November 9th, 2001

Speaking of balls (from my last entry), the funniest shit happened tonight.  Serge and Chris got drunk and they acted so funny.  It ended up with Chris touching Serge's balls and then exclaiming, "Oh my god, I just touched Serge's balls."  For a second there, I wished Chris were touching mine, but then I realized that it would be a true grope since he was drunk.  Oh, I'm not really jealous, since the majority of the times that Serge is in my room, he's punching on Chris.  He claimed Chris hasn't yet introduced him to some girl in Goddard.  Maybe it's some ploy to mask Serge's true sexual orientation.  He's always asking An, "Why don't you come over here and suck my cock?"  I know An is pretty-much straight cuz he's always sweatin' about some girl problem.  And Evan Chan is still the same nice guy, who works hard, and doesn't piss anyone off.

This journal shit isn't really working.  I'm not updating it enuff and when I do, its in spurts.  Damn its hard to write to something everyday.  Oh, I'll go work on 123 extra credit.

The left one hanging a little lower,