Lunar: A Story Forgotten Session 49 Log Session Start: Sun Mar 08 20:21:53 1998 =============================================================================== Cast of Characters: Dragonmaster Lou as Gamemaster, Dragonmaster Lou, Kane, Ghaleon, Lucia, Destiny Mia Ausa as Cleo, Tammy [Tammaris] (Dragonmaster Lou as ~Cleo) Ghaleon Dragonstar as Zigfried Ryouga Hibiki as Kyoko Scott Kroush as Scott Captain Blake as Nina, Ebony Michael Gibson as Rand Windstar as Darken =============================================================================== ===GAME ON!=== --The party prepares to face down with the spirit of Dragonmaster Lou...-- * Scott stands ready, sword in hand. ---HERO COMBAT! DRAGONMASTER LOU!--- Dragonmaster Lou holds a ball of flame in his hand. * Kyoko assumes her stance, "Let's go." * Scott assumes his Wein stance yet again. * Cleo gets ready to attack and stuff. * Nina holds her whip stretched between her hands. * Scott looks at Cleo. "Ready to rock, Cals?" * Cleo nods very fast and slightly. * Rand reaches for his sword, instead of the usual mallet. Scott: "Then let's get em." :) * Scott cracks a smile as he prepare to up his Hit%. * Nina glances around. * Kyoko starts chanting to up the front row's attack power. * Dragonmaster Lou waits patiently for you guys to make up your mind. :P * Dragonmaster Lou is a nice guy, after all :P Rand attacks! Scott: "GET HIM, RAND!" * Nina hopes she doesn't start calling out spells in Japanese from too much Grandia. First attack... Critical hit! 68 damage. Second attack... 38 damage... Zigfried casts Mystic Vigor! Scott: "Not good." * Zigfried flashes with a blue light. The outline of his body phases into two forms before coming back together and endowing him with twice the power of before. Rand: "It could have been worse." Scott: "This should prove interesting." Scott: "True." :P Zigfried can cast multiple spells! Kyoko: "That was your plan, 'Get him?'" Scott casts Akira Slice! * Scott executes a perfect starcut as he studies his enemy... and finds several weak spots in his armor. Scott's Hit% up 213! Cleo casts Aura Blade! Cleo's body glows with a bright white aura as she slashes at the Dragonmaster... * Cleo concentrates and charges at Lou as best she can... Scott: "GO CALS!" Dragonmaster Lou suffers 393 damage. Kyoko casts Iron Bear on the front row! Scott: "Cool! Good hit, Darlin'. :) Everyone's Atk up 135... * Nina's attack breaks 600. Nina casts Whiplash. Nina can counterattack! Dragonmaster Lou casts Flame on Zigfried! Zigfried is hit by a ball of fire for 1 damage... Dragonmaster Lou: "Dammit. Even after two thousand years it still sucks!" * Zigfried blinks, wondering what the sudden rise in temperature was. Dragonmaster Lou uses Althena's Sword! Full HP regained... * Ebony snickers, then tries to look serious. Zigfried recovers 30 HP. ---ROUND 2--- Dragonmaster Lou is surrounded by a black aura... Scott: "This looks like it's gonna hurt." * Nina readies her whip. * Nina decides she likes the new color, and readies her whip. * Nina wonders if anyone got that. Rand casts Luck on Dragonmaster Lou! The waves of magic home in on... Dragonmaster Lou! Dragonmaster Lou is immune to status attacks. Scott casts Crimson Knight's Vigor! * Rand shrugs, "It was worth a try." Scott's Atk# up 1 temporarily! * Scott glows a bright red as he is filled with a new speed and power, giving him one more atk per round. Zigfried casts Guided Strike! * Zigfried's eyes flash with a silver light as the spirit of the owls imbue him with heightened senses. Zig's Hit% up 53! Cleo casts Strength Summons! Cleo's Atk up 81! Zigfried casts Owl's Wisdom! First attack... 213 damage. * Kyoko happily ups everyone's abilities like a good Lucia clone. Second attack... 192 damage. Third attack... 228 damage. Fourth attack... Critical hit! 414 damage! Fifth attack... 182 damage. Scott: "Smooth move, slick." :) * Dragonmaster Lou appears to be quite nimble on his feet. Kyoko casts Fast Litany on the front row! All the front row's reaction up 123! Zigfried: "Thanks, Kyoko!" Nina attacks! Scott: "Thanx, Ky." :) * Nina wonders if she'll hit anything. * Kyoko nods, "The best is last." First attack... Miss... Second attack... Miss... Dragonmaster Lou casts Dragon Quake! Scott: "Oh sh*t." :P Scott: "This is gonna hurt." * Cleo tries to steady herself to take the hit. * Kyoko braces. The ground shakes as earthen forms of dragons rise out of the ground and plunge through the entire party... * Cleo fehs... Rand: "It can't be that bad." * Ebony gets a "knew it the whole time" look. Rand: "Oh... I guess it can..." * Zigfried tries to stay on his feet while the ground is heaving. * Nina wobbles, extending her wings. * Scott tries to keep his foothold... * Kyoko becomes one with the dirt till the tremors pass. Kyoko suffers 1 damage. Cleo suffers 142. Scott suffers 250. Zigfried suffers 247. Nina suffers 114. Rand suffers 147. Dragonmaster Lou uses Althena's Sword! All HP restored. Zigfried recovers 30 HP... * Rand stumbles under the blow. Nina: "Can anyone take the sword from him?" Rand: "This is not working! Anyone know a way to beat that sword of his?" ---ROUND 3--- * Ebony thinks that if Thesian were here... The pale blue form of a dragon surrounds Lou's blade... Kyoko: "Ok, looks like I'm healing instead... Can anyone heal the front row while I go my big upper?" Scott: "Ky, I can only heal one." Scott: "Cleo, you have Calm Litany." :) Kyoko: "Okay, looks like I'm healing..." * Ebony: looks slightly sad. Nina casts Death Whip! Kyoko: "I'll heal... You guys make pain..." Scott: "Gotcha, Ky." First attack... 308 damage. Second attack... 385 damage. Third attack... 327 damage. * Nina breaks the 1000 damage thing with 1 attack, weee. Rand casts Gamble! The waves of chaotic magic home in on Dragonmaster Lou... Dragonmaster Lou is hit for 175 damage. Zigfried casts Magic Pocket! * Zigfried traces a circle in front of him with his claws, a blue light trailing after their tips. When the circumference is joined, the circle flares brightly to form a shield of enchanted energy. Zigfried is protected partially from magic. Zigfried casts Owl's Wisdom! First attack... 203 damage. Second attack... Critical hit! 469 damage! * Zigfried deftly flies at Dragonmaster Lou. Third attack... 172 damage. Fourth attack... 223 damage. Fifth attack... 221 damage. Scott attacks! * Scott leaps into the fray, slicing at Dragonmaster Lou. First attack... Miss... (just barely...) Zigfried: "Lou's pretty fast, don't you think, Scott?" Second attack... Critical hit! 500 damage. Scott: "Too true, Zig... maybe he'd like a taste of my thunder spell." Scott: "Woo hoo!" Third attack... 