iria: "Are all of you all right?" Galen: "No time to figure it out, Yuu. We've gotta be going to Azado." Iria: *to Yuuwaku* "That... I'm... not sure... It just came to me..." Varemi: "..." Yuuwaku: "Will you come with us?" Iria: "I didn't even know I could do that until recently..." Galen: "We're fine, Iria, and we've got a friend to save..." Yuuwaku: "Please?" * Chrissy stop, leaning on a tree in the distance. "That was some mighty powerful stuff you're packing... I'm glad you're on your side here." Varemi: "Yeah. That would be a kind of good idea if you could." Iria: "I'm sorry, Yuuwaku-kun. I cannot... My journey isn't finished yet..." * Yuuwaku sighs and nods. Varemi: "... Figures." Yuuwaku: "I understand." Kodah: "..." * Yuuwaku smiles and gives Iria a quick hug. Yuuwaku: "Thank you." ^_^ Iria: "Maybe after I find what I'm looking for, I'll be able to join you, but not until then..." Varemi: "Well, hard road. Let's go to Azado. Unless anyone can think of anything else to ask her." * Iria smiles a little, much calmer than before, and hugs Yuuwaku back. Chrissy: "I hate to party and run, but Selene's life is on the line here folks!" Kodah: "I think we should go." Galen: "We should get moving." Varemi: "Yeah." Iria: "Good luck on your journey as well..." * Jan nods, still a short distance ahead of the others. * Samantha nods, "No offense, Miss Iria. We'll meet again, I'm sure!" Galen: "There's a lot of ground to cover to Azado." * Yuuwaku picks up the bush, which he dropped when he was being dragged about and starts off towards Azado. * Iria turns and walks off after giving her farewells. * Varemi looks at everyone else blankly, not knowing the way. * Samantha runs ahead! * Galen starts running toward Azado. * Varemi notices Jan way ahead and follows that way. --The sun sets behind you as you charge through the forest...-- * Yuuwaku runs after the others. --As the sun just begins to dip below the horizon, you reach the far end of Tony's forest...-- * Kodah trudges along, considering what he just witnessed (after a fashion). Galen: "We've wasted a lot of time... We have to hurry." Marcus: "I'll be glad to get out if this damned forest." Samantha: "As long as we get there before tomorrow morning..." Kodah: "We'll have to keep moving through the night then." Yuuwaku: "We should start to formulate a plan of attack while we're moving so we don't waste time once we get there." Galen: "Hmm..." Kodah: "Has anyone here been to Azado before?" * Chrissy keeps up a brisk pace through the woodland, looking for the exit. "You got a suggestion?" Marcus: "Not I." Galen: "Azado is probably still a major center for the Church..." Varemi: "..." Yuuwaku: "I'm not sure, I've never been to Azado." :\ Varemi: "Maybe..." * Samantha shakes her head, "I've never been there." Varemi: "Not this Azado." Yuuwaku: "We may very well have to scout it out a bit before we can decide what to do..." * Ambush 6000 slowly begins to move a little. Kodah: "That would be best I think." Chrissy: "I don't know much about Lunar, here... I'm an expert on Terran things." Yuuwaku: "Do you think we should put on disguises?" Yuuwaku: "But where would we get them..." Varemi: "I'm difficult to disguise." Galen: "I would be too, Varemi." Varemi: "..." Kodah: "We'll have to make do with what we have." Yuuwaku: "Maybe you could wear the cloak Galen gave you in the cave before?" Galen: "It's hard to disguise a bone white haired sorcerer." Yuuwaku: "I know it's not so cold here and it might be a little inconvenient but..." Varemi: "No, it's easy." Varemi: "Cover the hair." Yuuwaku: "Do you have a hat Galen-san?" Marcus: "Perhaps if you wore different clothes, Galen." Galen: "Just my hood." Varemi: "..." * Samantha hmms... * Varemi keeps on walking... Yuuwaku: "I could wear different clothes, but they would still be distinctly Japanese..." * Chrissy mumbles. "... gotta try working on a hologram projector... If I had the parts out here..." She rubs her head. * Kodah pushes on, trying to formulate different plans as he goes. Yuuwaku: "Well..." * Ambush 6000 slips out of Yuuwaku's grasp and onto the ground. Yuuwaku: "If we do go into the town, I say the least obvious of all of us should go in." Yuuwaku: "And we should try to disguise ourselves." Chrissy: "Hey... wait a sec..." Varemi: "..." Yuuwaku: "The rest of us might want to hide out somewhere strategic?" * Chrissy clicks. Varemi: "I say we have little time as it is..." Marcus: "What is it Chrissy?" Yuuwaku: "But we have to find out where she's being held." Varemi: "And what if someone tries to stop us." Yuuwaku: "If we run about as a group, we'll be obvious." Varemi: "Is splitting up the best idea?" Yuuwaku: "Not completely splitting up." Samantha: "Depends... Maybe half and half?" Yuuwaku: "I'd say one or two people go out and the rest of us stay somewhere but..." Chrissy: "I just remembered... Azado's affiliated with Lucia's navy. I think it's some kind of prison... my dad mentioned it once." Yuuwaku: "Either way, I think if someone found us, we'd be dead meat." :| Yuuwaku: "So I don't think it matters if we're in a group or not." Galen: "If we split into teams, one healer with each team." Varemi: "Oh really?" Varemi: "A prison?" * Chrissy nods. * Ambush 6000 rocks back and forth until it finally stands up properly. Galen: "A military stockade?" Kodah: "Hmm..." * Yuuwaku sets the bush down. Galen: "This is just great... We're waltzing right into a military stockade." Varemi: "Maybe splitting up would be a good idea... If someone gets some of us... The rest can go save them...?" Chrissy: "Well, there's a chance I could get my hands on something and rile the place up..." Varemi: "..." * Yuuwaku nods to Varemi. Varemi: "Or not." Samantha: "... I'd be willing to go scout." Varemi: "I don't know." * Kodah thinks some more. Galen: "You mean with Dante, right?" Yuuwaku: "It would be best if Samantha went to scout." Marcus: "I look fairly normal. I can go." Galen: "Create a diversion?" Yuuwaku: "Samantha, Jan, Chrissy..." Chrissy: "Sure dog." Varemi: "Samantha looks normal..." *eyes her* Yuuwaku: "If Kodah wore sunglasses." * Chrissy looks around