The world of Lunar: A Story Forgotten

In the 2,000 years or so from the present that Lunar: A Story Forgotten takes place, many things have changed but many have stayed the same. Lunar has remained fairly tranquil since the era of Eternal Blue and has had very few geographical changes. On the other hand, this can not be said for the Earth. The various wars, including the Unification War, have resulted in many old cities being destroyed with new ones built to replace them.

Here is a map of Lunar as it appears in AU 1000 (Original map courtesy of Right Step International):
Lunar: The Silver Star (AU 1000)

Lunar: The Silver Star AU 1000

Now here are the western and eastern hemispheres of the Blue Star, respectively:
Western Earth: The Blue Star (AU 1000)

Western Earth: The Blue Star AU 1000

Eastern Earth: The Blue Star (AU 1000)

Eastern Earth: The Blue Star AU 1000

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