249 damage. Cleo casts Aura Blade! Dragonmaster Lou is hit for 614 damage. Scott: "Cool... good move, Cals." :) Kyoko casts Calm Litany! Everyone regains full HP. Scott: "Thanks, Ky. :) Dragonmaster Lou casts Dragon Blade on Nina! Scott: "NINA! LOOK OUT!" Dragonmaster Lou leaps high into the air before slashing downwards at Nina... Nina is hit for 373 damage. * Nina readies herself for a whack. Dragonmaster Lou uses Althena's Sword! Full HP restored... * Nina wobbles, "That the best... you can do?" Scott: "Dammit... We've got to get that sword from him." :P ---ROUND 4--- Dragonmaster Lou's sword is bathed in flame... Zigfried: "I don't suppose anyone is feeling inclined to just running up to that guy and grabbing it out of his hands?" * Scott sheaths his sword and holds his hands not far apart. A ball of lightning appears and Scott's crimson battle aura begins to expand. Kyoko: "Um... No..." * Nina holds her gaping wound with one hand and her whip in the other. Scott: "Ready for a SHOCKING experience, Dragonmaster?" Nina casts Death Whip! First attack... 353 damage. Second attack... 314 damage. Third attack.. 398 damage. Rand casts Force Blade on Lou! Lou is hit for 490 damage. * Zigfried muses over his indecision and decides that nothing helpful can really be done at this point. Zigfried defends... Scott casts Crimson ThunderZone! * Scott's fighting aura expands to the surrounding area as bolts of lightning form between his hands. In a hadoken-styled motion, Scott points his hands toward Dragonmaster Lou. The intense thunder attack pounds into it's target with deadly accuracy. Lou is hit for 121 damage. * Cleo mumbles to herself. Cleo casts Aura Blade! Lou is hit for 614 damage. * Scott now thinks that using magic against this joker is no good... * Cleo idly wonders if this is going to be as screwy and wrong as the wisdom trial battle. ^^; Kyoko casts Mystic Shell on the front row... Everyone's MgE up 105. Lou casts Flaming Poe Sword on Cleo! Cleo: -_- Scott: "CALS!" Cleo: o O (Uh oh.) Dragonmaster Lou leaps high into the air before slashing downwards at Cleo. As he lands, an arc of flame is sent out to the rest of the front row... Scott: "YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU DIE NOW!" Cleo suffers 197. Everyone else in the front row suffers 87. Dragonmaster Lou pauses... * Nina wobbles seriously. Dragonmaster Lou: "Well, I'm impressed! You guys really hung in there! It's official, you passed the Trial of Resolve!" Scott: "Hmmm? Rand: "What? The point was just to not give up?" Kyoko: "As I suspected..." Cleo: o O (Oh gosh. It IS as lame as the wisdom trial. ;)) Dragonmaster Lou: "That was the point..." Scott: . o O(No joke, Cals.) * Zigfried blinks. "Uh..." Kyoko: "This is why I kept everyone alive with my protection spells." Rand: "We made it this far, how likely were we to give up now?" Cleo: o O (...Wait, how can you read my th-- oh, nevermind. =b) Dragonmaster Lou: "What else could you do for a trial of resolve? See if you guys can dance the macarena?" Kyoko: "No... Not THAT!" Kyoko: "Anything but that!" * Zigfried groans at Lou's lame attempt at humor. Ebony: "I think it would have been more amusing." * Scott LOL! * Dragonmaster Lou turns to Ebony. "Maybe... Anyway, you guys got a world to save..." Rand: "Probably would have been less painful." Cleo: "Well, you could have made it a bit more hopeless. =b ... But I'm not complaining." ^^; * Dragonmaster Lou hands Althena's Sword to Lucia. Ebony: "Make a note of that Lucia, 'Trial of Macarena.'" Dragonmaster Lou: "Cleo, would you please step forward?" * Cleo blink blinks. Cleo: "... What?" ^^; Dragonmaster Lou: "Cleo, I was very impressed with your blade skills in that last fight." Dragonmaster Lou: "Because of that, I think you should carry the Crest of Resolve, which, actually, isn't really a 'crest' at all..." Kyoko: "You mean... The sword?" * Kyoko blink-blinks. Dragonmaster Lou: "Yes. Cleo, I want you to carry Althena's Sword into battle!" Cleo: O_o Scott: "Interesting." Dragonmaster Lou: "Are you okay, Cleo?" * Zigfried smiles. "Congratulations, Cleo." * Cleo nods slowly. ^^; * Scott walks over to Cleo. "You a'ight, Cals?" * Kyoko gets behind Cleo to catch her if necessary. Dragonmaster Lou: "Lucia, if you'd do the honors, please..." * Lucia approaches Cleo, Althena's Sword in hand. * Nina falls on her rear and bleeds. Cleo: "It's a bit of a shock to me... Please excuse me if I seem a bit surprised." * Scott places a hand on Cleo's shoulder. Lucia: "Cleo, here, take this..." * Lucia casts Ultra Althena's Light! Everyone regains full HP and MP and stuff... * Cleo looks at everyone first for reassurance. * Nina feels better. * Scott smiles at Cleo. :) Lucia: "Sorry about forgetting to heal you. I guess I've been picking up bad habits from that ditz over there..." Dragonmaster Lou: "Lucia!" * Lucia giggles slightly. * Nina stands. * Zigfried smirks. Scott: "Cals, you've earned the sword. Take it." * Cleo decides that's the most reassurance she'll get... and takes the sword with a grateful nod. Scott: "Hell, you've stuck with me all this time... That's a definite show of resolve." Scott: "Hehehe." -Cleo acquires Althena's Sword (ATK+210, *enables Dragon Blade - 99 MP - Ultimate blade attack) * Cleo smiles back at Scott after receiving the sword. * Nina mutters, "That was fun." * Zigfried hugs Nina. "At least it's over." Nina: "That was just a test..." Nina: "We're going to run into much worse." Scott: "No joke, Nina..." Dragonmaster Lou: "Cleo, you have to promise me one thing though, okay?" Cleo: "... Eeeh?" ^^; --Everyone gained 1000 S, 200 XP, 2000 MXP-- Dragonmaster Lou: "Cleo, when the time comes for Alys to become a Dragonmaster, you have to return Althena's Sword here. Do you understand?" * Cleo doesn't answer for a few seconds, appearing to be regathering herself as she examines the sword's hilt with her hand unconsciously. After regathering herself totally, she blinks a few times and does her short, fast, nod. Dragonmaster Lou: "Thanks. Anyway, good luck with your quest. Oh, and make sure you get the Justice Crest before you face Nephar. You'll need all the help you can get with him." Teal: "Wait! Lou, where is the..." * Dragonmaster Lou waves bye to Teal and everyone else before he fades away... Teal: "Damn, missed him!" * Cleo looks at Teal. "The..?" * Zigfried frowns slightly. Zigfried: "The Justice Crest." Scott: "I think she