suspiciously. * Samantha is eyed. O_o Kodah: "I don't blend well." * Yuuwaku sighs and nods. Galen: "If I wore my hood up, I could... but then, this being night..." Varemi: "I don't think I do much, either." Yuuwaku: "Oh right... It is night, isn't it?" * Varemi looks down at her Lum outfit... Varemi: "This garment does not help." Yuuwaku: "I think I will give you my yuukata Varemi." * Ambush 6000 briefly displays the message "SILENT DIAGNOSTICS AND NANO-REPAIR COMPLETE." * Galen hands Varemi his old cloak. "Here. Try this." Yuuwaku: "Although.... I think maybe it is still conspicuous." * Yuuwaku nods to the cloak Galen's handing Varemi. Yuuwaku: "He's right." Varemi: "But..." Varemi: "He needs that." Marcus: "I think that if we need to... interrogate any people, I should go." Varemi: "To hide his hair." * Samantha rummages through her backpack, wondering what she brought. * Ambush 6000 sways back and forth slowly. Varemi: "Right?" Galen: "Not my old one, I don't." Varemi: ". . ." Varemi: "All right." * Yuuwaku hmms. Yuuwaku: "Well, Varemi, Kodah and I should probably not go." * Galen hands Varemi the old Wanderer's cloak, which he attached a felt hood to. Yuuwaku: "But Varemi and Kodah are the healers." Yuuwaku: "Galen also should probably not go." Samantha: "... I'll go. It's okay." Yuuwaku: "Maybe if we gave the rest of the party all our Herbs, it would be okay?" Chrissy: "After what happened earlier, I think we all stand a chance of being spotted..." ^^; Samantha: "What do we do if we run into anything, Yuu?" ^^; Yuuwaku: "Well..." * Kodah thinks as he walks. * Varemi throws the old cloak over her.... She becomes a strange 5'5 petite odd mass of fabric with a hood attached. A bit of lavender hair peeks through and her overly large bright eyes seem to shine through the darkness. ^^;; Varemi: "...." Varemi: "Do I look... inconspicuous?" --As the Blue Star rises into the sky, you can see Azado in the distance...-- Yuuwaku: "The best thing to do would be to avoid confrontation.... but if confrontation becomes necessary, it would be best to strike quickly and run." Galen: "Great... almost morning.." * Kodah looks at Varemi and shakes his head no. Galen: "We've gotta hurry." Marcus: "Perhaps we should just take our chances." * Varemi looks over at Kodah. "I didn't think so." Kodah: "Let's just go. I imagine they will expect us to sneak in anyways." Samantha: "Galen... you're paranoid. We still have a few hours." * Ambush 6000 shifts this way and that, giving the effect that it's attempting to appear to be listening to the particular person that's talking at that moment. Galen: "Let's get going... Chrissy, if we find an access terminal, use Dante to create a diversion." Yuuwaku: "Hey Chrissy... I do not know if this is possible but... is there some way that you could rig the Ambush and your Dante so that we could communicate?" ^_^;; * Chrissy reaches into her coat and pulls out her supercomputer/jewelry, beginning to run her hands over the circuits. "Sure, I'd actually like the chance to try this... hohoh." Varemi: "..." * Varemi fusses with the cloak. Varemi: "... I don't like cloaks." Kodah: "Then remove it." Varemi: ".." Varemi: "They told me to wear it." Chrissy: "Yuuwaku, I could try, but I dunno if I can interpret Pharos command language..." ^^; Yuuwaku: "It depends what we're going to end up doing." Kodah: "There's no real point in trying to hide at this point. They know who we are. Haphazard disguises will do nothing" * Ambush 6000 shudders nervously at "seeing" Dante. * Varemi decides to take the thing off until everyone decides. ;b Marcus: "For once, I agree with Kodah. Let's go and be on with it." Galen: "Let's get moving... not much time left." * Yuuwaku shrugs. Varemi: "I'm moving." * Samantha moves! Yuuwaku: "We are moving." ^_^;; * Kodah follows quietly. Yuuwaku: "Maybe we'll be lucky and there won't be any people out on the streets..." Varemi: "Take this silly thing... I'm sure I looked even more ridiculous." Yuuwaku: "Or Cera won't have warned them already." Yuuwaku: "Are we even going to bother sneaking in then?" * Varemi gives Galen back his cloak. "I don't mean to seem ungrateful... but I'm not. Sorry." Galen: "It's okay." * Galen sticks the cloak back in his pack. Marcus: "Do we need to find a healing statue?" Chrissy: "Dante, report status of power reserves... and go into active mode. We just may see some action of the special variety..." Kodah: "If we can." * Yuuwaku rolls his eyes. Yuuwaku: "Not that it matters..." Yuuwaku: "I suppose somehow, everything will magically work out for us." * Ambush 6000 silently follows along, attempting to be as inconspicuous as a mechanical ambulating bush can be. ~Dante: "Power reserves are fully charged... Entering active mode." --Soon, you arrive at the outskirts of Azado...-- Galen: "Let's get in there." * Kodah moves forward carefully, keeping an eye out for danger. * Samantha does likewise. * Chrissy hides the device again, and surveys Azado's fortifications. * Galen follows, watching out for anything that may pose a threat. --Ruling the skyline of Azado is the huge Goddess Tower... Standing many stories high with a statue (unblessed, so it can't be used for healing) of the Goddess on the roof, it is truly an impressive site...-- --The town of Azado itself is quiet... Most of the people seem to have gone to bed...-- Yuuwaku: "She's either in that tower or in a dungeon. If we were powerful enough and we couldn't find her, it might be a good idea to wait till tomorrow's execution and crash their party... but we're not." * Varemi steps forth in her tacky tiger-skin boots. Chrissy: "Well doesn't that stick out like a sore thumb... but the rest seems quiet. Maybe we can pull this off..." * Yuuwaku is talking to himself now and not really paying attention to the party at all. * Kodah listens for signs of activity. Samantha: "Don't get too cocky... I'm sure there's guards about..." --The tower lies on a small peninsula near the port... Fortunately, the fleet is currently out to sea...-- Chrissy: "... well, least the big guns are out..." * Yuuwaku idly wonders if there's an information desk in this town... * Chrissy sneaks a bit closer. Yuuwaku: "Are there any shops?" --If there is an information desk, it's closed for the night, as are all the shops...-- Samantha: "Yuu... not now." ^^; Marcus: "I don't think they are open right now." Yuuwaku: "I don't mean for shopping." -_-; Galen: "Don't be too sure. With that tower there, I'm sure that Alcippe may be around." * Yuuwaku indicates the fact that there is no one around they can ask for information. Yuuwaku: "I thought a shopkeeper might know what's going on in the town... maybe." * Ambush 6000 darts into the shadow of a nearby building. Chrissy: *whisper* "Don't jinx it Galen... I've had enough hero business for one day." ^^ Samantha: "Hey-!" * Samantha points to the Ambush! Chrissy: "Huh?" Samantha: ".... What is it, Lassie?" -_-; Yuuwaku: "It probably just wants attention." Samantha: "You sure?" ^^; * Ambush 6000 just sticks out its tongue and pants. Yuuwaku: "Look at it." Samantha: "... Sigh." -_-; * Chrissy tries going down a side street, used to the city a little. * Ambush 6000 silently scurries along and darts over to another shadow. * Varemi hmms. Yuuwaku: "I'm heading towards that large suspicious looking tower, if anyone wants to join me." --There appear to be no guards out on the streets of the town... but the tower itself may be guarded...-- * Varemi sticks close to the edges of the buildings and dashes nimblin in the shaws towards the most obvious building.. Samantha: "Let's check out the tower first. They're going to execute her on the roof anyway, according to Teal." Marcus: "Let's get close to the tower. Maybe I can do something about the guards." * Varemi does not move to the gate but rather goes to the side... and tries to sneak behind.. Yuuwaku: "Shouldn't we attempt to question the guards first?" Galen: "Okay..." Yuuwaku: "Or wait, no, let's just kill them instead." * Chrissy looks like she's trying to get closer to the tower, hopefully on a non guarded side. Galen: "I think Marcus has a better idea." * Varemi isn't even listening to the stupid people who are talking in the perfect silent darkness. =b Galen: "Let him deal with the guards in his own way... then any mechanized defenses can be dealt with by Chrissy's Dante." * Varemi has by now dashed around to the side of the building.... Not too close, so as not to run into any guards but possibly see them. Yuuwaku: "Are we just going to wander around blindly hoping we find Selene?" * Marcus keeps heading for the tower. --From this distance, you can barely see two guards standing in front of the entrance to the tower...-- Yuuwaku: "Or maybe there'll be signs, 'This way to blue haired girl who will be assassinated tomorrow!'" * Ambush 6000 moves over to Chrissy and hops up and down a bit. Samantha: "Only two, huh? Hope they can't call for more help..." * Chrissy turns her head a bit to the bush. Marcus: "Shh quiet!" * Marcus looks intently at the guard. Yuuwaku: "... I wish Teal was here...." Chrissy: *whisper* "What's up green guy? You know something?" * Kodah examines the area carefully, seeking out an avenue of approach. --There is a service entrance to the building on the side... It is unguarded from the outside...-- * Yuuwaku looks between the group and Varemi. * Varemi goes in all by herself! ^^;; * Ambush 6000 attempts to "reach" for Dante as Chrissy leans over to whisper to it. * Yuuwaku heads towards Varemi. * Varemi sneaks in, figuring she'll handle herself at this point.... Yuuwaku: . o O (Much larger chance of not getting killed around her, I'd wager. -_-; ) * Kodah aims for the unguarded entrance. Marcus: "Hmm." * Galen follows Kodah. Marcus: "Wait a second!" Samantha: "Hmm?" Yuuwaku: "..." --Varemi is able to enter without a problem, for now...-- Yuuwaku: "Now the intelligent thing to do might be for us to split up, one group to go in and find Selene and the other to cause a huge distraction out here." * Chrissy puts a hand over her chest, protectively. "You ready to kiss and make up with D? Or you thinking he's a snack?" Yuuwaku: "Besides, we'd need to be more organized and have a much more effective plan for something like that..." * Varemi once inside takes a quick surveillance of the area, looks for places to hide and wait and watch.... Marcus: "Be ready to head for the door people." Galen: "Okay..." Dante: "The Ambush unit seems to be attempting a link... Processing." Samantha: "Okay Marcus..." --There are some guards near the elevator in Varemi's area.-- Varemi: "..." * Varemi edges back outside... * Varemi looks to see where everyone else is... --Near the guards at the front entrance, a stone goes flying by... The guards chase after it to investigate...-- Marcus: "Go!" * Samantha runs! * Galen makes a mad dash for the door. * Ambush 6000 extends a leaf towards Dante, which opens up and reveals a sort of rounded cable at the end. * Varemi notices people running and follows!! * Kodah hurries inside. * Marcus heads for the door. Chrissy: "Ah... I get it..." * Varemi makes an overly feminine dash to the main entrance. She moves as gracefully as a gazelle. ^^; * Yuuwaku hesitates... * Chrissy looks around, then flips out a long key shaped port from Dante, and plugs it into the Ambush. * Ambush 6000 suddenly retracts its cable and follows along the rest of the group! * Chrissy withdraws the flip out switch. "Mmm... another time we'll test this... Did you get anything remotely?" --As you enter the tower, you see two offices on the left and the right just up ahead... There is also an intersection of corridors just past them...-- * Kodah ducks inside, and immediately scans for another place to hide. * Yuuwaku groans and slinks back into the shadows of the tower, not wanting to risk getting caught by the guards. --There are no guards in this corridor...