was talking about the Justice Crest." Zigfried: "We still need to find that thing." Teal: "The Justice Crest... I was hoping he'd tell us. Grr... Oh well, what can you expect from a ditz like that?" Scott: "And for some reason, I think we'll find out in just a little while." Zigfried: "Maybe Lucia knows?" Cleo: "Good goddess. O_o What a ditzy thing! I must have caught it with the sword." ^^; Teal: "I'm surprised he ever became Dragonmaster sometimes..." Rand: "We shall find it, we're too close now to not find it. Lucia: "Teal, would you please stay here while the others continue their quest?" Scott: "Let's just get moving again. We have a couple of worlds to save." Teal: "But Lucia..." Lucia: "I'd like all the Dragons here to protect this tower should Nephar's forces attack, understood?" * Teal sighs. "Yeah..." Scott: "We'll take care of business, Teal... Count on it." :) Teal: "Well, looks like we're saying 'bye' for real this time. Good luck, guys, and go put Nephar's butt in a sling!" Scott: "We sure will." :) Zigfried: "Good luck to you as well, Teal." Ebony: "How are you ever going to survive without me to tell you the monster names?" Rand: "We will Teal, we'll return soon!" * Teal nods and waves. Scott: "Let's move out." * Zigfried smiles. "We'll manage, Ebony." Lucia: "Good luck, heroes... Remember, always believe in yourselves... That is the key to victory in your upcoming battles..." Ebony: "Remember, party at my place after you save the world!" Teal: "I'm there, Uncle!" Scott: "By the time we're through with them, they'll have plenty of names." Zigfried: "Sure thing." Kyoko: "Be well, Goddess." Scott: "Count me in, Eb." :) * Lucia waves. * Nina looks around. * Scott turns and begins to walk to the bottom of the tower, pulling his cloak over his shoulders. Nina: "What's next?" Nina: "We don't know where the crest is." Kyoko: "What's left?" Scott: "We get moving again... I have a strange idea who has the crest... and it's not good news." --The exit to the tower lies before you...-- * Zigfried heads through the exit. Kyoko: "Then, I guess we know who we need to find..." * Scott walks out the exit... * Nina slowly winds her whip up, putting it on her belt, then follows. --As the group exits, they find a strange black cloud overhead...-- * Kyoko exits. Scott: "Oh sh*t... This does not look good." Kyoko: "Or he found us..." Rand: "Looks like it's going to rain." --The cloud seems to be made out of... rose petals!-- Kyoko: "Its Tuxedo Mask..." --Standing before you in full armor is none other than Kane himself!-- Rand: "Another unexpected plot twist." * Cleo is still unconsciously feeling the blade. * Cleo looks up at Kane. Kyoko: "Kane..." Kane: "Funny seeing you here again. I came as soon as I heard the Dragonpowers were freed and the seal was broken. Looks like I'm just a bit late . You already have won the Dragonmaster's Crest, or should I say Althena's Sword..." * Scott looks at Kane... "You're gonna feel the... BANG!" * Kane grins slightly... * Nina suddenly gets the urge to bop Scott. Rand: "Are you the one with the final crest?" * Kane draws his blade, an elegant silver weapon, almost resembling a katana blade, with a hilt shaped not unlike that of Althena's Sword. * Kane ignores Rand's question. Scott: "I guess this could be called the 'Main Event of the evening.'" :) * Nina pulls her whip out again. Kane: "I suppose..." * Kane takes his battle stance, tired of the idle chatter... Kane: "Hmph. Apparently you don't know when to quit. No matter. I guess it will be up to me to end this little crusade of yours... How does it feel to look into the eyes of your executioner, heroes?" ===BOSS COMBAT! DEMONMASTER KANE! ROUND 1=== Nina: "I wouldn't know." Nina: "Because I'm not letting you stop us." Rand: "No idea, haven't tried it yet." Kane glows slightly... * Scott draws his sword and pushes his cloak back. He assumes a Cloud stance and is ready to rock. Kane: "Hmph, so confident... Are you sure that you really have what it takes to save this world?" Kyoko: "Watch us!" Kane: "I intend to do more than watch..." Scott: "Don't sing it, Kane... BRING IT." Rand: "We made it this far, we refuse to lose now, we have invested far too much time in saving the world." Kane casts Phasor! * Zigfried doesn't Kane cares much for our investments. Kane momentarily fades in an out of reality as he acquires the ability to instantly teleport anywhere on the battle field. Kane can attack regardless of row! Kane defends. Rand casts Force Blade! * Zigfried wonders just why Kane wants a chunk of us so badly. It's not like we ever did anything to him. Kane suffers 352 damage. Scott: "Maybe he just needs a little attitude adjustment." :) * Nina stands defensively. Zigfried casts Mystic Vigor! Zigfried can cast 2 spells per round! * Zigfried flashes with a blue light. The outline of his body phases into two forms before coming back together and endowing him with twice the power of before. Scott casts Akira Slice! Scott's Hit% up 227. * Scott's eyes glow red as he eyes Kane, studying his strengths and weaknesses. Cleo casts Strength Summons! Cleo's ATK up 70 * Cleo makes sure to think straight this battle and not cackle in a silly manner. Kyoko casts Diana's Song! * Nina glances at Zig. Scott: "Remember not to combo, folks... He has that combo breaker." Kane is hit for 146 damage. * Zigfried's expression is blank, seemingly focused elsewhere. Nina casts Whiplash. Nina can counterattack! * Nina sighs and focuses her attention on the battle. ---ROUND 2--- Kane doesn't appear to be doing anything unusual. Scott: "You're gonna get a kick outta this!" Kyoko: "Okay... Fine..." * Scott has a look on his face of pure determination as he watches Kane's actions. * Nina stretches her whip between her hands. Nina casts Death Whip! Scott: "Whip him to death, Nina!" * Nina lashes out at Kane. First attack... 170 damage. Second attack... 177 damage... Third attack... 169 damage... Kane defends... Scott casts Crimson Knights Vigor! Scott's # Atks up 1! Scott: "Ky, if at all possible, we can use some of those assist spells of yours." Kyoko: "Coming right up." Kyoko: "Cleo, prepare to hurt him lots!!" Zigfried casts Guided Strike! * Zigfried's eyes flash with a silver light as the spirit of the owls imbue him with heightened senses. Zigfried's Hit% up 61! * Cleo nods thankfully to Kyoko. * Scott looks over at Cleo and smiles. Zigfried casts Owl's Wisdom! * Zigfried raises a claw and his form blurs as a new sense of direction fills him. "Great predator of the night, let your knowledge guide me to my prey." First attack... Critical hit! 164 damage. Second attack... 114 damage. Third attack... Critical hit! 156 damage! Fourth attack... 114 damage. Fifth attack... 121 damage. Kyoko casts Iron Bear on the front row! Kyoko: "Now, Get him, Cleo... Use the sword and strike him down!" Everyone in the front's ATK up 139. * Nina remembers a few 9999 damage attacks. Rand casts Luck... The waves of chaotic magic hit Kane. Kane is immune to status attacks... ---ROUND 3--- Kane holds a glowing ball of energy between his hands... * Cleo repeats... ;b Scott: "This is not good." * Cleo holds Althena's sword in a mighty threatening manner. Scott: "I've been waiting to open up the large, economy sized, can of whoop ass." * Cleo takes in a deep breath... * Kane smirks. Cleo: "Here goes..." Nina casts Death Whip! * Scott is standing beside Cleo, holding the Crimson Sword in his fighting stance. * Nina swings her whip around, cracking it repeatedly. Scott: "We'll face him together, Cals... First attack... 325 damage... Second attack... 322 damage... * Cleo smiles at Scott her fangs showing. Third attack... 326 damage... Kane casts Mega Dragon Cannon! * Scott smiles back. :) Cleo: O_O Scott: "OH SH*T!" * Zigfried is feeling rather metaphorical for being in a life and death battle right now. Thoughts cloud over his mind over and over again. * Nina immediately takes a defensive stance. The entire party is hit with an intense beam of electrically charged energy! * Zigfried awakens from his reverie and raises his claws defensively in front of him. * Cleo grunts in the most girly manner one can. * Scott tries to block with his blade... * Rand feebly raises his shield. * Nina comes up with a great spell idea, Destiny Summonization... We call someone on the ship, they fly over, and land on Kane. * Zigfried thinks Nina has a very good idea. Cleo suffers 10021 damage. Kyoko suffers 9720 damage. Scott suffers 9213. Zigfried suffers 10656. Nina suffers 10121. Rand suffers 9646. Scott: -_- * Zigfried collapses. * Kane sighs... * Scott falls backwards. Kane: "This was the best these worlds had to offer? I knew I should have acted more quickly to get the Heroes' Crests before they did... It's obvious they were not worthy..." * Nina wavers slightly for a second before falling. * Rand would collapse, but after that attack I doubt there is enough left to collapse... * Kyoko falls flat on her face. --Suddenly, a familiar voice is heard from above...-- Ghaleon: "Don't count them out yet, Kane..." Kane: "YOU!" * Nina has never heard Ghaleon... so it's not familiar to her. --The ghostly image of everyone's favorite elf appears between Kane and the party.-- Kane: "What are you doing here!?" Ghaleon: "Checking up on someone..." Kane: "But..." Ghaleon: "Listen, Kane. My time here is short... However, remember that it is often in defeat that one's true power shines forth... Or did you forget your own defeat so long ago, Dragonboy?" Kane: "Ghaleon..." * Ghaleon fades away after giving his words of wisdom in this cameo appearance. :P --The entire party feels a warmth deep within themselves... They are just barely able to move...-- * Scott slowly arises to one knee. "Cleo. Are you all right?" * Nina pushes herself up, her arms wobbling, lifts her head to gaze at Kane defiantly. --The party has just enough strength now, coming from deep within, to stand back up...-- * Cleo groans. * Kane is still in shock at Ghaleon's appearance... * Scott picks Cleo up in his arms, helping her up. * Scott then rises to his feet. * Nina gets weakly to her feet, shaking. * Zigfried is more comfortable lying down. He figures if Kane attacks him now it doesn't matter if he's standing up or laying down. * Cleo opens one eye. o_- o O (I should have stayed in bed.) * Rand stands up, slowly. * Cleo gets up. Rand: "Kyoko?" --Kane's sword begins to glow weakly... Althena's Sword and the other Crests also begin to glow weakly...-- Zigfried: "Eh...?" Kane: "What!?" Scott: "Cals? You a'ight? * Rand holds out his hand and helps Kyoko stand. * Cleo nods. * Zigfried props himself up on his knees, shaking his head. * Cleo looks at Kane. * Nina looks down, resting a hand on her crest. * Scott looks down at his crest. * Kyoko stands, "What hit me?" --The crests seem to be responding to a power from deep within the spirits of the party...-- Rand: "Kane hit you, hard..." Scott: "Your ass is grass, and my name is JOHN DEERE!" * Zigfried wonders what kind of power that is. :P --Suddenly, the entire party is bathed by a warm light coming from Kane's Sword, Althena's Sword, and the Crests... Everyone regains full HP/MP!-- Kane: "It appears that Ghaleon was right, and I did underestimate you... Now, for once and for all, prove to me that you are indeed strong enough to overcome Nephar!" * Rand shakes his head to clear it, "I would not have expected this..." ---ROUND 4--- Scott: "You got it..." * Cleo pokes Scott to put her down. ;b * Scott puts Cleo down. Scott: "Sorry." :P * Nina looks over at Zig. * Nina turns and looks over the rest of the party. Scott: "Time to rock and roll." :) Kyoko: "By the power of humanity... We will defeat you!" Kane: "Then show me just what your power of humanity is made of! Prove to me that you are indeed worthy of your titles!" Scott: "by the power of humanity, and the oath of the Crimson Knight... KANE... I'M GONNA KICK YOUR ASS!" Rand: "Yes Kane, your luck just went bad." * Nina doesn't feel the need for bravado, just readies herself. * Kyoko starts casting Iron Bear again. Nina casts Death Whip! * Zigfried sighs. Why can't people just get along. Kane obviously isn't evil incarnate like Pharos seems to be so why should he fight us? First attack... 301 damage... Second attack... 307 damage... Third attack... 304 damage... * Nina just knows that he'll kill us if we don't take him out first... so fights him... deep huh? Rand casts Force Blade! Kane is hit for Kane is hit for 454 damage. Zigfried casts Magic Pocket! * Zigfried traces a circle in front of him with his claws, a blue light trailing after their tips. When the circumference is joined, the circle flares brightly to form a shield of enchanted energy. Zigfried's resistance to magic has increased! Zigfried casts Owl's Wisdom! * Zigfried raises a claw and his form blurs as a new sense of direction fills him. "Great predator of the night, let your knowledge guide me to my prey." First attack... 269 damage. * Scott starts to wonder about Kane's MgE... cause if attacking don't work... I'll be using my elemental skills. Second attack... 