-- Marcus: "Wait, where's Yuu?" * Galen puts his head to the door of one of the offices, listening for anyone inside. Dante: "I infer that it was asking to be our diversion." Varemi: "..." * Varemi looks down. Samantha: "... Yeah. Where is Yuu..." *looks around* "... and Varemi?" Marcus: "Dammit!" --Varemi was in the shadows and hard to see. :P-- Marcus: "Well, we can't head back out. The guards are probably back at the entrance." Samantha: "Er... there you are." ^^; Chrissy: "Well, one more trump card for us I guess..." --The guards are poking the rock with their rifles, trying to figure out just why it moved. :P-- * Yuuwaku smirks grimly from outside as he gets an idea. Varemi: "... I agree. He can figure something out." *softly* * Yuuwaku watches the guards be stupid... Yuuwaku: "...." Marcus: "Anyway, I believe that Selene is on the top floor of the tower." * Varemi speaks softly... it comes across as seductively. "Let's get moving." Yuuwaku: . o O ( While it *would* be amusing to see just how long they'd stand there poking at that rock...) * Yuuwaku sneaks inside after the group. --The guards originally hailed from New Meryod, Alabama. :P-- * Chrissy pokes her head near the offices... * Galen puts his ear to the office door to the right. * Marcus sneaks a look around the intersection. --The office on the right is marked with the name "Admiral Leo, Holy Fleet of Lucia."-- * Yuuwaku hangs back from the group, still somewhat reluctant about all of this. * Chrissy checks the left. --The left office is marked with a sign saying "Records."-- Samantha: "Records.... Hmm." Samantha: "Perhaps they have something on Selene?" Chrissy: "Records... now we're talking..." * Ambush 6000 seems to be shuddering a bit -- although still silently. * Chrissy listens to see if anyone's inside. --Both offices are empty and the lights are out.-- * Yuuwaku sneaks ahead silently and skirts along the wall to see what's down the hall on the left side of the T. --As far as the halls Marcus and Yuuwaku are peering down, there are elevators at the end of each, but there are also guards near the elevators.-- * Chrissy pulls out a micro-screwdriver from her tool pack and starts trying to work the lock. * Ambush 6000 stops shuddering and pants twice, its tongue extending at the second pant. * Yuuwaku checks out the guards... --The lock is picked easily enough.-- Yuuwaku: "..." Chrissy: "Haha... might as well have fun with this fugitive thing..." ^_- * Yuuwaku hmms... Varemi: . o O (I wonder if the other way was smarter to take...) * Chrissy creeps inside. Yuuwaku: "The bush can draw them over here and then we can ambush them." * Samantha follows Chrissy. * Yuuwaku whispers this to Marcus. * Marcus goes back to the rest of the group. --There is a chest on top of a desk with a sticker that says "to be investigated" on it. There are also many locked file cabinets.-- * Galen keeps watch at the door. Varemi: "..." * Samantha points at the chest with a nod. Chrissy: "Eeny meeny, miny, moe..." * Chrissy stops on the chest, and checks it out. * Kodah keeps an eye out for someone who might interrupt. * Varemi tries to watch everyone.... wondering how they managed this far with such little cunning and strategy. --There is an ancient picture inside the chest.-- Chrissy: *whisper* "Hey, look at this." * Ambush 6000 pants at Varemi. * Yuuwaku idly ponders using himself as a distraction and getting killed so he won't have to endure this anymore --The picture is if a young man trying to study while a small blue flying kitty harasses him...-- * Chrissy picks up the side of the picture, lifting it out carefully and showing it to Samantha. Chrissy acquires ASF Lou's Bromide. Marcus: "Who is that ugly kid?" * Varemi looks around boredly.... Chrissy: "Weird portrait..." ^^; "Maybe it's got something to do with dragons..." * Chrissy keeps looking. --There is still Admiral Leo's office across the way...-- * Yuuwaku walks over to Varemi. Yuuwaku: "Do you have any ideas?" * Marcus walks over to the Admiral's office. --There doesn't seem to be anything else of interest in the records office...-- Galen: "We can check out the Admiral's office." --Admiral Leo's office door is locked.-- * Varemi is still stalking in the shadows, stealthfully. If there's anything she knows, it is escaping from places and sneaking around, but no one would know that nor ask her. =b * Galen follows Marcus. * Kodah continues to keep an eye on those guards. * Marcus turns around, "It's locked and I don't see any gains from forcing it open. It may attract attention." * Varemi winces at something. --The guards are too busy playing with slinkies to notice anything, yet...-- Chrissy: *whisper* "Hope I don't break my tools like this... It's not like I do this as a profession..." *tries the admiral's lock when she's outside of the record office* Kodah: *whisper* "Let's hurry this up people." --Admiral Leo's lock opens easily enough.-- Marcus: "Then again . . ." * Varemi sticks close to Kodah and eyes Yuuwaku. --Inside his office there is a messy desk covered with papers as well as a few file cabinets... Some papers in particular stick out on his desk, however...-- Yuuwaku: "Do you have a fork Varemi-san?" ¬_¬ Varemi: "..." * Marcus looks over the papers. * Samantha heads to the paper that's sticking out oddly. * Chrissy slips inside, and starts rummaging through the papers on top... * Kodah nods to Varemi and Yuu in turn as he keeps watch. Report: "Plans to restore the Seiryuu to operating condition are proceeding ahead of schedule... We estimate that the Seiryuu will be fully activated within the coming month." * Galen rifles through the Admiral's desk and finds several pieces of women's clothing. "I wonder. Either the admiral has interest in some of the officers under him... or he's worse off than J. Edgar Hoover." Yuuwaku: "Barring that, do you think you could punch me? The pain would be a welcome distraction." * Varemi whispers to Yuuwaku. "Don't worry so much, but don't quit with that. You make a lot of sense, but these guards don't seem good to question." Samantha: "Seriyuu? " * Chrissy blinks. "Seiryuu? That sounds like a vessel of some kind..." Marcus: "Seriyuu, what's that?" Galen: "No idea..." Yuuwaku: "But they didn't know that before we got here, did they?" Galen: "Is there any more information in there?" * Yuuwaku gestures to the party. Report: "However, we have yet to locate the submarine 'Nautilus' that's been used by the covert group known as