269 damage. Third attack... 232 damage. Fourth attack... Critical hit! 466 damage! Fifth attack... 198 damage... Scott attacks! * Scott rushes in with his deadly Crimson Sword... "EAT THIS, ASSH*LE!" First attack... 230 damage. Scott: "All right!" * Scott slices at Kane's neck. Second attack... 230 damage. Third attack... 230 damage. * Scott slices at Kane's abdomen. Cleo unleashes the devastating power of the Dragon Blade! Scott: "GO CALS!" Cleo's sword is surrounded by a pale blue image of a dragon as she leaps high into the air and slashes downwards on Kane... Scott: "This should prove interesting." * Cleo narrows her eyes in thought. Scott: "Don't think too hard... You'll get a headache." :) Kane suffers 5191 damage. Scott: O_O Scott: "Just knocked the sh*t outta him." * Cleo slides back to her spot. * Cleo meeps. O_o * Rand cringes, "That looked like it hurt..." Scott: "Cals, I could kiss you." Kyoko casts Iron Bear on the front row... * Cleo grins with her fans. ^_^ "That was pleasant!" Scott: "And I probably would if we weren't in the middle of a fight." Everyone's ATK up 130... Kane casts Poe Sword on Nina! Nina is hit for 152 damage. Kane casts Justice Bolt on Kyoko! * Nina counters... she supposes it's pointless if he has dodge like Lou's. Nina misses all the counters :P Kyoko is hit by a blast of lightning from above for 181 damage. Kane attacks Zigfried! * Scott readies himself to strike again. Scott: "Oh sh*t... ZIG!" * Zigfried grimaces. Zigfried is slashed by Kane for 201 damage. Kane attacks Nina... * Zigfried drops to one knee, panting. Scott: "You don't want none of this... do ya? Bring it on!" Critical hit! Nina is hit for 224 damage. Kane attacks Cleo! Scott: "CALS!" * Nina looks wobbly again. Cleo: "... Feeeh..." Cleo is hit for 175 damage. Zigfried regains 30 HP... Scott: "YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU'RE MINE!" ---ROUND 5--- Kane raises his hand in front of him. (PS-Style :P) * Scott raises his hand to Kane, middle finger extended. * Nina coughs a few times and rests a hand on her crest. Rand attacks! First attack... Miss... Second attack... er, Miss... Zigfried casts Guided Blow! * Zigfried's eyes flash with a silver light as the spirit of the owls imbue him with heightened senses. Zig's Hit% up 49... Zigfried casts Owl's Wisdom! * Zigfried raises a claw and his form blurs as a new sense of direction fills him. "Great predator of the night, let your knowledge guide me to my prey." * Nina wonders if anyone is healing First attack... Critical hit! 753 damage! * Kyoko is healing. Second attack... Critical hit! 760 damage! Third attack... Critical hit! 690 damage! Fourth attack... Critical hit! Critical hit! 760 damage! Scott: "You gonna feel da madness... oohh yeah." Fifth attack... 365 damage. Scott attacks... * Zigfried feels _much_ better about his damage now. * Scott rushes in again, blade aiming for Kane's neck. First attack... 414 damage. Second attack... 362 damage. * Scott keeps hacking at the carotid. Third attack... 368 damage. Scott: "There can be only ONE!" Cleo casts Side Step! Cleo's Dod% up 73. Kyoko casts Calm Litany! Everyone regains full HP! * Scott isn't very calm right now. * Nina murmurs a "Thanks." Nina casts Blue Master's Precision! Nina temporarily gains infinite Hit%! Kane casts Schitzo Blade! * Nina concentrates on her crest and is surrounded by a blue aura. Scott: "Speaking of Schitzo." Kane slashes through all the rows with his sword... Scott: "I said just a little off the side, you fool." Scott: "Remind me never to come to THIS barber again." :P Cleo suffers 186. Kyoko suffers 250... Scott suffers 132. Zigfried suffers 231. Nina suffers 100. Rand suffers 190. Kane casts Blade Vigor! Kane's # of attacks has increased for the next round! Zigfried regains 30 HP... Cleo: "..." * Nina wonders if counter only works for spells targeting her. Nina counters late... * Nina supposes not. * Rand stumbles back, his hands covering his wound. * Scott places his right fist on the Crest of Courage on his armor's chest plate. His fist and the crest begin to glow bright white. First attack... Critical hit! 570 damage. Second attack... Critical hit! 581 damage. Third attack... Critical hit! 575 damage. ---ROUND 6--- Scott: "Kyoko, get ready to heal us." * Kyoko gets ready to heal... Again. * Rand clenches his teeth and prepares to slash Kane back for that attack. Kyoko: "Keep me alive." Rand casts Force Blade! * Scott keeps concentrating on his crest... his entire body begins to glow bright white. Scott: "I will... with my crest..." Kane is hit for 437 damage. Scott casts White Knights Defense! * Scott raises his hand and the area turns bright white as the ethereal image of the Crest of Courage appears. Beams of pure white light shoot down and hit the party, raising their defenses. The entire party is immune to physical attacks for one round... Zigfried casts Double Owl's Wisdom! First attack... Critical hit! 718 damage! Second attack... Critical hit! 746 damage! * Zigfried attacks Kane with a whirlwind of raking talons. Third attack... Critical hit! 669 damage! Fourth attack... Critical hit! 683 damage! Fifth attack... Critical hit! 718 damage! Sixth attack... Critical hit! 662 damage! Seventh attack... Critical hit! 732 damage! Scott: "Getting tired, Zig?" Cleo casts Kotetsu Slice! * Zigfried shrugs. "Somewhat." Cleo's Hit% up 101! Kyoko casts Calm Litany! Everyone regains full HP. Nina attacks! First attack... Critical hit! 784 damage! Second attack... Critical hit! 782 damage. Kane attacks, but all his attacks are defected by the shield! ---ROUND 7--- Kane holds a ball of energy between his hands... Nina: "Hey Zig, why not reflect that back at him?" Scott: "Zig... I hope you have the MP for a Black Mage Reflection." * Zigfried nods. Zigfried: "I do." Scott: "Good." :) Scott: "How you doin' over there, Cals?" Cleo: "Fine... I'm casting Dragon Blade again..." Scott: "Cool..." :) Scott: "I guess I'll just attack the bastard... CK Vigor is coming in handy." Rand casts Force Blade! Kane is hit for 466 damage. Zigfried casts Black Mage's Reflection! * Zigfried's crest glows with a silvery light, raising a faint prismatic barrier over the party. Zigfried casts Mana Drain * Zigfried beckons and catches the globe of blue light that flies towards him. Zigfried gains back 36 MP net. Scott attacks! First attack... 316 damage. * Scott slashes at Kane's neck AGAIN! Second attack... 355 damage. * Scott keeps hacking for the jugular. Third attack... 348 damage. Scott: "Maybe one more Akira Slice and I'll be getting crits on him." The entire region tremors as Cleo once again unleashes the devastating power of the Dragon Blade! * Cleo prepares... Kane suffers 6453 damage... Scott: "And he's still not dead?" Kyoko casts Mystic Shell on the front row. * Cleo huffs once. =b Everyone's MgE up 125. Scott: "You okay?" * Scott looks at Cleo, a worried look coming to his eyes. Scott: "Cleo, are you okay? Nina attacks! First attack... Critical hit! 917 damage! Second attack... Critical hit! 917 damage. Kane casts Mega Dragon Cannon! Scott: "Hehehe..." :) The spell bounces off the barrier and returns to Kane... Kane's armor protects him from the effects of his own spells... 0 damage. Kane casts Life Saber! Kane's sword glows bright orange as he slashes through the party... Cleo suffers 139 damage. Kyoko suffers 281 damage. Scott suffers 96 damage. Zigfried suffers 250 damage and is defeated... :( Nina suffers 206. Rand suffers 191 damage and is defeated. :( * Zigfried falls. Kane regains 1163 HP. * Rand looks surprised for a moment before falling to the ground. Scott: "Ky, pop the crest... I'm gonna try my best to attack." Nina counters... Nina counters... Critical hit! 918 damage! Second attack... 915 damage. Third attack... 921 damage. ---ROUND 8--- * Nina thinks, "So much for the life he just gained." * Kyoko starts chanting on her crest. * Scott sheaths his sword and a ball of fire appears in his hand. --The ground under the front row begins to tremor...-- Cleo: "..." Scott: "CALS... CAREFUL." * Kyoko prays, "Hurry up and pop you crazy crest!" * Cleo fehs... Scott casts Crimson Firezone on Kane! * Scott releases the fire ball that flies toward Kane. Kane is hit for 109 damage. Cleo casts Aura Blade! Kane is hit for 781 damage. Kyoko casts Red Priest's Resurrection! Everyone that was dead is brought to life! Everyone regains full HP! * Kyoko shouts, "Althena, give us the strength to carry on!" Nina attacks! First attack... Critical hit! 924 damage... Second attack... Critical hit! 923 damage! * Zigfried shakes his head and wonders if he'll get trampled on any further this battle. Third attack... Critical hit! 915 damage. * Rand stands and bows to Kyoko, "Thank you, my love." Kane casts Thunder Quake on the front row! * Kyoko smiles at Rand, "For you, anything..." Scott: "This is gonna hurt!" Zigfried: "Then again..." Cleo: "...." The ground beneath the row cracks wide open as pillars of lightning rise from beneath the ground to the heavens... Kyoko: "Everyone, look out." Rand suffers 54. Nina counters! * Cleo whews and nods in thanks to Ky. First attack... Critical hit! 911 damage. Second attack... Critical hit! 917 damage. * Rand reels slightly under the attack, but realizes that he came out of it quite well, "I guess I owe you another one, Kyoko." Third attack... Critical hit! 919 damage. * Nina feels a sense of deja-vu Kane casts Shock Blade on the back row! Kane slashes at Kyoko with an electrically charged sword... Kyoko is hit for 115 damage. Kane attacks Scott! * Kyoko screams in pain, but stands. Scott: "Oh great." * Kyoko stands in defiance of Kane. Scott is slashed for 92 damage. * Scott gives Kane the finger. Scott: "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!" Kane attacks Rand! * Rand turns to Kyoko, "Kyoko! Are you alright?" Rand is hit for 180 damage. Kyoko: "Not for much longer..." Kane attacks Cleo! Scott: "CALS!" * Cleo is glad she upped herself. Scott: "SORRY MOTHER #@#$)u^#)^&#)$&(#*$&(#$!" Cleo parries with Althena's Sword! * Cleo smirks at Kane. The effects of Blue Master's Precision wear off... Scott: "YOUR NO GOOD ASS IS MINE!" Zigfried recovers 30 HP. ---ROUND 9--- Kane does the PS-style magic arm thingie again. Rand casts Force Blade! Kane is hit for 489 damage. Scott casts Force Blade! * Scott charges at Kane, impaling his blade into Kane's chest. Scott: "Aim for the heart... if the bastard has one." Kane is hit for 640 damage. Scott: "Will you just be a good Demonmaster and DIE!" Zigfried casts Double Owl's Wisdom! * Zigfried raises a claw and his form blurs as a new sense of direction fills him. "Great predator of the night, let your knowledge guide me to my prey." First attack... Critical hit! 711 damage. Second attack... Critical hit! 735 damage! Third attack... Critical hit! 760 damage! Scott: "DIE ALREADY, KANE!" Fourth attack... Critical hit! 385 damage. Fifth attack... 398 damage. Sixth attack, Critical hit! 718 damage. Seventh attack... Critical hit! 641 damage! Cleo casts Aura Blade! Scott: "GO CALS!" * Cleo shoots herself at Kane. Kane is hit for 634 damage. * Scott wishes Kane would be a good Demonmaster and DIE ALREADY. Kyoko casts Calm Litany! Everyone regains full HP! * Nina recovers 1 HPs! Nina casts Blue Master's Precision! * Nina gets all blue and precisiony. Nina temporarily gains infinite Hit% Kane casts Justice Bolt on Nina! Nina is hit for 376 damage. Nina counterattacks! First attack... Critical hit! 927 damage! * Nina grits her teeth and makes him pay for that. Second attack... Critical hit! 924 damage! * Scott wonders how many Hp Kane has left... Third attack... Critical hit! 914 damage... Althena's Sword begins shining... Scott: "We've been hitting him hard for close to 10 rounds... Will he ever die?" Cleo casts Dragon Blade! Cleo delivers one final blow to Kane... VICTORY! Scott: "Thank Althena." :P 0 S, 500 XP, 5000 MXP gained * Kane collapses... * Kane is still barely alive... Kane: "*cough* Congratulations. *wheeze* To be honest, I never thought you had what it took... *gasp* I was wrong..." Rand: "You seriously underestimated us then." * Kyoko nods, "Guys.. . Let him go on with some dignity..." Kane: "You *wheeze* have gotten much stronger since our prior encounters." Kyoko: "Kane... You promised me... If we won... You'd join us..." Kyoko: "You have a family to tend to..." * Zigfried stays silent, standing off to one side. Rand: "Kane, you don't have to give up, you are not gone yet." Kane: "I will... However, not directly... It is not my fate to go into battle again Nephar." * Kyoko helps Kane up. Scott: "I guess it's ours..." Kyoko: "Damn it everyone... Help him..." * Scott helps Kane up. Kane: "Thanks. *cough* I promise you, I will be along side you, in spirit... Please, let me go... I think... *cough* I can stand on my own." * Kyoko heals Kane. Scott: "No prob..." --While the party tends to Kane, Lucia walks out of the tower, accompanied by the human forms of the Four Dragons.