the 'Rangers.' Hopefully the advanced scanning equipment on the Seiryuu will assist with its location. End report." * Yuuwaku heads into the Admiral's Office boredly. Yuuwaku: "Is there anything interesting in here?" * Varemi whispers more, "And they seem like a waste to give so much attention to. ... And no. We... They didn't know that. B--" *watches as Yuuwaku leaves* * Varemi grimaces. Samantha: "Seriyuu... Strange..." * Varemi looks around... Chrissy: "Hmm... looks like the Church has a few other military enemies..." *puts the paper down* "... nothing about Selene though." Marcus: "Let's get going." * Marcus leaves the office. Yuuwaku: "Other enemies?" Kodah: *whisper* "Hmm..." * Varemi wishes she wasn't such a target and could sneak around herself. Stupid guards. Chrissy: "It says something about them trying to locate the submarine 'Nautilus,' owned by some covert ops people called the 'Rangers...'" Marcus: "We can take the elevator or the stairs." Galen: "The elevators are guarded..." * Chrissy shrugs, and tries to replace the papers moderately neatly. :p Galen: "I'll bet." Varemi: "..." Galen: "But the stairs would take too long." --There aren't any stairs on this side of the elevators as far as one can tell...-- Galen: "It's a pretty big tower." * Chrissy takes one last look in Leo's office to see if he has a computer terminal or anything. ^^; * Varemi whispers. "They look like they are hardly worth our trouble. I vote we attempt to cast a spell on them while they are not paying attention... and then attack them further." * Kodah slides to one side and makes a quick check on the group, then goes back to the guards. --There is a computer terminal, but it says "Out of order."-- --The guards are now playing with silly putty.-- Yuuwaku: "We could have the bush draw them out here while we hide in the offices and then jump on them." Kodah: *whispers* "Agreed. We'd best chose the initial spell carefully." Chrissy: "Geez, you'd think the Admiral would have better help..." :p Marcus: "You guys take care of one set of the guards, I'll take the others." * Varemi whispers more, "That way... we can estimate if our skills will do anything to them. And possibly run if they are ineffective." Kodah: *whisper* "Again, I agree." * Varemi whispers more, "And also gain an advantage if it does do anything." * Kodah nods. Yuuwaku: "Does anyone have a sleep spell?" Samantha: "..." ;_; "No." * Chrissy leaves the office, pondering something. Galen: "No sleep spells that I know of." * Varemi looks to Kodah and follows him, leaving the information getting to those who will understand it better. Galen: "All I have is offensive magic." Kodah: *whisper* "Can you put them to sleep somehow Varemi?" Varemi: "..." Chrissy: "Seiryuu... Where have I heard that before..." Galen: "I could try to fry one of them with a lightning bolt..." * Varemi whispers. "No. But..." * Chrissy looks like she nearly has a heart attack suddenly. Kodah: *whisper* "But...?" ~Jan: "I say we handle this very delicately..." Samantha: "... Or I could just sneak up behind them and whack them over the heads with the hilt of my blade. Simple." * Samantha crosses her arms. ^^ Varemi: *whisper* "We could try other things." * Chrissy tries not to yell, holding it in with a lot of effort. Varemi: "...." --The guards now start looking at the latest issue of Playboy...-- Yuuwaku: "I know!" * Ambush 6000 maneuvers over to Chrissy. Yuuwaku: "Have Samantha put on Varemi's outfit..." Yuuwaku: "That will distract the guards!" Varemi: ". . ." Samantha: O_o "What?!" Marcus: "If we could only get all the guards by one elevator, we can take the other one." Samantha: "Absolutely not!" Yuuwaku: "Varemi's chest isn't as big." Varemi: *whisper* "If you want to go that route." Kodah: *whisper* "The direct approach may be the easiest, assuming we can incapacitate them before they can raise the alarm." Samantha: "HEY!" Yuuwaku: "But I guess it will have to do." Chrissy: *whisper* "Maybe this isn't the best time to bring this up..." Varemi: *whisper* "I have more than enough experience to compensate." * Chrissy taptaps the nearest person's shoulder. * Varemi looks over at Chrissy. Varemi: ". . ." * Samantha fumes, "..." Galen: "Yeah, Chrissy?" Kodah: *whisper* "However, that's putting all our eggs in one basket." Yuuwaku: "I don't think it will actually matter Kodah. I think no matter what we do, somehow we will win." Chrissy: "Varemi... those plans... the Church's restoring one of the four legendary Dragonstarships..." Kodah: *whisper* "I wish I had your confidence Yuu." * Galen thinks.... Varemi: "....?" Yuuwaku: "It's not confidence." Varemi: "......??" Galen: "I have a mana drain spell... yet I doubt those guards have enough magic power in them to do much good." * Varemi looks over at Chrissy confused. Samantha: "Chrissy?" * Chrissy whispers to Samantha. "Destiny, Argo, Yamato, Seiryuu... I heard their names when I was a kid." * Kodah waves his hands at the group, indicating for them to tone it down. Yuuwaku: "..." Samantha: "... And this is not a good thing, huh?" * Yuuwaku grins wickedly. Yuuwaku: "What if we start a fire in their office?" Yuuwaku: "That'll get the attention of everyone here." * Varemi narrows her eyes at Galen and at everyone else. She whispers, "When we're ready, I say any spell will do. As in... a common spell. In fact... Galen could use concentration to super charge it before the battle." Yuuwaku: "Probably be quite a setback to their plans too..." Chrissy: *whisper* "You think I like the fact the Church is going to use a relic against us?" ^^; Samantha: "... I actually like Yuu's plan." Marcus: "I have an idea. Everyone, hide in an office." Varemi: ". . ." * Varemi is reluctant to trust Marcus. =b * Varemi figures his rock thing worked... * Yuuwaku sighs. * Varemi looks over at Kodah who actually seemed to listen to her plans. ^^; * Kodah slides into one of the offices and hides. Galen: "I like Varemi's idea." * Varemi follows him. * Marcus walks up to the corridor and looks around the corner to the guards at the right and concentrates. Kodah: *whisper "Let's let Marcus have a go." --One of the guards punches the other guard...