-- * Kane recovers an insignificant portion of his HP, but enough to stand comfortably. :P Lucia: "Heroes, may I have a word with you?" Scott: "Sure." * Ebony glares silently. * Rand stands by Kyoko, "We can't let you leave, I know you are not entirely evil..." Kane: "Go, talk to Lucia... She has important things to tell you. I'm all right..." * Zigfried nods, turning towards her voice. * Scott goes over to Lucia. * Kyoko walks up to Lucia. * Nina sighs wearily, pays attention to Lucia from where she is. Lucia: "Before you enter your final battle, I must share with you a secret I've guarded for the past two thousand years..." Scott: "What's up, goddess lady?" * Rand takes one last look at Kane before turning to face Lucia. * Lucia quickly heals the party, by the way. Scott: "Two thousand years? This sounds interesting." Lucia: "You see, Dragonmaster Lou was never originally meant to become a Dragonmaster..." Teal: "WHAT!?" Scott: "Hmmm?" Scott: "You lost me." * Zigfried raises an eyebrow. Lucia: "Someone else was supposed to be the Dragonmaster of that era, however, we lost him before he could fulfill his destiny. Lou was chosen as a substitute." Scott: "Are you telling me that history is one big f*ck up?" Lucia: "Sort of..." Rand: "Sort of?" Lucia: "You see, the person who was originally meant to be Dragonmaster was... Kane..." Kyoko: "I read about this..." Teal: "WHAT!?" Kyoko: "I figured..." * Zigfried somehow isn't very surprised. * Ebony looks at Lucia, glares at Kane, turn and stalks back towards the tower. Scott: "This makes no sense at all... but I'm not surprised... Nothing makes sense in this mission." Lucia: "Ebony, I'm sorry..." Kyoko: "Only someone as wronged would take the actions Kane did..." * Rand looks over toward Kane, "Makes sense." Ebony: "Tell Azura how sorry you are." Lucia: "Anyway, Kane, not Lou, was the one who was destined to become the Blue Star's first Dragonmaster. However, fate dictated that he was born with an immensely powerful, albeit untapped, magical aura, perhaps only rivalled by Ghaleon himself." --Kane is no longer there. Only his sword remains.-- Lucia: "Don't blame Kane, he was deceived by the forces of darkness, Ebony." * Kyoko picks up Kane's sword... Tears in her eyes. * Rand stops and moves over to where he was. Scott: "So he was deceived by the dark side... great." :P Lucia: "You see, this, combined with his natural talent for a sword, made him feared by the forces of darkness who also knew of his destiny. Therefore, they conspired against him, killing his parents when he was an infant and doing all they could to make him as bitter towards the world as possible as he got older." * Ebony disappears inside the tower... it having taken a great deal of his effort not to blast Kane while he had the chance... doesn't answer Lucia, and doesn't believe her. Lucia: "When the madness that made Ghaleon attempt to become Magic Emperor took physical form two thousand years ago, he sought out Kane and used him for his own ends, making him into the first Demonmaster." * Teal looks extremely shocked by this, although she is of a more forgiving nature than Ebony. She still doesn't want to believe that this is true... Scott: "Now it's making sense." * Nina listens quietly to it all. Lucia: "With the next Dragonmaster now fighting to conquer the world instead of protect it, I was forced to try to find someone else to answer the calling. Someone with enough resolve to stand up to Kane no matter how overmatched he may be in battle. This person was Lou, who was trained by Ghaleon's true self, and the rest is history..." Teal: "That... almost... makes sense... In a way..." * Rand takes Kyoko's hand and tries to comfort her. Lucia: "After Kane was defeated here, on the Plateau of Blood, Lou and the other original Heroes of Lucia were saddened at his demise. This sadness confused Kane in the afterlife, but this did not stop him from seeking out the spirit of the one person he blamed for his current situation, Ghaleon. During this quest, Kane learned more and more about his true self and his past along with confronting Ghaleon on numerous occasions. It was during their last confrontation that Ghaleon finally revealed to Kane his true destiny..." * Kyoko holds the sword and closes her eyes, crying to herself. Lucia: "After this confrontation, Ghaleon took Kane on as his student, much like how he did with Lou centuries ago. With Ghaleon's help, Kane was finally able to learn to use his magical power to its fullest capabilities." Lucia: "Eventually, Nephar became involved when he decided to attempt to outdo his older brother. Knowing that it was the power of humanity that caused Zophar's defeat, Nephar decided to recruit two humans from the afterlife to fight his battles. He decided upon two to minimize the chances that either of them would betray him like Ghaleon did to Zophar." Scott: "Which explains Dragon Cannon and Thunder Quake." Lucia: "The odds of betrayal by both humans were so small that he felt safe in his decision and chose two that he believed were roughly equal in power: Kane, and Pharos..." Scott: "One down... one to go then." Lucia: "Nephar, however, did not realize that Kane had become immensely more powerful over the centuries. Kane knew this, and decided that this would be his opportunity to try to repent for his sins, much like his teacher once did. He became a double-agent, giving the illusion of fighting for Nephar while he was in fact fighting against him." Lucia: "It was during the plot to capture Teal that he first met you, and he had been following you ever since, even on occasion stepping in to protect you when you were in severe danger at the hands of a powerful enemy such as Pharos..." Scott: "So you're saying that Kane was the White Cloaked Man?" Lucia: "Yes, he was." Scott: "This is deep." Lucia: "However, Kane came away less than impressed from his first encounters with you. He became concerned that you did not have the strength needed to save our worlds. Realizing that with the Dragons now Aura-less, he visited me as soon as possible to see about my protection." Scott: "Talk about a way to pay back our gratitude... We just whooped the heck outta him." Lucia: "As he had access to the stolen Dragon Auras and was 'Dragonmaster material,' so to speak, he immediately used his ability to use Dragon Magic to set up a protective shield around my tower." Lucia: "While he used the excuse that it was meant to imprison me, it was meant to defend the tower from any possible attack by Nephar's forces. Once the shield was was established, he set out upon his own search for the Heroes' Crests, with the intention to hold onto them until a group he felt was truly worthy came along, believing that his own power, combined with his access to Dragon Magic, would be enough to stall Nephar's plans until the time came..." Kyoko: "That was his power... I had a feeling... Nephar has to be pissed..." Lucia: "I'm sure Nephar is quite upset right now..." Scott: "No joke..." --Suddenly, the skies begin to darken... A huge fortress appears in the skies above Lucia's Tower...