-- * Galen hides in an office. * Yuuwaku walks into an office and wishes he had fire magic, group be damned, he'd set this place alight. * Samantha hides in an office. Kodah: *whisper* "If this doesn't work we'll rush them." * Marcus walks away from the corridor and back at the office. Hick Guard 2: "Hey... Wat wuz dat fer?" Galen: *whisper* "If this doesn't work, I'll fry them." Hick Guard 1: "I dunno..." Marcus: *whisper* "I'm hoping they'll start fighting and attract the other guards." Hick Guard 2: "Waddya mean yew dunno?" * Chrissy hides out in Leo's office, still looking a bit dumbstruck. .oO( Man, I have got to see that thing for myself... if I get out of this thing in one piece! ) Yuuwaku: "If they punch each other, can we put on their guard outfits and pretend to be guards?" Hick Guard 1: "I mean I dunno... It serta happ'n'd." Kodah: *whisper* "If someone can fit into the uniforms." Galen: *whisper* "Possibly, Yuu." Hick Guard 2: "Yah, right..." Yuuwaku: "I still say we set the office in fire." * Hick guards 1 and 2 start fighting with each other, and the other guards rush in to wager on who wins! * Ambush 6000 moves over to Yuuwaku and quietly rustles. Marcus: "Let's go." Yuuwaku: "Then we won't have to worry about any guards at all." * Samantha raises an eyebrow, "Well... I'll be damned. Nice, Marcus..." Yuuwaku: "Of course, getting out will be a bit of trouble." * Galen nods. Kodah: *whisper* "Nice work, Marcus." Kodah: *whisper* "Let's go, quickly now." * Galen heads for the unmanned elevator. * Yuuwaku nods to Marcus. * Varemi follows! * Samantha quickly heads out of the office, towards the elevator. Chrissy: *whisper* "Just another reason I'm glad I don't work for the Church... I'd be on payroll with those loons!" Yuuwaku: . o O (Next time I get an idea, I'm not going to ask the group, I'm just going to do it...) * Chrissy tries to hustle to the elevators. * Marcus heads for the elevator. --The elevator is accessible and operational... However, it only appears to go about 1/4 of the way to the top of the building...-- * Kodah ducks into the elevator. * Ambush 6000 deviously speeds along with the rest of the group to the elevator. * Yuuwaku follows the group quickly, but figures the guards are too stupid to notice him, even if he goes slowly. Galen: "We can still ambush the hick guards." Chrissy: "Nuts... This bank only goes part way... We've gotta transfer somewhere up there." Yuuwaku: "No point to attracting attention." Galen: "The disguises might do some good." Yuuwaku: "It'll bring the whole place down on us." Kodah: "Leave them to their squabble." --The hick guards may not be bright, but they do seem quite tough.-- Yuuwaku: "The farther up we can get before they know we're here, the better." * Galen nods. * Chrissy calls the elevator, hoping it doesn't ding too loudly. :p --The elevator opens.-- * Galen heads into the elevator. * Ambush 6000 zips inside. * Samantha also heads in! * Yuuwaku enters the elevator. Yuuwaku: "Marcus, can I borrow your gun?" * Varemi goes in. * Kodah follows, keeping an eye on the guards. Marcus: "Why?" Yuuwaku: "No reason." ^_^ Varemi: "..." Marcus: "Um, no." * Chrissy checks to make sure everyone's inside, then looks for the highest floor this goes to and jams it's button. ^^ --The guards are too busy fighting to notice what's going on...-- Yuuwaku: "Oh well..." --The elevator closes and smoothly rises to its highest floor before opening again...-- * Yuuwaku walks off the elevator. * Galen steps off the elevator. * Samantha steps off the elevator. ^^ --There are several lockers on this floor... One of them appears to be partially opened...-- * Kodah exits the elevator once it stops, searching for more danger. Yuuwaku: "..." * Chrissy steps off the elevator, looking around for an express or something farther up. * Galen looks in the opened locker. * Yuuwaku starts rifling through the lockers. * Ambush 6000 zips out, pauses, and starts undulating again. * Varemi goes out and looks around carefully. Varemi: "...." --The hall heads down to the right and around a bend...-- Kodah: *whisper* "Stay sharp, everyone." * Varemi looks a bit bitter, but holds it down. --There is a party mask in one of the lockers...-- * Samantha looks through one of the opened lockers. * Yuuwaku takes the party mask. * Yuuwaku puts it on. Marcus: "A mask?" * Yuuwaku is now so completely disguised that none of you recognize him. Yuuwaku acquires Party Mask (Hit%-1, *Let's you talk like Mystere) Chrissy: "Hmm.. if we go right, I bet it'll loop around to the higher floor access..." * Ambush 6000 pants and sticks its tongue out. * Chrissy looks behind her at the masked Yuuwaku. o_O * Galen looks in another opened locker. --All the other lockers are empty.-- Galen: "Let's move on." Galen: "Not much time left." Chrissy: "Just me or that giving me Mysteal vibes?" ^^; Marcus: "Let's find another elevator." * Galen starts off to the junction to the right, and peers around for guards. * Chrissy shivers once, and checks the right hallway bend for any people. --When you reach the point where the hall turns to the right, you see another office about part way down before the hall turns to the right again...-- * Varemi goes and follows and stuff... trusting the intuition of the group... * Samantha looks to see what sort of office it is. Chrissy: "I suppose this is my cue again?" Galen: "Yep, Chrissy" --The office sign says "Bursar's Office."-- * Yuuwaku somehow feels better with the party mask on. Samantha: "I'd say so." * Ambush 6000 bolts in front of Chrissy. * Chrissy sighs, and tries to jimmy the lock again. Yuuwaku: "Aha!" --The lock is easily jimmied... There is a chest on the desk in this office...-- * Ambush 6000 sniffs dejectedly. * Kodah continues to watch for guards. Marcus: "A chest, not a safe?" * Chrissy looks at the bush. "You can get the next one, promise." Galen: "Apparently, the Church isn't very concerned with security." --There is a safe in the corner...-- * Ambush 6000 seems to perk up again. Galen: "Chrissy, can Dante break the combination on that safe?" Varemi: "..." * Chrissy looks at the bent head of her screwdriver, and looks saddened. ^^; Marcus: "The bush can work on the safe if it wants." * Ambush 6000 quickly maneuvers towards the safe. * Marcus fiddles with the chest. --There is a ring inside the chest.-- * Ambush 6000 appears to "examine" the safe. Chrissy: "Is it an electronic lock?" * Marcus picks up the ring. * Yuuwaku takes the party mask off... --The safe's lock is mechanical, not electronic.-- * Chrissy peers at the safe along with the bush. Marcus acquires Angel Ring (*One-time auto-resurrection) * Yuuwaku puts it back on again. Marcus: "Hmm, would you like this Yuuwaku?" Yuuwaku: ^^ Yuuwaku: "Love?" ^_^ * Yuuwaku glomps Marcus and nuzzles his arm. Marcus: "NONONONONO!" Yuuwaku: "Yes please." * Ambush 6000 appears to brush right up against the safe's door. --The safe doesn't budge.-- Kodah: . o O (... for the love of Mike...) Marcus: "Um . . . I mean you seem to take more hits than me in battle, this ring will be of more use to you than me." * Samantha sweatdrops. ^^; * Ambush 6000 seems to be rustling against the door. Yuuwaku: "I know Marcus." * Yuuwaku lets go of him. Yuuwaku: "What did you think I thought you meant?" O_o * Marcus hands the ring to Yuu. * Samantha sits down next to the ambush, "Can you crack the code, little guy?" * Yuuwaku puts the ring on. Marcus: "Oh, nothing." * Yuuwaku has taken the mask off and put it on the bush instead. Chrissy: "Uhh... Ambush, better idea... you got auditory sensors right?" * Varemi looks down. * Ambush 6000 rustles once. * Yuuwaku giggles at the bush. * Varemi looks around after Marcus's NONONO. Chrissy: "They are probably super sensitive so how about this... Stay right there and listen for a click." * Yuuwaku smiles at Varemi as if to say, "I told you so." * Ambush 6000 rustles once again. Kodah: . o O (Yeah, real stealthy... feh) * Chrissy bends down and tries rotating the dial counterclockwise... * Varemi hfs quietly. --With the Ambush's help, Chrissy manages to crack the safe... There is a crest inside it...-- * Yuuwaku idly considers drunkenly singing a song about biscuits in his pocket... * Ambush 6000 goes over to Yuuwaku and hops up and down. * Chrissy follows the bush's indicators, and it opens! * Yuuwaku giggles and pets the bush. * Galen examines the crest. * Kodah indicates to Varemi that he's going to check a little further down the hall. Chrissy: "Heh... see I told you you could get it." ^_- * Ambush 6000 seems to be more interested in Yuuwaku's mask than being petted. Galen: "Apparently another spell crest...." * Varemi nods... then tilts her head to the side and gestures to herself and then to where he is going. --The crest sparkles a little in the dim light of the room...-- * Chrissy lowers her voice a bit, and takes the Crest, rolling it over in her hand several times. * Yuuwaku thinks the bush is very cute with the mask. =^.^= Chrissy acquires Illusion Crest (*Enables Mana Theft, Wis+5) * Kodah nods, and indicates for her to follow in a leapfrog fashion. Chrissy: "Another one of these things... anyone know what this doohickey does?" * Varemi looks over and does a nono jesture to the people with the crest. * Ambush 6000 attempts to remove Yuuwaku's mask with its tongue. * Varemi follows Kodah... * Kodah peeks a little further down the hall, checking for baddies. * Yuuwaku takes the mask off the bush. --Down the hall Kodah's peering down, there are a couple more guards in front of an elevator... These appear to be quite more dangerous than the others... They are currently reading issues of "Soldier of Fortune" magazine...-- Varemi: "..." * Kodah indicates for Varemi to stop. * Varemi whispers very VERY quietly... it's barely a hum. She hopes Kodah has good ears. "We may need everyone for them." * Chrissy hands it over to Jan. * Kodah nods to Varemi, and flashes two fingers at her, then moves back. Chrissy: "... I'll never get the hang of those things, so you hold onto that." * Varemi also returns. * Galen heads over to Varemi and Kodah and whispers, "How's it looking?" * Chrissy closes the safe up, and relocks it. Kodah: *whisper* "We're not going to be able to fool those two. We'll have to hit them hard and fast." Marcus: *whisper* "Agreed." Chrissy: *whisper* "We got bogeys at twelve o'clock Kodah?" Varemi: *whisper "I still say Galen does concentration prior to the battle..." Kodah: *whisper* "Agreed." Yuuwaku: "I still say we start a fire, then throw them in the room and bolt the door somehow." Galen: *whisper* "I agree... I'll have to get two spells off before the battle." * Samantha meets up with the others. Galen: *whisper* "Those guys look dangerous." Yuuwaku: "Are we all healed?" Varemi: "..." Varemi: *whisper* "Good point, Yuuwaku." Yuuwaku: "Does anyone need to restore their mana?" Yuuwaku: "I'm fine." * Yuuwaku shrugs. Marcus: "I'm fine." * Varemi goes and heals anyone who needs it... * Ambush 6000 sashees about. Kodah: "I'm all right." * Galen starts to casting. "I hope i have time for these spells." Chrissy: "I'm peachy, thanks to Varemi." * Varemi heals everyone to max who is lower than ten up to their max HP. * Varemi does not heal herself. * Ambush 6000 continues to strike poses as best a robotic shrubbery can. * Yuuwaku gestures for the bush to come to him. * Ambush 6000 slinks over to Yuuwaku. Yuuwaku: "Please give me my bag back, bush." * Kodah draws his staff from the nothingness again. * Ambush 6000 tilts the mask to one side, in imitation of a wink. * Ambush 6000 expels Yuuwaku's bag from its innards. * Yuuwaku rifles through his bag and produces some matches. Yuuwaku: "Could you swallow it again, please?" ^_^;; * Samantha draws her sword, quiet, waiting for whatever'll happen. * Ambush 6000 acquires and devours the bag again. Yuuwaku: "You guys try to knock those guards unconscious. I'll start a fire in this room." * Kodah watches the guards from hiding. Yuuwaku: "Then we can throw them in and they'll be burned alive." * Varemi looks at Yuuwaku. * Yuuwaku blinks at Varemi innocently. Yuuwaku: "What?" --The guards look at a center-fold of the latest rocket launcher model as they chomp down on some cigars...