-- Scott: "Oh sh*t... THE STAR GRINDERY!" Lucia: "Oh no... The Star Grindery..." Kyoko: "It is time..." Scott: "I need a vacation." :P * Zigfried lets out a breath. "Scheisse..." Kyoko: "The final battle comes..." Lucia: "Quickly, return to your vehicle... Before it's too late..." Scott: "You know, I have some Royal Caribbean coming." * Rand nods, "Let's get it over with." * Nina looks up quietly. Kyoko: "He's calling us out..." * Scott runs to the Destiny. * Kyoko carries Kane's Sword to the Destiny. * Lucia makes sure all the Dragons stay at her side. * Rand runs after Kyoko. --The ship is just how it was left.-- * Zigfried enters the ship. * Nina follows everyone, after waving to Lucia and the dragons. Scott: "OPEN HATCH." * Kyoko lays Kane's Sword down on a table for someone who can use it inside the Destiny... * Scott follows Zig into the ship. Scott: "Destiny, begin take off procedures... and STEP ON IT!" Kyoko: "Rand... Use this sword..." --The Destiny takes off into the skies. It is immediately confronted by the Star Grindery.-- Destiny: "We are being hailed." * Rand reaches out toward Kane's Sword. Scott: "Open channel." Zigfried: "Hailed? That's a surprise." Kyoko: "Put the bastard on." Rand: "I will do my best to honor him." -Rand acquires Kane's Sword (ATK + 210, *enables ???) Scott: "Let's talk to the son of a bitch." --Pharos appears on the screen.-- Kyoko: "Pharos, you scum!" Scott: "hello, Mr. Assh*le... Howya doin'?" Pharos: "Well, well, it looks like the insects are trying to flee yet again..." Scott: "UP YOURS!" Kyoko: "Fleeing, no way!" --The Destiny is suddenly caught in a tractor beam.-- Kyoko: "Come and get some!" Pharos: "Oh, true... That's because you're caught in a tractor beam right now..." Scott: "Don't sing it, Pharos... BRING IT." Nina: "It's all coming to an end, Zig." Pharos: "I think it's time I end this... I've had enough amusement with you, and now that your friend, that traitor Kane, is no longer around..." * Zigfried nods, searching for Nina's hand and holding it once he does. Pharos: "Fire up Nephar Cannons and cut communications!" Kyoko: "Pharos, surrender and Lucia and Althena MAY take pity on you and grant you a quick death..." --The screen only gets static.-- Scott: "Fire up the Tachyon Overload Cannon." * Nina squeezes Zig's hand lightly. Destiny: "Firing up. Estimates indicate they won't fire in time though." Scott: "Maybe we can luck up and get the same effect as last time." * Kyoko takes her station and fires up the defenses on the highest setting possible. Scott: "Oh sh*t." Destiny: "Warning! Human life form detected in vicinity! If either ship fires, that life form will be destroyed." Scott: "Is there any way to break the tractor beam?" Zigfried: "Life form?" Destiny: "Negative." Scott: "Hmmm?" Nina: "Life form? Outside the ship?" Kyoko: "Kane..." Destiny: "Outside the ship, on a plateau. Put it on screen?" Scott: "Please... DO IT, DAMMIT." --The image of a solitary man in dark armor, standing before the setting sun, appears on the screen. It is indeed Kane, as Kyoko suspected.-- Scott: "What is that guy doing?" Kyoko: "Destiny, Put all defenses on all power... Even life support!" ---ANIME SCENE!-- Kane: "Pharos! You believe your 'wonderful' machine makes you the most powerful person alive!? Heh! I think it's time you learned a lesson in humility!" * Pharos calls out on the Star Grindery's loudspeakers: "Kane! You traitor! You will die a horrible death for betraying Nephar!" * Kane bows his head, a slight grin on his face... Kane: "Oh, *I* will die a horrible death? Hmph, perhaps I shall die, but not by your hand. I believe it's time the Star Grindery felt the power of the Divine Wind..." ---END ANIME SCENE--- --The group could hear Kane's words over the ships internal speakers.-- --A storm begins to blow outside, a storm unlike any one has ever seen...-- --The eye of the storm seems to be directly over Kane's head...-- Scott: "Oh great... What is he up to?" Zigfried: "Killing himself to bring down the Star Grindery, I think." --Slowly, the winds circle, before speeding up... Rain begins to fall lightly, then turns heavy. Thin bolts of lightning become great sheets, illuminating the heavens unlike even the sun could...-- --The Star Grindery is buffeted by the storm, which oddly enough seems to have no effect on the Destiny...-- * Scott looks over at Cleo. "Nice touch... Wouldn't you agree?" * ~Cleo nods. Kane casts Divine Wind! Kane unleashes the power of his ultimate attack spell onto the Star Grindery as the forces of the elements succumb to his calling. The sky flashes so brightly that one cannot see what is happening. When the light fades, Kane has vanished and the Star Grindery is on a crash course to Lunar... * Nina hopes the tractor beam is off... Kyoko: "How does Earth taste, Pharos!?" Destiny: "The life form has vanished from scanner range." * Scott bows his head. "Fare the well, Kane... May we meet again in infinity." --Suddenly, Kane's sword begins shining...-- * Rand holds the sword up, "Why do I always get the glow in the dark weapon?" Scott: "What's with the sword?" * Zigfried lowers his gaze and crosses himself. * Kyoko looks at the sword, "Kane?" * Nina turns her gaze from the plummeting Star Grindery to the sword. --Kane's Sword is now also the Crest of Justice! ??? is now revealed to be Dragon Cannon - 99 MP - AE: Devastating thunder/energy attack.-- * Rand stares wide-eyed at the sword for a moment. * Nina offers Zig a membership in the "My ultimate weapon doesn't do anything cool" club. * Rand bows slightly in respect for Kane, "I will live up to your dreams." Destiny: "Scanners indicate that the wreckage of the Star Grindery landed near the Pentagulia Ruins. Somehow, it landed softer than it should have, however. Investigate?" Scott: "Sure." Scott: "Set course." Destiny: "Course set. Taking off..." Kyoko: "Onward..." --The Destiny blasts off towards the Pentagulia Ruins on Lunar, the party finally having collected all six of the Heroes' Crests.-- ===SESSION END===