-- Varemi: *whisper* "I would agree... but.... we are going to the top of this building. Suppose it should spread." * Kodah raises an eyebrow at Yuu. Marcus: "If you want to start a fire, do it in the other elevator. We can hide in this room and run to their elevator while they are investigating." Chrissy: "I dunno about the burning part, but it'll sure get their attention..." --The building does have sprinklers...-- Yuuwaku: "Then a winged creature will magically appear and take us off." Varemi: "..." Yuuwaku: "That's a good idea, Marcus." * Kodah raises an eyebrow at Yuu so high that it leaves his face entirely. * Yuuwaku smiles at the bush sweetly. Varemi: *whisper* "I know that what's happened so far is surreal if nothing else... but..." Yuuwaku: "Does anyone have a stick or something it could hold in its mouth?" Varemi: "... one moment." * Ambush 6000 gives Yuuwaku another "wink." Yuuwaku: "Maybe a book..." Yuuwaku: "We can send the bush in to start the fire, it has the highest chance of getting out unscathed." Varemi: *whisper* "No, I have nothing. " Chrissy: "Something flammable?" * Yuuwaku goes into the office and looks for something flammable that the bush could hold. * Varemi looks a little sadly at Yuuwaku and actually shows emotion. "..." * Varemi offers him her pathetic little cryosuit. Marcus: "Well, just do it then." Varemi: *whisper* "I haven't sold this yet. Burn it if you must." * Yuuwaku shakes his head at Varemi. --The cryosuit happens to be made out of flammable material....-- Yuuwaku: "I would sooner burn one of my own possessions." Varemi: *whisper* "TRUST me. BURN it." Yuuwaku: "Oh." Yuuwaku: "Okay." * Chrissy tilts her head to the side, watching the exchange. * Yuuwaku takes the cryosuit and lights a match. * Varemi turns her back to Yuuwaku and observes the guards nervously... Chrissy: .oO( Maybe burning that's a good thing for her... ) --The suit burns easily enough, and the smoke alarms go off...-- * Yuuwaku stuffs it in the bush's mouth. Samantha: "Here we go..." Yuuwaku: "Quick!" Varemi: *whisper* "Shouldn't we be HIDING?" * Kodah watches the guard's reactions. * Ambush 6000 makes a mad, heroic dash for the elevators!! * Yuuwaku jumps into the room! --The guards put down their copies of Soldier of Fortune (just as they got to the article on how to make high explosives out of chewing gum) and run towards the fire...-- * Galen follows quickly into the office. * Samantha hides! * Varemi uhm... hides. Yikes. * Kodah ducks into the shadows. * Chrissy stays in the office. ^^; --The guards run past the office, not noticing the party, as they go to investigate the fire...-- * Ambush 6000 continues clinking and making loud noises!! * Yuuwaku watches the guards go... --The guards are out of sight now...-- * Kodah makes a run when the guards are safely past. * Varemi takes the unguarded elevator. Galen: "Now, let's head for the elevator." * Yuuwaku hightails it to the elevator. * Galen follows Varemi. * Marcus heads for the elevator. Kodah: "Nicely done, Yuu." * Varemi nods to Yuu. --This unguarded elevator only goes up to maybe 1/2 of the total height of the tower...-- * Samantha runs like the wind, baby! * Chrissy makes a break for it. --The elevator already happens to be on this floor...-- * Kodah ushers everyone inside. * Chrissy opens the elevator quickly. "This is still not enough... but upwards!" * Varemi looks dimly at the buttons. * Ambush 6000 dances around madly with Varemi's flaming garment in its mouth like a demented panty raider! * Galen heads into the elevator. --Once everyone is inside the elevator and the appropriate button has been pressed, it rises to its top floor and opens again...-- * Samantha heads into the elevator! Varemi: "..." Chrissy: "I hope the little guy's okay..." Yuuwaku: "Hmm... halfway up..." * Chrissy heads out into the floor. Yuuwaku: "We started a fight, we started a fire..." Kodah: "The bush is resourceful. It will be fine." Yuuwaku: "Can Varemi seduce the guards now?" Varemi: "..." Chrissy: "You know, I'd rather we didn't resort to those tactics..." :p Samantha: "Yuu." --; --This floor apparently only has one door on it... leading to an observation deck... A map on this floor shows that there is another door leading to the final elevator accessible via the deck...-- Varemi: *whisper* "I can... but..." Yuuwaku: "I'm kidding." ^_^;;; Varemi: *whisper* "*slyly* "You have to back me up if they are uninterested." ;) * Yuuwaku giggles. Yuuwaku: "Yea!" ;D * Chrissy sighs, and advances towards the deck, pausing to check the map once. * Kodah moves carefully, keeping eyes and ears primed for more guards. --The map indicates that the only way to reach the final elevator from this floor is via the observation deck...-- * Galen follows everyone else. * Kodah moves carefully towards the observation deck. * Samantha follows the others. ^^ * Chrissy looks around the place, considering it /is/ an observation deck after all. --When everyone steps out on the deck, the door closes behind the group... Standing at the far end of the deck is a woman in red robes with her back towards the group. The woman turns around...-- Kodah: "..." Yuuwaku: "Oops." o_o Alcippe: "I am delighted that you've joined us..." * Samantha narrows her eyes, "Yeah, the view is wonderful, isn't it?" >:/ Galen: "Why am I not surprised to find you here?" Yuuwaku: "Can I borrow your gun Marcus?" * Chrissy looks behind her as the door shuts. "... This is getting really old..." -_-; Alcippe: "This is my home town, after all..." Varemi: ". . ." Marcus: "No." Yuuwaku: "Are you going to try to kill us, miss?" Alcippe: "Now, of course, it's time that I finished all of you for good... Well, except maybe for one..." * Chrissy faces the Red priestess. Samantha: "For one?" Yuuwaku: "I suppose so..." Varemi: "I doubt it, Yuu." * Alcippe chants a summoning spell... Yuuwaku: "Why do you want us dead?" Samantha: "Sh*t..." * Kodah narrows his eyes. Chrissy: "No way!" --A large twisted Firebird appears before the party!-- * Samantha draws her sword, "You people seriously need to find something more constructive to do!" ===SESSION END===